Innovative Practices

Innovative Practice 2023 - 2024 (Even Semester)

Sl. No. Name of the faculty Member Subject Code & Name Topic Name of the Innovative practice View
1 Dr. S. Kannan EE3601 Protection and Switchgear Essential Qualities of ProtectionOne minute paper
Electromagnetic RelaysPro and Con Grid
Current Transformer and Potential TransformerPro and Con Grid
Numerical ProtectionUngraded Quiz
Vacuum Circuit BreakersField Visit
2 Dr. K. Karthikeyan EE3402 Linear Integrated CircuitsFabrication of FETsStrip sequence
Basic application of op-amp - Inverting amplifier & Non-inverting amplifierDemonstration
D/A converter- Weighted resistor & R-2R ladder, A/D converter- Flash type, Counter typeOne minute Paper
PWM Application of IC555 timerSage and Scribe
Switching regulator, Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS)Think-Pair-Share
3Dr. B. DeepalakshiBE3251 Basic Electrical and Electronics EngineeringMesh Analysis with Independent SourcesCollaborative Study
Construction and Working principle- DC Separately and Self excited GeneratorsDemonstration
Operation of Zener DiodeVirtual Lab
K-map representations, Minimization using K-mapThink Pair Share
4 Dr. D. Karthik Prabhu EE3251 Electric Circuit AnalysisDC Circuits - Kirchhoffs LawsOne Minute Paper
Maximum Power Transfer theoremDemonstration
Transient response of RLC circuitsThink Pair Share
Dot ruleConcept map
Three phase power measurementSage and Scribe
5Mr. E. ThangamEE8019 Smart GridVisible Quiz - Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV)Visible Quiz
Think Pair Share - Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU).Think Pair Share
Demonstration - Smart Metering SystemDemonstration
6Mr. S. Meenakshi SundaravelGE8076 Professional Ethics in EngineeringIntroduction to Yoga for professional excellence and stress managementDemonstration
Moral dilemmasThink Pair Share
BE3251 Basic Electrical and Electronics EngineeringConstruction and Working principle- DC Separately and Self excited GeneratorsDemonstration
Name and Symbol of various semiconductor devicesOne minute Paper
Operation of Zener DiodeVirtual Lab
Conversion of number systemsFlipped Classroom
7Dr. A. Arun KumarBE3251 Basic Electrical and Electronics EngineeringComponents of Electric CircuitsVirtual lab Simulation
Construction and Working principle- DC Separately and Self excited GeneratorsDemonstration
Operation of PN Junction diodeVirtual lab Simulation
Conversion of number systemsConcept Map.
Instrument TransformersOne minute Paper
EE3020 Smart System AutomationSmart sensors - TypesMini map
Sensing RequirementsOne minute paper
Energy Measurement TechniqueThink Pair Share
Activity MonitoringFlipped Classroom
Embedded processor based: pick and place robotDemonstration
8Mr. A.S. VigneshwarEE3602 Power System Operation and ControlPreliminaries on PSOCConcept Map
Load Frequency ControlLaboratory Demonstration
Reactive Power Voltage ControlLaboratory Demonstration
Unit CommitmentMatlab Simulation
State EstimationMatlab Simulation
9Mrs. S. JeyanthiEE3405 Electrical Machines-IIConstructional Details of Synchronous MachineDemonstration
Principal of operation of Synchronous motorThink Pair Share
Circle diagram- Step by Step procedureStrip sequence.
Speed control techniqueMini map
Starting methods of single-phase induction motorsOne minute paper
EE3035 Grid integrating
Techniques and Challenges
Power plants IndiaOne minute paper
Transformers in Electric Power GridsThink Pair Share
The Sizing of DC/DC Converters for Micro gridStrip Sequence
Importance of Custom Power Devices- Power Quality Point of ViewMini map
Grid integration of WECS - Challenges in the Integration of WECSFlipped Classroom
10Ms. S. Sharmila KumariEE3017 Embedded C programmingData Types and Operators.Mini-Maps
Header files.Visual Clickers
Logic operations in 8051.Think-Pair-Share
8051 interruptsOne minute Paper
LCD interfacingFlipped Class Room
EE3403 Measurements and InstrumentationErrors in measurementOne minute paper
Principles and types of analog voltmeter and ammeterDemonstration
AC BridgesDemonstration
Smart SensorsThink Pair Share
Introduction to Virtual InstrumentationFlipped class room
11Mrs. G. SivapriyaEE3401 Transmission and DistributionTypes of transmission and distribution line conductorsOne minute paper
CoronaThink Pair Share
Types of towersVisible quiz
Substation layoutField visit
BE3251 Basic Electrical and Electronics EngineeringConstructional features of D.C. Motor, GeneratorDemonstration
Operation of Zener diodeVirtual lab Simulation
Procedure for Minimization of Boolean functions using K-mapStrip Sequence.
Constructional features of Moving Coil & Moving Iron instrumentUngraded quiz

