Message from the Founder Chairman

Dear Engineering Students
Greetings and best wishes!
I wish to inform that Ramco Institute of Technology (RIT) has been established as a corporate social contribution to offer value basedquality technical education at an affordable cost. RIT is an Institution of difference as it is guided by a prominent Governing Council consisting of academic experts such as Prof.M.S.Ananth, former Director, IIT Madras and other renowned academicians and industry experts. At RIT, we lay emphasis on imparting wholesome engineering education using modern teaching techniques blended with a very good practical exposure through regular industrial visits and training at the Ramco Group of industries in order to create able Engineers with sound practical knowledge ready for taking-up challenging tasks in core areas of engineering. Keeping this in mind, we have created spacious physical infrastructure with most modern laboratory facilities and recruited experienced faculty members qualified from prominent Universities and Institutions of par excellence to facilitate a good learning environment.leading industrial conglomerate, we endeavour to provide a world-class educational experience to our students and enable them to transform into successful graduates with life-long learning skills for leading a fulfilling human life.
I congratulate you for joining RIT educational family to experience the best in engineering education and let us contribute to make RIT an Institution of Excellence in Engineering Education and Research.
Founder Chairman