The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a Seminar on Electric Vehicle- the Future on 07.02.2020 for Mech, EEE & ECE Students. Sudarshan. R, Pillai, CADD Centre Training and Services was the special guest. Students understood information regarding E-Vehicle usage and the Latest up-gradation. Mr.J.Jerold John Britto, AP(Sr.Gr.)/Mech and Mr.R.Prabhakaran, AP/Mech Co-Ordinate the entire event.

  The Department of Mechanical Engineering organised a one-day seminar on Transport Design for II and III Year Mechanical Engineering Students on 07.02.2020. Mr.K.Manaksha, (Founder and Managing Director, Rehoboth Academy of Design LLP, Rajapalayam) was the resource person for this seminar. Totally 61 students participated in this seminar. The objective of this seminar, the students gained knowledge on the Sketching concept for designers, Transport design process from the beginning to the end, Digital Illustration of transport design, Clay prototyping of transport design, Vehicle body and chassis design and Future of the transport design. Mr.J.Jerold John Britto, AP(SG)/Mech & Mr.R.Venkatesh, AP/Mech coordinated this entire seminar.

  One day workshop on 3D Drucken was organised and conducted to external participants from various institutions on 31.08.2019 during Techyuga 2019 at CAD Laboratory. Mr.G.Guru Prasandth CEO & Founder, Medsby Health Care Engineering and Solutions acted as a resource persons for this program. 30 students were participated in this workshop. Mr.J.Jerold John Britto AP(SG)/Mech & Mr.R.Venkatesh, AP/Mech coordinated this workshop.

  Ramco Institute of Technology organized one-day Student Solar Ambassador Workshop 2019 in association with IIT Bombay on 02.10.2019 to celebrate the 150th birthday of our father of nation Mahatma Gandhi with an objective of learn, use and promote solar energy. One hundred students from Mechanical Engineering and Electrical and Electronics Engineering participated in this workshop.

  Workshop on the topic IOT Applications in Engineering was conducted for students from all Engineering branches on 31.09.2019 during Techyuga 2K19.There were totally 38 participants from various Engineering institutions. During the morning Session Introduction to IOT, components of IOT and various real time applications were presented by Mr.C.BalaSubramanian, AP(Sr.Gr), Department of CSE, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College. Mr.K.Thirumoorthy, AP (Sr.Gr), Department of CSE, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College presided over the afternoon session and the participants were given hands on training with simple exercises using sensors, arduino and Raspberrypi. The workshop was coordinated by Mr.J.Jerold John Britto, AP (Sr.Gr) and Mr.K.Amudhan, AP, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ramco Institute of Technology. The entire event was supported and volunteered by Mr.M.Vinoth and Mr.N.P.Mahadevan of third year Mechanical Engineering.

  One day workshop on CMM and CNC was organised and conducted to internal and external participant from various institutions on 31.08.2019 during Techyuga 2019 in Metrology and measurements laboratory and CAM laboratory. 25 students attended this workshop. The following contents were delivered in the workshop:

  • Introduction to Metrology and its measuring instruments.
  • Advanced Metrology
  • Types and Working principle of coordinate measuring machine
  • Practical hands on training on Optical sensor and probe sensor
  • Conducted practical sessions on both CMM(Coordinate measuring Machine) and VMM(Video Measuring Machine) with models ( Cylinder, Pyramid, cone, other various features in the objects)
  • Impart skills in writing CNC G- Code and M-Code programming for both CNC turning and CNC milling operations.
  • Conducted practical sessions in CNC milling and CNC turning by machining various profiles in work pieces.

 CAD MODELKETA event was conducted by department of Mechanical Engineering in Techyuga 2019 (Symposium) on 31.08.19 at Mechanical CAD Laboratory. The faculty coordinators Mr.J.Jerold John Britto, Mr.R.Prabhakaran and Students coordinators Mr. N.Gokul Prasath, Mr. N.Thiruvisagan, Mr. S.Kalaiprabhu coordinate the entire event. Students from various colleges was participated the event. Based on their performance marks was awarded and gave I and II prizes and Participant certificate was given to the other students.