Innovative Practice 2023 - 2024 (Odd Semester)

Sl. No. Name of the faculty Member Subject Code & Name Topic Name of the Innovative practice View
1Dr. S. KannanEE8702 Power System Operation and ControlPreliminaries on PSOCConcept Map
Load Frequency ControlLaboratory Demonstration
Reactive Power Voltage controlLaboratory Demonstration
Unit CommitmentMatlab Simulation
State EstimationMatlab Simulation
2Dr. K. KarthikeyanEE8010 Power System Transients (Professional Elective IV)Different types of power system transientsMind map
Normal and Abnormal switching transientsThink Pair Share
Factors Contributing to good line designOne Minute Paper
3Mr. D. Karthik PrabhuEE3037 Power System TransientsSources of different types of transientsOne Minute Paper
Normal and Abnormal transientsThink Pair Share
Factors Contributing to good line designOne Minute Paper
4Mr. E. ThangamEE8701 High Voltage EngineeringCorona and its effectsOne Minute Paper
Applications of insulating materials in electrical equipmentClass Poll
High voltage and current generation and Sphere gapsVirtual laboratory
Generation of High Voltages & High CurrentsMind Map
5Mr. S. Meenakshi SundaravelEE3591 Power ElectronicsSimulation of single phase fully controlled converter and single phase semiconverterMATLAB simulation
Demonstration of operation of single phase AC voltage controllersDemonstration using Modern tool (Fluke Power Quality Analyzer)
Symbols of various power electronic devicesOne Minute paper
6Mr. A. Arun KumarEC3301 Electron Devices and CircuitsApplications of diodeMind map
demonstration for Characteristics of BJT under CE configurationVirtual laboratory
Small signal modeling of BJT amplifiersOne Minute paper
Class C power amplifiersSage and Scribe
OscillatorsClass Poll
7Mr. A.S. VigneshwarEE8501 Power System AnalysisY-bus formation-Singular transformation methodsMind-map
Flow chart and Problems in NR methodConcept -map
Symmetrical Fault Analysis- Thevenin's TheoremPower System Simulator Tool
Un Symmetrical Fault AnalysisETAP Simulation Tool
Solution of Swing Equation using Step by Step MethodThink-Pair-Share
8Mrs. S. JeyanthiEE3303 Electrical Machines - IIntroduction to Indian Standard Specifications (ISS) - Role and Significance in TestingOne minute paper
Constructional features of D.C. GeneratorDemonstration
Speed Control of DC motorsMATLAB Simulation
Parallel operation of single-phase transformersThink Pair Share
Three Phase Transformer ConstructionField Visit
OCH752 Energy TechnologyEnergy CrisisMinute paper activity
Efficiency, merits and demerits of the above power plantsThink pair share activity
Solar energy, solar thermal systems, flat plate collectors, focusing collectorsLaboratory visit
Biogasminute talk activity
Energy audit - Types methodologyStrip sequence activity
9Ms. S. Sharmila KumariEE3301 Electromagnetic FieldsCoordinate systemSimulation
Electric field, Electric potential & Equipotential surfacesVirtual laboratory
Classification and types of magnetic materialsMini map
Maxwell's equationsOne minute paper
Waves in free space, lossy dielectrics and lossless dielectricsThink-pair-share
10Mrs. G. SivapriyaEE3032 Energy Storage SystemsTypes of Energy Storage SystemsOne Minute Paper
Fuel CellUngraded Quiz
Types of alternate Energy Storage TechnologiesMind Map
Thermal storage System , Solar Thermal Collector, Evacuated
Type Flat plate collectors, Solar PV Panel
Field Visit, Demonstration
EE8703 Renewable Energy SystemsEnvironmental consequence of Fossil Fuel usageOne Minute Paper
Wind EnergyUngraded Quiz
Solar Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Solar Thermal Collector,
Evacuated Type Flat plate collectors
Field Visit, Demonstration
11Mr. A. GunaEE3503 Control SystemsControl system: Open loop and Closed loopOne minute paper
Root Locus TechniqueMATLAB Simulation
Controllability - ObservabilityFlipped Classroom

