SI.No. Academic Year View Document
2023-2024 (Odd & Even Semester)

2022-2023 (Odd & Even Semester)

2021-2022 (Odd & Even Semester)

2020-2021 (Even Semester)

2020-2021 (Odd Semester)


SI.No. Academic Year View Document
2024 - 2025 (Odd Semester)

2023 - 2024 (Even Semester)

2023 - 2024 (Odd Semester)

2022 - 2023 (Even Semester)

2022 - 2023 (Odd Semester)

2021 - 2022 (Even Semester)

2021 - 2022 (Odd Semester)

2020 - 2021 (Odd & Even Semester)

2019-2020 (Even Semester)

2019-2020 (Odd Semester)

Online Courses are done by Students (2019-2020: Even Semester)
SI.NO Name of Student Year Name of the online course Offering University
1Dinesh R I Deep Learning Onramp MATLAB
2Dinesh RMachine Learning OnrampMATLAB
3Jehaveerapandiyan SDeep Learning OnrampMATLAB
4Jehaveerapandiyan SMachine Learning OnrampMATLAB
5Prasanna Venkatesh HIIAugmented realityfacebook school of innovation
6Rajajothi MAWS inventorAWS
7Rajajothi MCloud computing 101, Software defined storage concepts, Network virtualization conceptsVMware
8Rajajothi MMachine learning Onramp,Deep learning OnrampMathworks
9Ram Kumar TAWS inventor,AWS
10Ram Kumar TCloud computing 101, Software defined storage concepts, Network virtualization conceptsVMware
11Ram Kumar TMachine learning MATLAB Onramp,Deep learning OnrampMathworks
12Sridharan SPython 101COGNITIVE
13Subra Bala BNCC CADETSiGot Diksha
14Thojesh Nandha MMachine Learning OnrampMathworks
15Thojesh Nandha MDeep Learning On-rampMathworks
16Thojesh Nandha MNetwork Vituailization Conepts, Software Defined Storage ConceptsVMware
17Gokulakrishnan NIVSix Sigma White BeltAveta Business Institute
18Raghul.MCareer Edge-Knockdown the LockdownTCSiON
19Sunil PrabhaIIIPhysical Computing with Arduino, Nodemcu & Raspberry piUdemy Academy
20R.ManojkumarPython 101 for Data scienceIBM
21R.ManojkumarDeep Learning OnrampMATLAB
22R.ManojkumarMachine Learning OnrampMATLAB
23R.ManojkumarStep into Robotic process AutomationGUVI
24N.Gokul PrasathStep into Robotic process AutomationGUVI
25N.Gokul PrasathPython 101 for Data scienceIBM
26N.Gokul PrasathDeep Learning OnrampMATLAB
27N.Gokul PrasathMachine Learning OnrampMATLAB
Online Courses are done by Students (2019-2020: Odd Semester)
SI.NO Name of Student Name of the Online Course Year Status
1 NAVEENKUMAR A Engineering Metrology,
NPTEL ( IIT ,Kanpur).
III Completed
7 NITHISHKUMAR G Noise management and Control,
NPTEL ( IIT ,Kanpur).
8 T.KARTHIK@SIVA Robotics,
NPTEL( IIT ,Kharagpur).
IV In progress
NPTEL( IIT ,Kharagpur).
10 D.MANIMUGILAN Latex for Students Engineers and Scientist,
IIT BombayX.
11 M.S.R.MOHANKUMAR Completed
Online Courses done by Faculty (2019-2020: Odd Semester)
SI.NO Name of Faculty Member Academic year 2019-2020 (Odd Semester)
Name of the Online Course University Offered by
1 Dr.S.Rajakarunakaran Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
2 Mr.P.Suresh Kumar Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
3 Mr.M. Lakshmanan Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
4 Dr.V.Siva Kumar Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
5 Dr.S.Godwin Barnabas Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
6 Mr.J. Jerold John Britto Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
7 Mr.S.Maharajan Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
8 Mr.M.Sivagaminathan @ Balaji Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
9 Mr.M.Ashok Kumar Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
10 Mr.S.Valai Ganesh Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
11 Mr.C.Gururaj Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
12 Mr.G.Prabu ram Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
13 Mr.L.Karthikeyan Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
14 Mr.M.Santhana Maruthu Pandian Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
15 Mr.R.Arun Kumar Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
16 Mr.J.Jabinth Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
17 Mr.N.L.Sujin Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
18 Mr.R.Venkatesh Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
19 Mr.K.Vigneshwaran Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
20 Mr.R.Prabhakaran Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
21 Mr.K.Amudhan Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
22 Mr.T.Selva Sundar Introduction to
Differential Equations
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Online Courses are done by Students (2018-2019)
SI.NO Name of Student Name of the Online Course Year
1R.Manoj KumarIIEngineering Mechanics/UrFUx,Application of Engineering Mechanics, Georgia Institute of Technology.Introduction to Thermodynamics, University of Michigan.
2N.Gokul PrasanthEngineering Mechanics/UrFUx
3G.KarankumarEngineering Mechanics/UrFUx
4S.GaneshkumarEngineering Mechanics/UrFUx,Application of Engineering Mechanics,Introduction to Thermodynamics, University of Michigan.
5S.KalaiprabhuEngineering Mechanics/UrFUx,Application of Engineering Mechanics,Georgia Institute of Technology.