The Mechanical Department Association RIT- Mechanizo organized a one day workshop on "Computational Fluid Dynamics using Fluent" during 08.08.2019 for (14 students) Mechanical Engineering students. Mr. J. Jabinth, AP/Mech & Mr. K. Amudhan, AP/Mech were the resource person. They gave deep insights about the concepts behind CFD and hands-on training to students to solve real world problems in the field of computational dynamics.

Ramco Institute of Technology (RIT), Department of Mechanical Engineering organized the Student orientation Programme in 3D Printing Technology and its Applicaions for all interested students from Civil, CSE, EEE, ECE & Mechanical Engineering were attended the programme conducted by Medsby Healthcare and Engineering Solutions, Coimbatore based on the MoU Industry Institute interaction on 30.07.2019 in Mechanical Seminar Hall. Mr. G . Guru Prasandh, CEO and founder. Dr.S.Godwin Baranabas AP(Sr.Gr.)/Mech, welcomes the gathering in the absence of Dr.S.Rajakarunakaran Vice Principal and HOD/Mech, Mr.J.Jerold John Britto AP/Mechanical RIT coordinated the programme.

Ramco Institute of Technology (RIT), Department of Mechanical Engineering organized the Student Interaction Programme on Companion Learning Space and placement orientation for III year on 26.07.2019 in Mechanical Seminar Hall. Mr. A. Vijesh Kumar, Manager-Talent Development and Mr. Mr.Pranav, Harita Techserv Limited, Coimbatore gave the CLP Certification program from DASSAULT and Siemens training and gave orientation about project group formation on CSE/EEE/ECE teams to work on embedded systems projects for recruitment purpose. Dr.V.Siva Kumar AP(Sr.Gr.)/Mech, ,welcomes the gathering in the absence of Dr.S.Rajakarunakaran Vice Principal and HOD/Mech, Mr.J.Jerold John Britto AP/Mechanical RIT coordinated the programme.

Mechanical Department Association RIT- Mechanizo conducted a seminar "Advancement of Welding in Boilers Industries" during 06.07. 2019 for (50 students) Mechanical Engineering students. Mr.N.RAJASEKARAN, (IWS Secretary) Deputy General Manager, Unit II Production, BHEL, Tiruchirapalli has graciously consented to be the Chief Guest and delivered the Seminar topic.

Ramco Institute of Technology (RIT), Department of Mechanical Engineering organized the Student Interaction Programme on Companion Learning Space and placement orientation for III year and Final Year Students on 09.01.2019 in Mechanical Seminar Hall. Mr. A. Vijesh Kumar, Manager-Talent Development, Harita Techserv Limited, Coimbatore gave the orientation about interview procedure, placement opportunities with Harita Techserv and CLP program for final year students and Harita techserv placement opportunities and CLP progam for third year students. Mr.P.Suresh Kumar AP(Sr.Gr.)/Mech, ,welcomes the gathering in the absence of Dr.S.Rajakarunakaran Vice Principal and HOD/Mech, Mr.J.Jerold John Britto AP/Mechanical RIT coordinated the programme.