Innovative Practice 2022 - 2023 (Even Semester)

Sl. No. Name of the faculty Member Subject Code & Name Topic Name of the Innovative practice View
1 Dr. S. Kannan EE8602 Protection and Switchgear Essential qualities of protection One Minute Paper

Problems on grounding Think-aloud pair problem solving
Electromagnetic relays Pro and con grid
C.Ts and P.Ts Pro and con grid
Introduction to Numerical relay, Block diagram Ungraded Quiz
Vacuum circuit breakers Field Trip
2 Dr. K. Karthikeyan EE8019 Smart Grid (Advancement Course) National Initiatives in Smart Grid Case study report

Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) Think, Pair - Share
Advanced Metering infrastructure (AMI) drivers and benefits 3-2-1 method
Power Quality issues of Grid connected Renewable Energy Sources Ungraded Quiz
Communication channels Mind map
3 Dr. B. Deepa Lakshmi BE3251 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Mesh Analysis with Independent Sources Collaborative Study

Construction and Working principle- DC Separately and Self excited Generators Demonstration
Operation of Zener Diode Virtual lab
K-map representations, Minimization using K-map Think pair share
4 Mr. D. Karthik Prabhu EE3401 Transmission and Distribution Types of transmission line and distribution line conductors One minute paper

Corona Think Pair Share
Types of Insulators Demonstartion
Construction of single core and three core cables Demonstartion
Substation Layout and Methods of Grounding Field Visit
5 Mr. E. Thangam EE8019 Smart Grid Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) Visible Quiz

Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) Think Pair Share
Smart Metering System Demonstration
BE3251 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering DC Machine Contruction and Operation Demonstration

Energy Meter Demonstration
6Mr. S. Meenakshi SundaravelEE8601 Solid State DrivesApplications of chopper fed dc driveOne Minute Paper

Rotor resistance controlVirtual lab
BE3251 Basic Electrical and Electronics EngineeringOperation of Zener diodeVirtual lab Simulation

Procedure for Minimization of Boolean functions using K-mapStrip Sequence
7Mr. A. Arun KumarBE3251 Basic Electrical and Electronics EngineeringComponents of Electric CircuitsVirtual lab Simulation

Construction and Working principle- DC Separately and Self excited GeneratorsDemonstration
Operation of PN Junction diodeVirtual lab Simulation
Conversion of number systemsConcept Map.
Instrument TransformersOne minute Paper
8Mr. A.S. VigneshwarEE3402 Linear Integrated CircuitsFabrication of FETs -Strip sequence

Basic application of op-amp - Inverting amplifier & Non-inverting amplifier -Demonstrations
D/A converter- Weighted resistor & R-2R ladder, A/D converter- Flash type, Counter type -One minute Paper
PWM Application of IC555 timer - Sage and ScribeSage and Scribe
Switching regulator, Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) -Think-Pair-Share
9Mrs. S. JeyanthiEE3405 Electrical Machines - IIConstructional Details of Synchronous MachineDemonstration

Principal of operation of Synchronous motorThink Pair Share
Circle diagram- Step by Step procedurestrip sequence.
Speed control techniquemini map
Starting methods of single-phase induction motorsOne minute paper
BE3251 Basic Electrical and Electronics EngineeringComponents of Electric CircuitsVirtual lab Simulation

Construction and Working principle- DC Separately and Self excited GeneratorsDemonstration
Operation of PN Junction diodeVirtual lab Simulation
Conversion of number systemsConcept Map.
Instrument TransformersOne minute Paper
10Ms. S. Sharmila KumariEE8691 Embedded SystemsWatchdog Timer, Real Time Clock and In Circuit Emulator.Mini-maps

Serial Bus Communication Protocols.Visual Clickers
Object Oriented ModelThink-Pair -Share
Mailbox and PipesOne minute Paper
Case Study of ATM Machine ApplicationFlipped Class Room
BE3251 Basic Electrical and Electronics EngineeringMesh analysis with Independent sources onlyThink Pair Share

