Dr.L.Vijayaraghavan obtained his Ph.D., in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, M.Sc.(Engg.) from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore and B.E in Mechanical Engineering from Annamalai University, Chidambaram. After a short span of one and half years in the Manipal Institute of Technology and Vijayanagar College of Engineering, Bellary, he started his career as a Senior Scientific Officer and researcher at IIT Madras in 1984. From then, he has risen to the position of Senior Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and superannuated from service in the year 2017and still guiding few Ph.D Scholars.

His research interests are in the area of Process Modelling of Broaching, Stress Evaluation in Grinding, Condition Monitoring of Machining Process, Temperature Measurements, AE Sensing, Laser Machining and Sensor Development.

He has made outstanding contributions in Condition Monitoring, Machine Tools & Metal Cutting, material processing, Composites CAD-CAM, Grinding, etc,.
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