6N.P.MahadevanEngineering Mechanics/UrFUx
7C.RajaguruEngineering Mechanics/UrFUx
8V.Sunil PrabhaGerman Language,Duolingo.
9G.Pandi MuniyasamyIntroduction to CNC/Tenaris University
10Asim Ahamed IEngineering Mechanics/UrFUx
11G.MukeshMaterial Science and Engineering(NPTEL),IIT ROORKEE.
12Arunachalam SenthilkumarProduct Design and Manufacturing(NPTEL),IIT KANPUR.
13D.ChandruProduct Design and Manufacturing(NPTEL),IIT KANPUR.
14N.Gokul PrasathBasics of Finite Element Analysis I(NPTEL),IIT KANPUR.
15R.Manoj KumarKinematics of Mechanisms and Machines(NPTEL),IIT KHARAGPUR.
Online Courses done by Faculty (2018-2019 : Odd and Even Semester)
SI.NO Name of Faculty Member Academic year 2018-2019
Name of the Online Course University Offered by
1 Dr.S.Rajakarunakaran Mechanics: Momentum & Energy Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
2 Mr.P.Suresh Kumar Mechanics: Momentum & Energy Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
3.        Mr.M. Lakshmanan Mechanics: Momentum & Energy Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
4.        Dr.V.Siva Kumar Calculus 1A: Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Calculus 1B :Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
5.        Dr.S.Godwin Barnabas Calculus 1A: Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Calculus 1B :Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
6.        Mr.J. Jerold John Britto Mechanics: Momentum & Energy Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
7.        Mr.S.Maharajan Mechanics: Momentum & Energy Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
8.        Mr.M.Sivagaminathan @ Balaji Mechanics: Momentum & Energy Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
9.        Mr.M.Ashok Kumar Mechanics: Momentum & Energy Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
10.    Mr.S.Valai Ganesh Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Computational Thinking for Modeling and Simulation Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
11.    Mr.C.Gururaj Mechanics: Momentum & Energy Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
12.    Mr.G.Prabu ram Mechanics: Momentum & Energy Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
13.    Mr.L.Karthikeyan Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Computational Thinking for Modeling and Simulation Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
14.    Mr.M.Santhana Maruthu Pandian Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Computational Thinking for Modeling and Simulation Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
15.    Mr.R.Arun Kumar Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Computational Thinking for Modeling and Simulation Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
16.    Mr.J.Jabinth Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Computational Thinking for Modeling and Simulation Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
17.    Mr.N.L.Sujin Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Computational Thinking for Modeling and Simulation Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
18.    Mr.R.Venkatesh Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Computational Thinking for Modeling and Simulation Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
19.    Mr.K.Vigneshwaran Mechanics: Momentum & Energy Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
20.    Mr.R.Prabhakaran Mechanics: Momentum & Energy Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
21.    Mr.K.Amudhan Calculus 1A: Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
22.    Mr.T.Selva Sundar Calculus 1A: Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Calculus 1C : Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
Online Courses done by Students (2018-2019)
SI.NO Name of the Student Year Course name/University
1 R.Manoj Kumar
Engineering Mechanics/UrFUx,
Application of Engineering Mechanics,
Introduction to Thermodynamics
2 N.Gokul Prasanth Engineering Mechanics/UrFUx
3 G.Karankumar Engineering Mechanics/UrFUx
4 S.Ganeshkumar Engineering Mechanics/UrFUx,
Application of Engineering Mechanics,
Introduction to Thermodynamics
5 S.Kalaiprabhu Engineering Mechanics/UrFUx,
Application of Engineering Mechanics
6 N.P.Mahadevan Engineering Mechanics/UrFUx
7 C.Rajaguru Engineering Mechanics/UrFUx
8 V.Sunil Prabha German Language,Duolingo.
9 G.Pandi Muniyasamy Introduction to CNC/Tenaris University
10 Asim Ahamed I Engineering Mechanics/UrFUx
11 G.Mukesh Material Science and Engineering(NPTEL)
12 Arunachalam Senthilkumar Product Design and Manufacturing(NPTEL)
13 D.Chandru Product Design and Manufacturing(NPTEL)
14 N.Gokul Prasath Basics of Finite Element Analysis I(NPTEL)
15 R.Manoj Kumar Kinematics of Mechanisms and Machines(NPTEL)
Introduction to Python: Absolute Beginner/ Microsoft
17 K.CHINNADURAI Mathwork, Beginner level
18 R.MANISANKAR Mathwork, Beginner level