Constructional features of D.C. Motor, GeneratorDemonstration
Operation of Zener diodeVirtual lab Simulation
Conversion of number systemsConcept Map
Construction of analog meter PMMC and PMMI MeterDemonstration
11Mrs. G. SivapriyaEE3404 Microprocessor and MicrocontrollerInterrupts of 8085One minute paper

Addressing modesMini map
Comparison to Programming Concepts With 8085Visual Clicker
A/D and D/A Converters & Interfacing With 8085.Flipped Class Room
Keyboard and Display Interface with 8051Sage and scribe
BE3251 Basic Electrical and Electronics EngineeringMesh analysis with Independent sources only (Steady state)Think pair share

Constructional features of D.C. Motor, GeneratorDemonstration
Operation of Zener diodeVirtual lab Simulation
Procedure for Minimization of Boolean functions using K-mapStrip Sequence
12Mr. A. GunaEE3403 Measurements and InstrumentationElements of Generalized InstrumentOne minute Paper

Permanent magnet Moving CoilDemonstration
AC BridgeVisual Quiz
BE3252 Basic Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation EngineeringSteady State Analysis of R,RL,RLC CircuitOne minute Paper

DC MachineDemonstration
PN Junction diodeThink -Pair share

Innovative Practice 2022 2023 (Odd Semester)

Sl. No. Name of the faculty Member Subject Code & Name Topic Name of the Innovative practice View
1 Dr. S. Kannan EE8702 Power System Operation and Control Preliminaries on PSOC Concept Map

Load Frequency Control Laboratory Demonstration
Reactive Power Voltage Control Laboratory Demonstration
Unit Commitment Matlab Simulation
State Estimation Matlab Simulation
2 Dr. K. Karthikeyan EE8701 High Voltage Engineering Corona and its effects One minute paper

Applications of insulating materials in electrical equipments Class poll
High voltage and current generation Virtual lab
Sphere gaps Virtual lab
Insulation coordination Ungraded Quiz
3 Mr. D. Karthik Prabhu EE8591 Digital Signal Processing Classifications of Systems Mind Map

Convolution One minute paper
Properties of DFT Zero Minute Speech
Filter Design Class Poll
Architecture of Digital Signal Processors Flipped Classroom
4 Mr. E. Thangam EE3303 Electrical Machines I Comparison between Electric and Magnetic Circuit Visible Quiz

Types of induced EMF in the machine Think-pair-share
5 Mr. S. Meenakshi Sundaravel EE8552 Power Electronics Single Phase and Three Phase AC to DC Full ConverterMATLAB Simulation

120 and 180 conduction modeMATLAB Simulation
6 Mr. A. Arun Kumar EC3301 Electron Devices and Circuits Applications of diode Mind map

demonstration for Characteristics of BJT under CE configuration Virtual lab
Small signal modeling of BJT amplifiers One Minute paper
Class C power amplifiers Sage and Scribe
Oscillators Class Poll
7 Mr. A.S. Vigneshwar EE8501 Power System Analysis Y-bus formation-Singular transformation methodsMind map

Flow chart and Problems in NR method Concept -map
Symmetrical Fault Analysis- Thevenins Theorem Simualtion
Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis ETAP Simulation Tool
Solution of Swing Equation using Step by Step Method Think-Pair-Share
8 Mrs. S. Jeyanthi EE3301 Electromagnetic Fields Coordinate system Simulation

Electric field, Electric potential & Equipotential surfaces Virtual Lab
Classification and types of magnetic materials Mini map
Maxwells equations One minute paper
Waves in free space, lossy dielectrics and lossless dielectrics Think-Pair-Share
OCH752 Energy Technology (Open Elective II) Energy Crisis Minute paper activity

Efficiency, merits and demerits of the above power plants Think pair share activity
Solar energy, solar thermal systems, flat plate collectors, focusing collectors Laboratory visit
Biogas Minute Talk Activity
Energy audit Types methodology Strip sequence activity
9 Ms. S. Sharmila Kumari EE8551 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Interrupts of 8085 One minute paper