A Two Days Workshop and Hands on Training on MIG Welding, Metal Spinning Lathe, Gear hobbing and Coordinate measuring machine was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering in collaboration with ISTE Faculty Chapter on 10th & 11th December 2018 for Internal and External Lab technicians of Mechanical Engineering department of Engineering colleges & Polytechnic colleges and ITI. This workshop is designed to enhance the skill of lab technicians in the area of advanced manufacturing and metal joining such as MIG welding, Metal spinning Lathe, Gear hobbing and Coordinate measuring machine. As per Anna University regulation 2017 MIG welding and Metal spinning Lathe are newly added the curriculum in Manufacturing Technology Laboratory. This Workshop enhances the skills of Lab Technician as per Anna University Regulation also. The workshop had external participants of 26 (Lab technicians) & 05 Internal participants from different Engineering colleges, Polytechnic Colleges and ITI around Tamil Nadu attended this workshop. The Faculty Coordinators Mr.M.Lakshmanan, Ap(SG) & Mr.G.Prabu ram. AP(SG) mechanical, made all arrangements for the program.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIT MECHANIZO organized TWO day workshop on Non Destructive Testing during March 15-16, 2018. was conducted by M.Lakshmanan, J.Jabinth, R.Prabhakaran. Totally 84 students participated from IV year Mechanical Engineering A & B students in the above programme. The entire programme was carried out in Mechanical Seminar hall. The resource persons gave awareness on NDT Level II certifications and also discussed importance of all NDT techniques and they gave Hands on Training on Ultrasonic Test, Radiographic Test, Magnetic Particle Test and Liquid Penetrant Test to the students.

A Workshop on LaTeX-Document Preparation Software was conducted by RIT MECHANIZO (Students Technical Association) for II and III year Mechanical Engineering Students on March 16, 2018 in Mechanical CAD Laboratory. Resource person for this programme was our IV year Mechanical Engineering student Mr.R.Ajith Kumar. Overall 31 Students were actively participated in this workshop and learnt about the fundamental commands in this Software.

A two Days Workshop on CNC Machining: Turning and Milling for internal and external Lab technicians, during December 08-09, 2017. This workshop was designed to enhance the skill of lab technicians in the area of CNC Machining. In this workshop they learned the ins-and-outs of CNC machining. This program is provided with industry based intensive training beyond our syllabus curriculum. 19 participants attended this workshop, Mr.P.Suresh Kumar, AP (SG)/Mechanical and Mr.M.Santhana Maruthu Pandian, AP/Mechanical coordinated this workshop.

Two days competition on India Design Week was conducted by RIT in association with Autodesk and ICTACT during December 03-04, 2017. The program started with Inauguration in Placement Seminar hall, RIT at 10.00am. Dr.S.Rajakarunakaran, HOD/Mechanical welcomes the gathering with motivating thoughts in design sectors. Mr.Saravanan, AGM/ICT Academy gave the presidential address to the competitors. He explained about the design competition and schedule of the program. Mr.Badree, Executive Manager, ICT Academy delivered some key informations to develop the prototypes.

A one day Awareness program on SAR Preparation for NBA Accreditation was conducted by RIT on December 02, 2017. Dr.Baskar, Professor& Head/ Department of EEE, Thiagarajar College of Engineering. He delivered importance of NBA in Engineering colleges and procedure to prepare NBA documents.

Two-day workshop on Autodesk Fusion 360 was conducted by Mechanical department in association with ICTACT during September 04-05, 2017. The objective of this workshop is to train the students in Fusion software and make them to prepare in India Design Skills challenge competition which will be conducted in December 2017. Mr.A.M.Mohamed Shereef, Senior Trainer, ICT academy, Madurai was the resource person for this program. Final Year students participated in this workshop.

Two days workshop on Coordinate Measuring Machine was conducted to the Mechanical Engineering students during TechYuga 2017. This workshop is designed to enrich the knowledge of students in the area of latest developments in Coordinate metrology and its applications in dimensional measurements and make the students to understand basic GD & T features and able to do probe calibration. This program is provided with industry based intensive training beyond our syllabus curriculum.

A one day workshop ENGINEMANIA was organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering to provide hands on training for students on August 13,2017 in assembling and dismantling four stroke and two stroke engines. The workshop was conducted in association with Top Engineers, Chennai, in our college premises in Thermal Engineering Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering Department. The workshop was attended by 86 students, of which 57 internal participants and 29 are external participants form various Engineering Institutions. The students were divided into groups of six members each so that the instructor from Top engineers can train the students effectively. The students shown keen interest in this workshop and were benefitted with a clear understanding of mechanisms involved in engines.

