The Department of Mechanical Engineering of Ramco Institute of Technology successfully conducted a Six Day Anna University sponsored Faculty Development Training Programme on GE8075 Intellectual Property Rights from December 02nd to 07th, 2019. The Inaugural function was held on 02nd December 2019 at 9.30 A.M. The Co-ordinator, Mr.G.Prabu ram, Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr), Department of Mechanical Engineering welcomed the gathering. Mr.D.Thiyagaraja Guptha Assistant Controller of Patents and Designs, Patent Office, Chennai presided over the function. Dr. S.Kannan, Professor & Head EEE, Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam delivered the Presidential address. Eminent Speakers from Indian Patent Office, Premier Institutions & Host Institution, Patent Agent and Patent Attorney delivered lectures on scheduled topics of the subject GE8075 Intellectual Property Rights. A free specimen book titled Managing Intellectual Property The Strategic Imperative by Vinod V.Sople to all the participants On final day test for participants was conducted with oral discussion and presentation by participants. In final session the papers were evaluated and discussed with the participants. Dr.S.Rajakarunakaran and Mr.G.Pabu ram AP(Sr.Gr.)/Mech coordinated this entire programme. The participants expressed that the programme was very informative and useful.

Ramco Institute of Technology (RIT), in association with ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu, Chennai organized a Three Day Faculty Development Programme on Team Building during 18th -20th November, 2019. Mr.K.Nirmal Kumar, Technical Trainer ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu, Chennai handled the entire session. He delivered a lecture on effective communication among team members, team goals and how to resolve team conflicts. In total 52 faculty members from various colleges in and around Tamil Nadu were participated in this programme. Dr.S.Rajakarunakaran, Vice-Principal, Prof&Head/Mech inaugurated the programme and gave presidential address to the participants. Dr.K.Vijayalakshmi, Prof& Head/CSE, Institute ICT Academy Coordinator honoured the resource person. Mr.J.Jerold John Britto AP(Sr.Gr.)/Mech and Mrs.B.Vijayalakshmi AP(Sr.Gr.)/CSE coordinated this entire programme. The participants expressed that the programme was very informative and useful.
Five-Day Faculty Development Training Programme on Real Time Modeling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Engineering Problems using CAE in Association with Design Tech & CAE Centre, Chennai was organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering from 10.06.2019 to 14.06.2019 at Mechanical CAD Laboratory. The main objective of this faculty development training program is to enhance the knowledge of researchers and faculty members in the area of Finite Element Analysis to solve Complex Engineering Problems in linear and nonlinear analysis for Civil and Mechanical Engineering domain using various CAE tools like ANSYS Workbench , ABAQUS , MATLAB and HYPERMESH . Mr.J.Jerold John Britto, AP(Sr.Gr)/Mech, Mr.K.Amudhan, AP/Mech and Mr.R.Prabhakaran,AP/Mech was coordinated the entire programme. The sessions included lecture as well as hands on training which were handled by Internal members from RIT and External members from Dr.P.Senthil Kumar, Assistant Professor Level II,Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, and Prabhu Sundararajan, Manager-Technical, M.Udaya Shankar Prabhu, Head Business Development, CAE CENTRE, Chennai.

A Five day faculty development training programme on PRODUCT DESIGN ENGINEERING using FUSION 360 in associated with ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu from 27.08.2018 to 31.08.2018

Seven Day Faculty Development Training Programme on "Finite Element Analysis was organised by the Department of Mechanical Engineering from 17.12.2016 to 23.12.2016.

Three days Faculty Development Training Program on GE6152Engineering Graphics was conducted between 09.06.2015to 11.06.2015. Dr. A.Vasanthanadhan, Prof./ Mech, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi and Dr.G.Kumaraguruparan, Prof./ Mech, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai was the resource persons delivered the various concepts of engineering graphics in a clear manner.

Five day Faculty Development Program on Autodesk AutoCAD 2015 was conducted from 12.10.2015 to 16.10.2015 in Mechanical CAD Lab, RIT along with ICTACT. Participants from various colleges was attended this program to enrich their knowledge on Autodesk AutoCAD 2015.