Addressing modes Mini map
Comparison to Programming Concepts With 8085 Visual Clicker
A/D and D/A Converters & Interfacing With 8085 and 8051 Flipped Class Room
Keyboard and Display Interface Sage and scribe
10 Mrs. G. Sivapriya EE8501 Power System Analysis Y-bus formation-Singular transformation methods Mind Map

Flow chart and Problems in NR method in Newton-Raphson (NR) method Concept map
Methods to solve short circuit analysis and Symmetrical short circuit analysis using Thevenins theorem Simulation Tool
Computation of post fault currents in symmetrical component and phasor domains Simulation Tool
Classical step-by-step solution of the swing equation Think Pair Share
EE8703 Renewable Energy Systems Environmental consequence of Fossil Fuel usage One Minute Paper

Wind Energy Ungraded Quiz
Active Learning Approach Demonstration Solar Thermal Collector Demonstration
Active Learning Approach Demonstration Solar PV System Operation Demonstration
11 Mr. A. Guna EE3302 Digital Logic Circuits Number System Think-Pair Share

Sequential logic - SR, JK, D and T Flip-Flops One minute Paper
VHDL - Adders, Multiplexer & DeMultiplexer Flipped Classroom
12 Mr. R. Thangasankaran EE8552 Power Electronics Three Phase Voltage Source Inverters (VSI) Active Learning Method MATLAB Simulation

Phase Controlled Converters Active Learning Method MATLAB Simulation

Innovative Practice 2021 2022 (Even Semester)

Sl. No. Name of the faculty Member Subject Code & Name Topic Name of the Innovative practice View
1 Dr. S. Kannan EE8402 - Transmission and Distribution Types of transmission and distribution line conductors One minute paper

Corona Think pair share
Types of towers Visible quiz
Construction of single core and 3 core Cables Demonstration
Substation layout and Methods of Grounding Field visit
2 Dr. K. Karthikeyan EE8019 - Smart Grid
(Professional Elective VI)
National Initiatives in Smart Grid Case study report

Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) Think Pair Share
Power Quality issues of Grid connected Renewable Energy Sources Ungraded Quiz
3 Dr. B. Deepa Lakshmi EE8402 - Transmission and Distribution Types of transmission and distribution line conductors One minute paper

Corona Think pair share
Types of towers Visible quiz
Substation layout and Methods of Grounding Field visit
4 Mr. D. Karthik Prabhu EE8602 - Protection and Switchgear Essential Qualities of Protection One Minute Paper

Problems on Grounding Think-aloud pair problem solving
Electromagnetic Relays Pro and Con Grid
C.T.s and P.T.s Pro and Con Grid
Numerical Relay Ungraded Quiz
Vacuum Circuit Breaker Field Trip
5 Mr. E. Thangam EE8401 - Electrical Machines II ('A' Sec) & ('B' Sec) Principle of Operation and Starting Methods Demonstration

Losses, Efficiency and Power Stages Field visit
Necessity of Starting Demonstration
No-load and Block rotor test, Performance Analysis Mini - map
6 Mr. S. Meenakshi Sundaravel IC8451 - Control Systems Basic Elements of Open loop and Closed loop systems Demonstration

Response of Second order system MATLAB Simulation
Bode Plot, Polar Plot MATLAB Simulation
Nyquist Plot MATLAB Simulation
7 Mr. A. Arun Kumar EE3251 - Electric Circuit Analysis DC Circuits - Kirchhoff s Laws One Minute Paper

Maximum Power Transfer theorem Demonstration
Transient response of RLC circuits Think Pair Share
Dot rule Concept map
Three phase power measurement Sage and Scribe
8 Mr. A.S. Vigneshwar EE8451 - Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications Fabrication of FETs Strip sequence

Basic application of op-amp - Inverting amplifier & Non-inverting amplifier Demonstrations
D/A converter- Weighted resistor & R-2R ladder, A/D converter- Flash type, Counter type One minute Paper
PWM Application of IC555 timer Sage and Scribe
Switching regulator, Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Think-Pair-Share
9 Mrs. S. Jeyanthi EE8451 - Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications Fabrication of FETs Strip sequence

Basic application of op-amp - Inverting amplifier & Non-inverting amplifier Demonstrations
D/A converter- Weighted resistor & R-2R ladder, A/D converter- Flash type, Counter type One minute Paper
PWM Application of IC555 timer Sage and Scribe
Switching regulator, Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Think-Pair-Share
EE8601 - Solid State Drives Typical load torque characteristics Mind map

