Lets create Bonding
The Alumni Association of Ramco Institute of Technology strives to develop strong connections between the institute and its family of alumni and perpetuate a desire for life-long involvement with the institute
- To establish a spirit of loyalty to the institute.
- To foster a strong bond between the alumni, students and the institution.
- To advance Ramco Institute of Technology through programs that serve as a bridge between industry and institute.
- To investigate new opportunities and find prospective careers for students in fields of emerging trends and technologies.
- To facilitate professional networking for mutual benefit in academic and professional career.
- To facilitate alumni to contribute to the institutes initiatives for achieving excellence in academics, research, consultancy, training and placement.
- To facilitate the association of alumni with their Alma Mater.
- To function on charitable basis, and to run the Association on no profit no loss basis.
- To establish Alumni endowments for granting scholarships, prizes and medals to the meritorious students.
Alumni Newsletter Details
SI.No. | Academic Year | View Document |
2020-2021 (January - June 2021) | ![]() |
Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with RIT Clustra and Alumni Association organized a Webinar on Fields in CS for First Year CSE Students on 26.11.2021 at 03.00PM through Google Meet. Around 42 students of first year CSE were actively participated in this programme. The resource persons of the programme was Ms.S.Yeshwanthini, Graduate Engineer Trainee - IT, Ramco Cements, Chennai. She elaborated about the important engineering topics in CS, programming languages and the application of each programming languages in real world. She also insisted about content writing and project development. The participants were actively attended the sessions and expressed that the programme was very informative.

Ramco Institute of Technology in association Training and Placement Centre, RIT-Alumni Association and Department of Computer Science and Engineering organizes Placement talk on How to grab a job in Accenture through the Google Meet platform on October 09, 2021, at 7.30 pm . Around 60 students actively participate in the talk. Mr. K.Sathya Prakash and Ms.S. Krishnavi Associate Software Engineer Accenture Chennai, Alumni of CSE( Batch 2017-2021) explained the test pattern of Accenture and shared their experience of writing the exam. Directed the students to work hard and prepared for placement. They also elaborated the details about the various rounds in the recruitment process. They discussed tricks to get success in an online interview and also shared how to prepare for the software company interviews .The talk was coordinated by Mrs .M.Swarna Sudha AP(SG)/CSE and Mrs .B. Vijayalakshmi, AP(SG)/CSE, The Department sincerely expressed its appreciation to alumni students for their presence.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Alumni Association jointly organized a technical session on Importance of Data structures and Algorithms for II Year CSE students on 19.09.2021, 11.00 am 12.30 pm.
Dr.K.Vijaya lakshmi, Professor and Head welcomed the gathering and gave an introduction about chief guest, Mr.K.Arivarasan, Pursuing M.Tech CSE, IIT Dhandbad (Batch 2013-2017). Students enquired the importance of Problem solving, how to improve logical thinking, importance of programming. Resource person suggested a few programming platforms like Hacker rank, code chef, Leet code and advised to practice regularly and have a consistency in solving problems. Importance of Algorithms is highlighted to become a good CS Engineer. Problems in Leet code and hacker rank related to Data structures and Algorithms were discussed.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with Alumni Association organized a Workshop on Introduction to React Js with Git and Surge for II and III year CSE students on 11.09.2021 at 11.30am. The resource person of the program is Mr.P.Vinoth Rajan, Software Engineer, Tech Mahindra (Batc 2014-2018). Basic introduction of HTML and CSS, Importance of Java scripts, Need of React JS and comparison of a website With and Without React JS was demonstrated detailly using visual studio. The importance of State and Props in ReactJs was highlighted. Git and its commands were demonstrated along with its purpose. Around 100 students actively participated. Finally the session was ended with Vote of Thanks by Ms.G.Sakthi Priya, AP/CSE

Ramco Institute of Technology in association with Training and Placement Centre, RIT Alumni Association and Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized the Placement talk on How to Tackle Zoho Drive through the Google Meet platform on August 18, 2021 at 2.00 pm. Around 35 students actively participated in the talk. Mr.R.Dhanus Karthikeyan (Batch:2016-2020), Software Developer, Zoho Corporation explained the recruitment process of the Zoho drive and he shared his experience. He shared the tips and various ideas to crack the Zoho placement drive. He also elaborated the details about the various rounds in the recruitment process and how to prepare for those rounds. The participants expressed that the talk was highly interactive and useful. Mrs. B.Vijayalakshmi, Assistant professor of CSE genuinely expressed thankfulness to the alumni student for their support.

Ramco Institute of Technology in association with Training and Placement Centre, RIT Alumni Association and Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized the Placement talk on How to unlock the Zoho Drive through the Google Meet platform on August 15, 2021 at 7.30 pm. Around 100 students actively participated in the talk. Mr.Vasantha Karuppasamy (Batch 2015-2019) Software Developer, Zoho Corporation described the recruitment process of the zoho drive and he elaborated the details about the various rounds in the recruitment process .He told the students to visit geeks for geeks website to prepare for programming round questions. The participants expressed that the talk was highly interactive and useful. Dr.K.Vijayalakshmi, Professor & Head expressed its gratefulness to alumni student for his presence and. his continues support The talk was coordinated by Mrs.M.Swarna Sudha Assistant professors of CSE

Ramco Institute of Technology in association with Training and Placement Centre, RIT Alumni Association and Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized the Placement talk on Preparation for Centizen Drivethrough the Google Meet platform on August 10, 2021, at 8.00 pm. Around 40 students actively participate in the talk Mr. S. Santhosh (Batch: 2016-2020) Mr.G.Prasanna Kumar and Ms.K.Raga Priya (Batch: 2017-2021) Software Developer of Centizen explained the test pattern of the online exam and shared their experience of writing the exam. And explain to students how centizen provides a great platform to learn and improve skillsets. Directed the students to work hard and prepared for placement. The participants expressed that the talk was highly interactive and useful. Mrs. M.Swarna Sudha Assistant professor of CSE genuinely expressed gratitude to the alumni students for their support.

