1 | Dr. S. Kannan | EE8702 Power System Operation and Control | Preliminaries on PSOC | Concept map |  |
Load Frequency Control | Laboratory demonstration |
Reactive Power Voltage control | Laboratory demonstration |
Unit Commitment | MATLAB Simulation |
State Estimation | MATLAB Simulation |
2 | Dr. K. Karthikeyan | EE8391 Electromagnetic Theory | Applications of the Gausss law | Thinkpair-share |  |
Point charge, Electric field, Electric flux, Electric field intensity calculations, Electric potential & Equipotential surfaces | Virtual laboratory |
Electrostatic boundary conditions | Gagnes nine instructional events model |
Classification and types of magnetic materials | Visible Quiz |
Maxwells equations | One minute paper |
Electromagnetic wave propagation in various media | Students Teams Achievement Division (STAD) |
EE8701 High Voltage Engineering | Corona and its effects | One minute paper |  |
Protection against overvoltages | Sage and Scribe |
Applications of insulating materials in electrical equipments | Class poll |
High voltage and current generation and Sphere gaps | Virtual lab |
Insulation coordination | Ungraded Quiz |
3 | Dr. B. Deepa Lakshmi | EC8391 Control Systems Engineering | Feed Forward and Feedback Control Theory | Class Poll |  |
Modelling of Mechanical Translational System | Finger Signal |
PID Control | Open Book Test - Library |
Frequency Response of Standrd second order system | MATLAB Simulation |
Routh Stability Criterion | Zero Minute Speech |
Concepts of Controllability and Observability | Exit Slips |
Stability of Linear systems | Open Book Test - Library |
4 | Mr. D. Karthik Prabhu | EE8301 Electrical Machines I | Hysteresis and Eddy Current Losses | Demonstration |  |
Constructional features of Transformer | Filed Visit |
Concepts in Rotating Machines | Demonstration |
Constructional features of DC Mahine | Demonstration |
EE8591 Digital Signal Processing | Classification of Systems | Mind Map |  |
Convolution | One Minute Paper |
Properties of DFT | Zero Minute Speech |
5 | Mr. N. Ganesh | EE8552 Power Electronics | Commutation circuits for Silicon Controlled Rectifier | One Minute Paper |  |
Three phase VSI - 120 and 180 Degree Conduction Mode | Mind Map |
6 | Mr. E. Thangam | EE8301 Electrical Machines I | Demonstration - Unit I / Hysteresis and Eddy Current losses | Demonstration |  |
Field Visit - Unit II / Constructional Features of Transformer | Field Visit |
Demonstration - Unit III / Concepts in Rotating Machine | Demonstration |
Demonstration - Unit IV / Constructional features of D.C. Machines | Demonstration |
ORO551 Renewable Energy Sources (Open Elective- I) | Unit II / Solar Thermal Collector, Evacuated Type Flat plate collectors | Demonstration |  |
Unit III / Solar Photovoltaic Energy Conversion | Demonstration |
7 | Mr. S. Meenakshi Sundaravel | EC8353 Electron Devices and Circuits | Applications of Diode | One Minute Paper |  |
Characteristics of BJT under CE configuration | Virtual lab demonstration |
Neutralization methods | Class Poll |
Oscillators | Ungraded Quiz |
8 | Mr. A. Arun Kumar | EE8501 Power System Analysis | Y-bus formation-Singular transformation methods | One Minute paper |  |
Flow chart and Problems in NR method in Newton-Raphson (NR) method | Concept Map |
Methods to solve short circuit analysis and Symmetrical short circuit analysis using Thevenins theorem | Simulation |
Computation of post fault currents in symmetrical component and phasor domains | Simulation |
Classical step-by-step solution of the swing equation | Think Pair Share |
9 | Mr. A.S. Vigneshwar | ME8792 Power Plant Engineering | Virtual Simulation of Nuclear Power Plant | Virtual lab |  |
Virtual Simulation of Renewable Energy Power Plant | Virtual lab |
10 | Mrs. S. Jeyanthi | EE8391 Electromagnetic Theory | Coordinate Systems | Simulation |  |
Electric potential and Electric field, Equipotential plot | Virtual lab |
Magnetic materials Magnetization | Mind map |
Maxwells equations - differential form | One minute form |
Waves in free space, lossy dielectrics and lossless dielectrics | Think Pair Share |
OCH752 Energy Technology (Open Elective II) | Energy Crisis | One minute paper |  |
Efficiency, merits and demerits of the above power plants | Think pair share |
Solar energy, solar thermal systems, flat plate collectors, focusing collectors | Laboratory visit |
Biological conversion, Chemical conversion | Mini map |
Energy audit Types methodology | Strip sequence |
11 | Ms. S. Sharmila Kumari | EE8351 Digital Logic Circuits | Digital logic family | One Minute Paper |  |
multiplexers and de multiplexers | Mini map |
Shift Registers | Think pair share |
PLA, PAL, CPLD, FPGA | Flipped Class Room |
EE8551 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers | Interrupts of 8085 | One minute paper |  |
Addressing modes | Mini map |
Comparison to Programming Concepts With 8085 | Visual Clicker |
A/D and D/A Converters & Interfacing With 8085 and 8051. | Flipped Class Room |
12 | Mrs. G. Sivapriya | EC8353 Electron Devices and Circuits | Applications of Diode | One Minute Paper |  |
Characteristics of BJT under CE configuration | Virtual lab demonstration. |
Neutralization methods | Class Poll |
Oscillators | Ungraded Quiz |
EE8703 Renewable Energy Systems | Environmental consequence of Fossil Fuel usage | One Minute Paper |  |
Wind Energy | Ungraded Quiz |
Solar Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Solar Thermal Collector, Evacuated Type Flat plate collectors | Field Visit, Demonstration |
13 | Mr. A. Guna | EE8351 Digital Logic Circuits | Digital Logic Family | One Minute Paper |  |
PROM,PLA,PAL | Flipped Classroom |
EE8353 Electrical drives and controls | Introduction to Electrical Drives | One Minute Paper |  |
Classification of DC Chopper | Flipped Classroom |