Applications One Minute Paper
Rotor resistance control Virtual lab
Three phase current source fed synchronous motor Think Pair - Share
Design of controllers: Speed controller PI controller Sage and Scribe
10 Ms. S. Sharmila Kumari EE8403 - Measurements and Instrumentation Errors in Measurements One Minute Paper

Analog Voltmeter and Ammeter Demonstration
Wattmeter Demonstration
Electrostatic and electromagnetic interference Sage and scribe
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) display Think Pair Share
Smart Sensors Flipped Class Room
EE8691 - Embedded Systems Watchdog Timer, Real Time Clock and In Circuit Emulator. Mini-maps

Serial Bus Communication Protocols. Visual Clickers
Object Oriented Model. Think-Pair-Share
Mailbox and Pipes. One minute Paper
Case Study of ATM Machine Application. Flipped Class Room
11 Mrs. G. Sivapriya EE8403 - Measurements and Instrumentation Errors in Measurements One Minute Paper

Analog Voltmeter and Ammeter Demonstration
Wattmeter Demonstration
Electrostatic and electromagnetic interference Sage and scribe
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) display Think Pair Share
Smart Sensors Flipped Class Room
BE3252 - Basic Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Ohms law, KCL, KVL Ungraded Quiz

Electrical Wiring Think Pair Share
Electrical Machines Demo
Virtual lab demonstration for Characteristics of BJT under CE configuration Virtual Demo
Applications of diode One Minute Paper
12 Mr. A. Guna IC8451 - Control Systems Basic Elements of Open loop and Closed loop systems One minute paper

Response of Second order system MATLAB Simulation
Bode Plot, Polar Plot MATLAB Simulation
Nyquist Plot MATLAB Simulation
BE3251- Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Steady State circuit analysis-R,RL,RLC Circuit problems One minute paper

Zener diode as voltage regulator Virtual Lab Simulation
K-Map Reduction Technique Collabrative learning

Innovative Practice 2021 2022 (Odd Semester)

Sl. No. Name of the faculty Member Subject Code & Name Topic Name of the Innovative practice View
1Dr. S. KannanEE8702 Power System Operation and ControlPreliminaries on PSOCConcept map

Load Frequency ControlLaboratory demonstration
Reactive Power Voltage controlLaboratory demonstration
Unit CommitmentMATLAB Simulation
State EstimationMATLAB Simulation
2Dr. K. KarthikeyanEE8391 Electromagnetic TheoryApplications of the Gausss lawThinkpair-share

Point charge, Electric field, Electric flux, Electric field intensity calculations, Electric potential & Equipotential surfacesVirtual laboratory
Electrostatic boundary conditionsGagnes nine instructional events model
Classification and types of magnetic materialsVisible Quiz
Maxwells equationsOne minute paper
Electromagnetic wave propagation in various mediaStudents Teams Achievement Division (STAD)
EE8701 High Voltage EngineeringCorona and its effectsOne minute paper

Protection against overvoltagesSage and Scribe
Applications of insulating materials in electrical equipmentsClass poll
High voltage and current generation and Sphere gapsVirtual lab
Insulation coordinationUngraded Quiz
3Dr. B. Deepa LakshmiEC8391 Control Systems EngineeringFeed Forward and Feedback Control TheoryClass Poll

Modelling of Mechanical Translational SystemFinger Signal
PID ControlOpen Book Test - Library
Frequency Response of Standrd second order systemMATLAB Simulation
Routh Stability CriterionZero Minute Speech
Concepts of Controllability and ObservabilityExit Slips
Stability of Linear systemsOpen Book Test - Library
4Mr. D. Karthik PrabhuEE8301 Electrical Machines IHysteresis and Eddy Current LossesDemonstration

Constructional features of TransformerFiled Visit
Concepts in Rotating MachinesDemonstration
Constructional features of DC MahineDemonstration
EE8591 Digital Signal ProcessingClassification of SystemsMind Map

ConvolutionOne Minute Paper
Properties of DFTZero Minute Speech
5Mr. N. GaneshEE8552 Power ElectronicsCommutation circuits for Silicon Controlled RectifierOne Minute Paper