19 P.MUTHUKUMAR Mathwork, Beginner level
20 S.SRIJITH ANSYS Level I Course,
Introduction to electric car
21 S.M.PUVANESH Introduction to Steel, Tenaris University
22 M.RAGHUL Introduction to Steel, Tenaris University
23 K.RAJ KUMAR Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
24 A.SAMUNDEESWARAN Introduction to Abrasive Machining and Finishing process ,NPTEL.
25 S.VEMBURAJ Introduction to Steel, Tenaris University
26P.KARPAGARAJANIVIntroduction of Steel, Tenaris University.
27P.S.AL AMEENApplications in Engineering Mechanics, Georgia Tech, Coursera.
28S.KALAISRIRAMIntroduction to wind energy and Introduction to thermodynamics,  coursera.
29S.DIWAN AHAMMED SHAIntroduction of thermodynamics, coursera.
30R.RAM PRAKASHProgramming Basics,Edx. Introduction to SQL Server, Plurasight.Introduction to SQL, Plurasight. SQL Server Fundamentals, Plurasight.SQL server Management studio by example, Plurasight.Introduction to Fusion 360, Plurasight.Querying data with transact SQL,Edx.
31P.SANKAR BHARATHIApplications of 3D Printing, Tenaris University,Introduction to steel, Tenaris UniversityIntroduction to oil country tubular goods (OCTG) ,Tenaris University,Introduction to running pipe in oil and gas wells. Tenaris University
32T.SANKAR RAGA DEVAIntroduction to Thermodynamics - Transferring energy, University of Michigan.Introduction to steel, Tenaris University.Introduction to CNC, Tenaris University.
33M.PRASANNA RAJANProgramming Basics,Edx,Introduction to SQL Server,Plurasight.Introduction to SQL, Plurasight. SQL Server Fundamentals, Plurasight.SQL server Management studio by example, Plurasight.Introduction to Fusion 360, Plurasight.Querying data with transact SQL,Edx.
34S.BALA KUMARESANFundamentals of Deep Learning for computer vision,(Nvidia),Deep Learning Institute.
35B.ASHOK BABUFundamentals of Deep Learning for computer vision,(Nvidia),Deep Learning Institute.
36P.CHANDRAMOHANFundamentals of Deep Learning for computer vision,(Nvidia),Deep Learning Institute.
37R.BHARATHKUMARFundamentals of Deep Learning for computer vision,(Nvidia),Deep Learning Institute.
38J.JAICHITHFundamentals of Deep Learning for computer vision,(Nvidia),Deep Learning Institute.
Online Courses done by Faculty (2017-2018)
SI.NO Name of the Faculty
Name of the online course University
1 Dr.S.Rajakarunakaran MITx.18.01.1x : Calculus 1A : Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, New York
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
2 Mr.P.Suresh Kumar MITx.18.01.1x : Calculus 1A : Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
Engineering Mechanics Ural Federal University,
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
3 Mr.M. Lakshmanan MITx.18.01.1x : Calculus 1A : Differentiation Microsoft
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, New York
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Massachusetts Institute of
4 Mr.J. Jerold John Britto MITx.18.01.1x : Calculus 1A : Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
Engineering Mechanics Ural Federal University, Russia
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
5 Mr.S.Maharajan MITx.18.01.1x : Calculus 1A : Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, New York
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
6 Mr.M.Sivagaminathan @ Balaji MITx.18.01.1x : Calculus 1A : Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, New York
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
7 Mr.M.Ashok Kumar MITx.18.01.1x : Calculus 1A : Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, New York
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
8 Mr.S.Valai Ganesh MITx.18.01.1x : Calculus 1A : Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, New York
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
9 Mr.C.Gururaj MITx.18.01.1x : Calculus 1A : Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, New York
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
10 Mr.G.Prabu ram MITx.18.01.1x : Calculus 1A : Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, New York
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
11 Mr.L.Karthikeyan MITx.18.01.1x : Calculus 1A : Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, New York
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
12 Mr.M.Santhana Maruthu Pandian MITx.18.01.1x : Calculus 1A : Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, New York
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
13 Mr.R.Arun Kumar MITx.18.01.1x : Calculus 1A : Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, New York
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
14 Mr.J.Jabinth MITx.18.01.1x : Calculus 1A : Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, New York
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
15 Mr.N.L.Sujin MITx.18.01.1x : Calculus 1A : Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, New York
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
16 Mr.R.Venkatesh MITx.18.01.1x : Calculus 1A : Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, New York
