Ramco Institute of Technology is a Partner Institute of IITM PALS. PALS (PanIIT Alumni Leadership Series) is conducting various events and training programme for students and faculty members to enrich their knowledge.

The benefits of this partnership are:

  • Made the students to think out of the box and develop their skills
  • Inculcated creative thinking and problem solving skills through Residential Student Workshop and InnoWAH - Innovative Project competition.
  • Improved the leadership quality of the students.
  • Gained knowledge through Theory to Practice lectures and Campus Lectures.
  • Extended practical knowledge through Industrial visits for faculty.
  • Collaboration with industries including placement.

List of Office Bearers

Executive Committee Members

  1. Dr.B.Deepa Lakshmi, ASCP/ECE
  2. Mr.G.Prabu Ram, AP(SG)/Mech

InnoWAH Co-ordinator

  1. Dr.M.Kaliappan, ASCP/CSE

Department Co-ordinators

  1. Mrs.D.Darling Helen Lydia, AP/Civil
  2. Mr.M.Gomathy Nayagam, AP(SG)/CSE
  3. Ms.S.Sharmila Kumari, AP/EEE
  4. Mrs.G.Gnana Priya, AP(SG)/ECE
  5. Mr.G.Prabu Ram, AP(SG)/Mech

PALS Virtual Lab

Nodal Co-ordinator - Mr.J.Jerold John Britto, AP(SG)/Mech

Nodal Co-coordinator Mr.B.Kannan, AP(SG)/ECE

Department Co-ordinators

  1. Mrs.D.Darling Helen Lydia, AP/Civil
  2. Mrs.B.Vijayalakshmi, AP(SG)/CSE
  3. Mr.K.Vignesh Saravanan, AP/CSE
  4. Mr.S.Meenakshi Sundravel, AP(SG)/EEE
  5. Mr.A.S.Vigneshwar, AP/EEE
  6. Mrs.R.Chitra, AP/ECE
  7. Mr.G.Prabu Ram, AP(SG)/Mech 
  8. Dr.N.Revathi, AP(SG)/Chemistry


  • Students of RIT received Cash award and Certificate of Appreciation for winning in the Online Quiz for the Campus Lectures.
  • Two students received Sparkling Star Certificate for PALS events
  • Students received Certificate of Appreciation for the project exhibited in InnoWAH - Project Innovation Competition


  • Students of RIT received Cash award and Certificate of Appreciation for winning in the online Quiz for the Campus Events and Theory to Practice Lectures.
  • Seven students received Sparkling Star Certificate for PALS events
  • Students received Certificate of Appreciation for the project exhibited in InnoWAH - Project Innovation Competition
  • Award for Best Student Leader of the year 2019 20
  •  Award of Excellence for Students Participation
  • Award of Excellence for Students Performance
  • Project sponsored by PALS & RuTAG

Activities and Achievement During 2021 - 2022

SI.NO. Description View
1. PALS Activities and Achievement 2023 - 2024

2. PALS Activities and Achievement 2021 - 2022

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