Three phase VSI - 120 and 180 Degree Conduction ModeMind Map
6Mr. E. ThangamEE8301 Electrical Machines IDemonstration - Unit I / Hysteresis and Eddy Current lossesDemonstration

Field Visit - Unit II / Constructional Features of TransformerField Visit
Demonstration - Unit III / Concepts in Rotating MachineDemonstration
Demonstration - Unit IV / Constructional features of D.C. MachinesDemonstration
ORO551 Renewable Energy Sources (Open Elective- I)Unit II / Solar Thermal Collector, Evacuated Type Flat plate collectorsDemonstration

Unit III / Solar Photovoltaic Energy ConversionDemonstration
7Mr. S. Meenakshi SundaravelEC8353 Electron Devices and CircuitsApplications of DiodeOne Minute Paper

Characteristics of BJT under CE configurationVirtual lab demonstration
Neutralization methodsClass Poll
OscillatorsUngraded Quiz
8Mr. A. Arun KumarEE8501 Power System AnalysisY-bus formation-Singular transformation methodsOne Minute paper

Flow chart and Problems in NR method in Newton-Raphson (NR) methodConcept Map
Methods to solve short circuit analysis and Symmetrical short circuit analysis using Thevenins theoremSimulation
Computation of post fault currents in symmetrical component and phasor domainsSimulation
Classical step-by-step solution of the swing equationThink Pair Share
9Mr. A.S. VigneshwarME8792 Power Plant EngineeringVirtual Simulation of Nuclear Power PlantVirtual lab

Virtual Simulation of Renewable Energy Power PlantVirtual lab
10Mrs. S. JeyanthiEE8391 Electromagnetic TheoryCoordinate SystemsSimulation

Electric potential and Electric field, Equipotential plotVirtual lab
Magnetic materials MagnetizationMind map
Maxwells equations - differential formOne minute form
Waves in free space, lossy dielectrics and lossless dielectricsThink Pair Share
OCH752 Energy Technology (Open Elective II)Energy CrisisOne minute paper

Efficiency, merits and demerits of the above power plantsThink pair share
Solar energy, solar thermal systems, flat plate collectors, focusing collectorsLaboratory visit
Biological conversion, Chemical conversionMini map
Energy audit Types methodologyStrip sequence
11Ms. S. Sharmila KumariEE8351 Digital Logic CircuitsDigital logic familyOne Minute Paper

multiplexers and de multiplexersMini map
Shift RegistersThink pair share
PLA, PAL, CPLD, FPGAFlipped Class Room
EE8551 Microprocessors and MicrocontrollersInterrupts of 8085One minute paper

Addressing modesMini map
Comparison to Programming Concepts With 8085Visual Clicker
A/D and D/A Converters & Interfacing With 8085 and 8051.Flipped Class Room
12Mrs. G. SivapriyaEC8353 Electron Devices and CircuitsApplications of Diode One Minute Paper

Characteristics of BJT under CE configurationVirtual lab demonstration.
Neutralization methods Class Poll
Oscillators Ungraded Quiz
EE8703 Renewable Energy SystemsEnvironmental consequence of Fossil Fuel usage One Minute Paper

Wind Energy Ungraded Quiz
Solar Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Solar Thermal Collector, Evacuated Type Flat plate collectorsField Visit, Demonstration
13Mr. A. GunaEE8351 Digital Logic CircuitsDigital Logic FamilyOne Minute Paper

PROM,PLA,PALFlipped Classroom
EE8353 Electrical drives and controlsIntroduction to Electrical DrivesOne Minute Paper

Classification of DC ChopperFlipped Classroom

Academic Year 2020-2021

Sl. No. Name of the faculty Member Subject Code & Name Topic Name of the Innovative practice View

Academic Year 2020-2021

1. Dr. S. Kannan MG8591 Principle of Management Types of business Organizations Analyse the company and find which types of business organizations

Directing and communicationsIllusion Activity
Controlling Analyses the company and make a business report for controllingtechnique
2. Mr. D. Karthik Prabhu EE8402 Transmission and Distribution Types of conductors in Transmission and Distribution system One minute paper

Skin effect and proximity effectThink Pair Share
3. Mr. A. Arun Kumar EE8251 Circuit Theory Resistive Element, Ohms Law Virtual lab using Phet Simulation tool

