With an intention to impart knowledge on cutting edge technologies to the students and to upgrade the expertise of the faculty members, Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIT is establishing the network with industries, R&D organizations and leading educational institutions in India and abroad. In connection to that, we are conducting periodically Extramural Lecture Series (ELS) by foreign expert and Indian expert. The series is conducted from the month of May 2021 to till date. The details of the same is attached below:


Lecture No. Title of the Lecture Details of Resource Person Date of Lecture View Document
ELS INT 001 Nanofluid in Solar Energy: Applications and Challenges Dr.Fadl Abdelmonem Elsayed Essa, Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt. 06.05.2021

ELS INT 002 Using of Gleeble 3800 Simulator to Shape the Structure and Properties of the Various Engineering Materials & Various Techniques Dr.Wojciech Borek, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland 20.07.2021

ELS INT 003 Investigation of Supersonic Flows in Micro/Nanochannels Using the Unstructured Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (USDMC) Method Prof. Wael Al-Kouz, Department of Mechanical Engineering, American University of the Middle East, Kuwait 24.09.2021

ELS INT 004 Maintenance 4.0 in Wind Energy Industry Prof. Fausto Pedro Garcia Marquez, Castilla-La Mancha University, Spain 26.11.2021

ELS INT 005 Industry 4.0: Digital Transformation in Manufacturing Industry Prof.Yusri Yusof, Principal Researcher, Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Centre (AMMC), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia 24.01.2022

ELS INT 006 Introduction about Geopolymers Prof. Kinga Korniejenko, Researcher, Cracow University of Technology, Poland 28.03.2022

ELS INT 007 Thermo-compressors to Save Energy in Multiple Effect Evaporators Dr.Sileshi Kore, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Wolayita Sodo University, Ethiopia 30.05.2022

ELS INT 008 Smart Applications of IoT for the Community Prof. Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab, Principal Research Fellow, Advanced Telecommunication Research Center, Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia 20.07.2022

ELS INT 009 IoNanofluids: Innovative Thermal Transport Fluids Dr.Rehena Nasrin, Professor,
Department of Mathematics,
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka 1000.

ELS INT 010 Hygro-Thermal-Chemical Modelling of Cementitious Material: A Multi Scale Approach Dr.Giovanni Di Luzio, Professor,
Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering (DICA),
Politecnico di Milano.
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci n. 32
20133 Milano, Italy

ELS INT 011 (CDIO) How Do We Re-Design An Existing Curriculum with the CDIO Framework 1.Prof. Helene Leong
Conceive Design Implement Operate (CDIO) Council,
Singapore Polytechnic Education Consultant
2. Prof. Katerina Yang
Course Chair,
School of Chemical and Life Sciences Singapore Polytechnic,

ELS INT 011 Use of Fabrics as a Reinforcing in High Performance Composites Prof, Viviane Muniz Fonseca
Professora Associada IV
Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Norte
Departmento De Enganharia Textil
Natal / Rn / Brazil

ELS INT 012 Integrating the CDIO Principles through Effective Teaching-Learning Activities Dr. JOIE D. CATAYTAY
Program Head, MSE-LAWREAT
University of Southeastern Philippines (USeP)
Tagum-Mabini Campus
Apokon, Tagum City,
Davao del Norte,


Lecture No. Title of the Lecture Details of Resource Person Date of Lecture View Document
ELS NT 001 Space Odyssey A journey from seashore to Red planet Dr.N.Sivasubramanian, Former Senior Scientist, Chief General manager, ISRO, Trivandrum 19.06.2021

ELS NT 002 Advances in Nuclear Energy Dr W.S. Aruldoss Kanthiah, Former Director, Heavy Water Board, Dept. of Atomic Energy 21.08.2021

ELS NT 003 Latest Advances and Future Prospects of Welding Technology Mr. N. Rajasekaran, Former DGM, BHEL Trichy 27.10.2021

ELS NT 004 Research Aspects and Role of Engineers in Ocean Data Collection Dr.R.Venkatesan, Scientist G & Head Ocean Observation Systems, National Institute of Ocean Technology, Ministry of Earth Science, Chennai 19.12.2021

ELS NT 005 Various Funding Opportunities in DST for Engineering Institutions Dr. S. K. Varshney, Adviser / Scientist G, Department of Science & Technology,Government of India 06.02.2021

ELS NT 006 Recent Trends in Metal Extraction and Recycling Dr.Sanjay Kumar, Chief Scientist & Head, Professor, AcSir, Metal Extraction and Recycling Division, CSIR, NML, Jamshedpur 22.04.2022

ELS NT 007 Green Hydrogen and its Applications Dr. Rajan Varshney, Deputy General Manager,National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd, Farakka 19.06.2022

ELS NT 008 Recent Trends in Sustainable Implementation of Solar Energy Dr. Adersh Asok, Scientist,CSIR National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science & Technology, Trivandrum 29.08.2022

ELS NT 009 Mechanics 2.0: Introducing Python Computation in Mechanics Teaching Dr. Abhijit Sarkar, Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology,

ELS NT 010 The Laws that Governs the Universe According to Peter Atkins Dr.V. Babu, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras 27.02.2023

ELS NT 011 Sustainable materials for Environmental Remediation Applications Dr. G. Saravanan,
Principal Scientist,