Department of Mechanical Engineering organized one day awareness workshop on Quality Improvement Quality Circles on July 29, 2017. The resource persons for the function were Mr.Sankarasubramanian, Vice Chairman and Mr. Marimuthu, Executive Member, Quality Circle forum of India Coimbatore.

A 3D Printing workshop was conducted for Third year mechanical Engineering Students by the Mechanical Engineering Technical Association RIT-Mechanizo on July 29, 2017. Mr. G. Manikandan, Mangaer, Focus Technology was the resource person this program. 41 students from Mechanical Engineering were participated in this program. The resource person explained the working principle of Next level of High Resolution Large Format 3D Printer. He had shown some videos about the printing of 3D models by means of modern 3D-printing machines.

RC plane workshop was conducted on July 29, 2017 by Mr.R.Ajay Balaji Final year mechanical student as a resource person for Second year mechanical students. Around 24 students participated in this workshop.

The session started at 09:00am with an introduction about unmanned Arial vehicle, Introduction of UAV carried the content of what is UAV, how it works, different types of UAV, how the stuff flies and basics of aerodynamics After introduction, session two started by explaining the various parts of unmanned Arial vehicle like microcontroller, BLDC motor, electronic speed controller, transmitter and receiver and special type of batteries which are specially made for this UAV or drone with various ranges of c ratings was also taught where they should be used also where no to use. Does and donts where also thought.

Third session full fabrication process, methods and step by step methods were clearly explained to the students like what type of material for building it, which type of motor or engine to used, how to control it by GPS or manually also how to fix electronic gyroscope where also thought. Last session was demonstration it took place at 12:15pm in the college ground, resource person demonstrated it by operating it which flew in the sky in a stunning speed. The work shop came to an end up at 12:30pm.

Two days workshop on Ardubotics was organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering jointly with EEE department during July 28-29, 2017. This workshop was conducted by Innovians Technologies and IIT Varanasi. Dr.R.V.Mahendra Gowda, Prinicipal inaugurated this workshop. Mr.Liqzan Manna from Innovians Technologies, Noida and his team delivered lectures and hands on training to the students. The topics discussed in this workshop are Line Follower Robot, Obstacle sensing & avoidance Robot, Edge Avoider Robot, Bluetooth Controlled Robot, Voice Controlled Robot (Android App), Android App Controlled Robot (Gesture Controlled Robot) and Developing Own Android App for Controlling Robot 95 students from our college and 17 students from various colleges from Tamil Nadu attended this workshop. Competition was conducted on final session of this workshop. 3 teams from our college declared as winners and they will qualify for attending final round in IIT Varanasi during March 2018.

A one-day workshop on FESTO Mobile Exhibition Vehicle- The Expotainer was organised by the Department of Mechanical Engineering with FESTO India Private Limited on November 23, 2016. Mr.M.Manoharan, Didactic Engineer, Chennai was the resource person for this workshop. Faculty Members and Students from various department participated in this workshop. This Expotainer Vehicle contains basic pneumatic devices and their applications along with some static and dynamic models of practical applications like Pick and Place Robots, Elephant Trammel and Automatic Bottle Injection systems etc.

IPR Awareness programme was organised to enhance the innovative and intellectual skills of our students and faculty members. The topics discussed in this programme are IPR, Business Competitiveness, Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights. The resource person for this program was Shri.P.Balamurugan, Assistant Controller of patents and Designs, Chennai. This Programme was Organized on August 23, 2014.

An intensive training program on 'CNC Machine' was conducted in CAM Lab during 26.05.2016 to 30.06.2015. Mr.P.R.Praveen Raj, MTAB ENGINEERS (P) LTDwas the resource person addressed about CNC programming and applications related to academics as well as industries