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
17 Mr.R.Solaimalai Raja MITx.18.01.1x : Calculus 1A : Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, New York
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
18 Mr.K.Vigneshwaran MITx.18.01.1x : Calculus 1A : Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, New York
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
19 Mr.R.Prabhakaran MITx.18.01.1x : Calculus 1A : Differentiation Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, New York
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
20 Mr.T.Selva Sundar 8.01.1x:Mechanics :Kinematics and Dynamics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, New York
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
21 Mr.K.Amudhan 8.01.1x:Mechanics :Kinematics and Dynamics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, New York
MITx.18.01.2x: Calculus 1B: Integration Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, US
Online Courses done by Students (2017-2018)
SI.NO Name of the Student Year Name of the Course
1 M.PETCHIMUTHURAJAN IV Glass Pre-Processing/ Glass Processing-insulationGlass Academy
3 M.PETCHIMUTHURAJAN IV Introduction to CNC Tenaris University/edx
9 P.G.SURESHKUMAR IV Dynamics and control Universitat Politcnica de Valencia /edx
12 M.Muthusaravanan IV Thermodynamics IIT Bombay/ edx
13 R.Ajith Kumar IV C + + course Solo Learn
14 R.Ajith Kumar IV Python 3 Tutorial course Solo Learn
15 P.Sankar Bharathi III Introduction to OCTG Tenaris University/edx
16 P.Sankar Bharathi III Introduction to Running Pipe in Oil and Gas Wells
17 P.Sankar Bharathi III Material balances and separator design
18 T.Sankar Raga Deva III Introduction to Engineering Mechanics
19 T.Sankar Raga Deva III An Introduction to Heat Transfer
20 T. Karthik@siva II Fundamentals of Biomedical Imaging: Ultrasounds, X-ray, positron emission
Online Courses done by Faculty (2016-2017)
Sl.NO Name of the Faculty
Name of the online course University
1 Dr.S.Rajakarunakaran Research Methods: An Engineering Approach University of The Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Fundamentals of Management University of California, Irvine, USA
2 Mr.P.Suresh Kumar A Hands on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University,USA
Mechanics of Material I: Fundamentals of Stress and Strain and Axial Loading Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
3 Mr.M. Lakshmanan Material Behaviour Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Advanced Manufacturing Process Analysis The State University of New York, USA
4 Mr.J. Jerold John Britto A Hands on Introduction to Engineering Simulations Cornell University, USA
Mechanics of Material I: Fundamentals of Stress and Strain and Axial Loading Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
5 Mr. G. Arockia Raja Material Behaviour Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
6 Mr.S.Maharajan Engineering Systems in motion: Dynamics of Particles Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Machine Design Part I Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
7 Mr.M.Sivagaminathan @ Balaji Introduction to Thermodynamics: Transferring Energy from Here to There University of Michigan, USA
Statistical Thermodynamics University of Minnesota, USA
8 Dr. G. Vairamuthu Introduction to Thermodynamics: Transferring Energy from Here to There University of Michigan, USA
9 Mr.M.Ashok Kumar Introduction to Thermodynamics: Transferring Energy from Here to There University of Michigan, USA
Statistical Thermodynamics University of Minnesota, USA
10 Mr.S.Valai Ganesh Robotics: Aerial Robotics University of Pennsylvania, USA
Fundamentals of Microeconomics Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
11 Mr.C.Gururaj Engineering Systems in motion: Dynamics of Particles Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Machine Design Part I Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
12 Mr.G.Prabu ram Robotics: Aerial Robotics University of Pennsylvania, USA
Fundamentals of Management University of California, Irvine, USA
13 Mr.L.Karthikeyan Engineering Systems in motion: Dynamics of Particles Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Machine Design Part I Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
14 Mr.R.Venkatesh Kumar Introduction to Thermodynamics: Transferring Energy from Here to There University of Michigan, USA
15 Mr.M.Santhana Maruthu Pandian Material Behaviour Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Advanced Manufacturing Process Analysis The State University of New York, USA
16 Mr.R.Arun Kumar Introduction to Thermodynamics: Transferring Energy from Here to There University of Michigan, USA
Fundamentals of Management University of California, Irvine, USA
17 Mr.J.Jabinth Machine Design Part I Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Fundamentals of Management University of California, Irvine, USA