Analysis DC circuitsSimulation using Every Circuit
4. Mrs. S. Jeyanthi EE8601 Solid State Drives Typical load torque characteristics Mini map

ApplicationsOne minute paper
EE8451 Linear Integrated Circuits and its Applications Fabrication of FETs Strip Sequence

Basic Application of op-amp Inverting & Non-inverting AmplifierDemonstration
5. Ms. S. Sharmilakumari EE8691 Embedded Systems Watch dog timer IC Mini map

RS232, RS422, RS485Visual clicker
EE8403 Measurements and Instrumentation MC and MI Demonstration

ErrorOne minute paper
6. Mrs. G. Sivapriya EE8005 Special Electrical Machines Applications of Stepper motor One minute paper

Academic Year 2019-2020

Sl. No. Name of the faculty Member Subject Code & Name Date &Topic Name of the Innovative practice View

Academic Year 2019-2020

1. Dr. S. Kannan EE8251 - Circuit Theory 21.01.2020 & Mesh and Nodal Analysis Visible quiz

27.01.2020 & Network TheoremsMind Map
10.02.2020 & Star Delta ConversionAudio & Video Tools
 (MIT open courseware)
2.Dr. K. KarthikeyanEE8391 - Electromagnetic Theory(Available in the sheet)Active Learning Methods, Lowman's 2 D Model of Effective Teaching, ARCS model of motivational design,Collaborative learning method, Harnessing the power of technology

3.Mr. D. Karthik PrabhuEE8402 -Transmission and DistributionTypes of conductors in Transmission and DistributionOne minute Paper

Skin effect and Proximity effectThink Pair Share
Types of InsulatorsDemonstration
Types and Constructional features of Cables
Types of earthingField Visit
EE8602 -Protection and SwitchgearEssential Qualities of protectionOne Minute Paper

Problems on groundingThink  - aloud Pair problem solving
Electromagnetic RelaysPros and Cons grid
C.Ts and P.Ts
4.Mr. Arun KumarEE8501 - Power System Analysis03.10.2019 & Bus Admittance Matrix, Power Flow Analysis and Fault AnalysisModern Tool Usage

5.Mrs. S. JeyanthiEE8601 Solid State Drives04.01.2020 & Typical Load Torque characteristicsMini Map

27.01.2020 & Applications of DC Motor DrivesOne Minute Paper
12.02.2020 & Closed loop control of CSI DrivesThink Pair Share
6.Mrs. S. Sharmilakumari EE8691 -Embedded SystemsWatch Dog Timer, Real Time Clock, In Circuit EmulatorMini - map

Serial Bus Communication ProtocolVisual Clicker
Mailbox and PipesOne minute paper
Object Oriented ModelThink Pair Share
EE8403 -Measurements and InstrumentationErrors in MeasurementOne minute paper

Principle and types of analog meter andWattmeter and Energy meterDemonstration
Electrostatic and electromagnetic interferenceSage and Scribe
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) displayConcept map

Academic Year 2018-19

Dr. S. Kannan EE8251 - Circuit Theory - Simulation

Mrs. S. Jeyanthi EE6009 - Power Electronics for Renewable energy Systems 11.03.2019 & Fundamentals of solar cell, Connections of solar panels, importance of inverters. Field Visit

Mr. S. Meenakshi Sundaravel BE8253 - Basic Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering 01.03.2019 & Construction of DC Machines Demonstration of construction of dc machine

Mr. D. Karthik Prabhu EE8402 - Transmission and Distribution 18.02.2019 & Substation layout, Grounding methods, types of Insulators, Types of poles Field Visit

Ms.S.Sharmila Kumari EE8403 - Measurements and Instrumentation 29.12.2018 & Analog meters (MC, MI, Electrodynamometer) Animation Videos

Academic Year 2017-18

Mr. E. Thangam EE8401 - Electrical Machines- II 22.03.2018 & Synchronous machine, Induction Machine Operations Demonstration Classes with Demo Machine

Mr. S. Viignesh EE6404 - Measurements and Instrumentation 19.01.2018 & Single phase energy meter Demonstration of Single phase energy meter

Mr.N.Ganesh EE6351 - Electrical Drives and Control 12.09.2017 and 13.09.2017 & Phase Controlled Rectifiers Single Phase Demonstration of Single Phase controlled rectifiers