Online Courses done by Students (2016-2017)
SI.NO Name of the Student Year Name of the Course
Introduction al Control Numerico por Computadora, Tenaris University,Mexico.
2 K.ARUN KUMAR Introduction to Thermodynamics:Transferring Energy from here to there,University of Michigan.
3 ESAKKI RAJA Introduction al Control Numerico por Computadora,Tenaris University,Mexico.
4 G.KARTHIKEYAN Introduction al Control Numerico por Computadora,Tenaris University,Mexico.
5 B.SAFIUDEEN Introduction to Steel, Tenaris University,Mexico.
Thermodynamics,Indian Institute of Technology,Bombay.
6 S.SANJU Introduction al Control Numerico por Computadora,Tenaris University,Mexico.
Introduction to Steel, Tenaris University,Mexico.
Thermodynamics,Indian Institute of Technology,Bombay.
Introduction to Computer Programming, Part 1, Indian Institute of Technology,Bombay.
7 N.VISHNUSANKAR Introduction al Control Numerico por Computadora,Tenaris University,Mexico.
Introduction to Steel, Tenaris University,Mexico.
Thermodynamics,Indian Institute of Technology,Bombay.
8 M.RAJKUMAR Introduction al Control Numerico por Computadora,Tenaris University,Mexico.
Introduction to Steel, Tenaris University,Mexico.
Hypersonics-from Shock Waves to Scramjet,The University of Queensland,Australia.
Mechanical Behavior of Materials,Part 1:Linear Elastic Behavior,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,USA.
10 S.PRADEEP KUMAR Introduction to Steel, Tenaris University,Mexico.
11 I.JENESTON JOSHWA Introduction to Steel, Tenaris University,Mexico.
Introduction to Running Pipes in Oil and Gas Wells, Tenaris University,Mexico.
12 K.GOPINATH Introduction to Steel, Tenaris University,Mexico.
Introduction to Running Pipes in Oil and Gas Wells, Tenaris University,Mexico.
Thermodynamics,Indian Institute of Technology,Bombay.
13 S.CHARLES BENADICT Introduction to Steel, Tenaris University,Mexico.
Introduction to Running Pipes in Oil and Gas Wells, Tenaris University,Mexico.
14 D.GANAPATHI SUBRAMANIAM Introduction to Steel, Tenaris University,Mexico.
Introduction to Running Pipes in Oil and Gas Wells, Tenaris University,Mexico.
15 S.HARIKRISHNA Introduction to Steel, Tenaris University,Mexico.
Thermodynamics,Indian Institute of Technology,Bombay.
16 K.SUNIL KUMAR Introduction to Cloud Computing,Microsoft.
17 S.BALAJI Introduction to Steel, Tenaris University,Mexico.
18 R.VINEETHKUMAR The Business of Mining,Curtin University,Australia.