Ramco Institute of Technology in association with Training and Placement Centre, RIT-Alumni Association, and Department of Computer Science and Engineering organizes placement talk on Tricks to crack EmbedUR through the Google Meet platform on July 10 2021 at 7.00 pm Around 65 students actively participate in the talk. Ms.R.Siva Ranjini Software Engineer, EmbedUR, Chennai, and Alumni of CSE( Batch 2017-2021) explained the test pattern of the online EmbedUR and shared her experience of writing the exam. And insist on the students how EmbedUR provides a great platform to learn and improve skillsets. In addition, she discussed the benefits of doing the Mini project. The participants expressed that the talk was highly interactive and useful. Mrs. M.Swarna Sudha Assistant professor (SG) of CSE sincerely expressed gratitude to the alumni student for her support. The talk was coordinated by Mrs.B.Vijayalakshmi, AP(SG)/CSE.

Ramco Institute of Technology in association with Training and Placement Centre, RIT-Alumni Association, and Department of Computer Science and Engineering organizes a Virtual placement talk on Guidelines for online interview Success on 9 July 2021 at 7.30 pm. Around 55 students actively participate in the talk The resource person Ms. Asmitha RaviKumar Alumni ( Batch 2014-2018), Ms.Vaishnavi Devi A J (Batch 2017-2021 ), Associate Technical Consultant, Vuram Technology Solution,) and C.Jegatha Zoho Alumni (Batch 2017-2021) discussed the methods and tricks to get success in an online interview and also shared how to prepare for the software company interviews she discussed the benefits of doing Mini projects and advice the students to be confident. The participants expressed that the webinar was highly enlightening and useful. The talk was coordinated by Mrs.M.SwarnaSudha AP(SG)/CSE and Mrs.B. Vijayalakshmi, AP(SG)/CSE, The Department sincerely expressed its gratitude to alumni students for their presence.

Ramco Institute of Technology in association RIT-Alumni Association and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering organizes a Career Guidance Program on "Engineers Interview Success: A Practical Approach for Personal Interview" for II and III year students on 15.06.2021. The resource persons for the program are our alumni, Ms. S. Yeshwanthini, Ms. C. Jegatha, Ms. R. Sivaranjani, Ms. S. Sujitha, Ms. S. Krishna Veni.( Batch 2017 -2021) Each of them shared their interview experiences, dos and donts in interviews and answered the questions of their enthusiastic juniors. Around 100 participants attended the program and the resource persons and the participants had wonderful interaction. The program was coordinated by Mrs.B.Vijayalakshmi, AP(SG)/CSE, and Mrs.N.Nithya, AP/CSE.

Ramco Institute of Technology in association with, RIT-Alumni Association and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering organizes Career opportunities in software testing through the Google Meet platform on June 13, 2021, at 5.00 pm Around 95 students actively participate in the webinar. Mrs. Vennila Alagaswamy QA Automation Engineer Agile Tech CSE Alumni (Batch 2013-2017) explained the job opportunities in software testing and shared her experience of working in software testing. And insist on the do online and to learn and improve skillsets. Advice the students to study consistently with commitment. The participants expressed that the webinar was highly interactive and useful. Mrs. M.Swarna Sudha Assistant professor of CSE sincerely expressed gratitude to the alumni students for her support.

Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with the RIT Alumni Association jointly organized Virtual Alumni Meet for the batch of 2013-2017 MECH students through the Google Meet platform on Feb 21, 2021(Sunday) at 11 am. Around 20 students eagerly participated in the event. Mr.M.Lakshmanan delivered a welcome address to all our faculty members and alumni students of 2013-17 batch followed by Dr.S. Rajakarunakaran and Dr.P.Sureshkumar dissemination Vision , mission and PSO of our department and presented Department progress and facilities developed for the students over the years 2018, 2019, 2020. Students felt very happy about the developmental activities carried out over the years. Also, alumni members shared their experience and current scenario of industries and expectations of them. The department faculty members expressed their thoughts and appreciated the achievements of alumni members. Mr.K.Vigneshwaran, AP/Mech delivered the vote of thanks.

Ramco Institute of Technology in association Training and Placement Centre, RIT-Alumni Association and Department of Computer Science and Engineering organizes Placement talk on Get an Edge with Aspire Systems. through the Google Meet platform on March 24, 2021, at 4.00 pm Around 25 students actively participate in the talk. Ms. Shamnugavalli Sofware Analyst Aspire Systems Chennai and Mr.T.Manikandian Enterprise Solutions (EIIM) Aspire Systems, Alumni of CSE( Batch 2016-2020) explained the test pattern of Aspire Systems and shared their experience of writing the exam. Directed the students to work hard and prepared for placement. Dr.K.Vijayalakshmi, Professor & Head suggested they share the type questions and references websites. The participants expressed that the talk was highly communicating and beneficial. Mrs. M.Swarna Sudha Assistant professor of CSE genuinely conveyed thankfulness to alumni students for their support.

Ramco Institute of Technology in association with Training and Placement Centre, RIT-Alumni Association and Department of Computer Science and Engineering organizes A Webinar on Know about Infytq Platform and Infosys Certifications. through the Google Meet platform on March 22 2021 at 6.00 pm Around 50 students actively participate in the webinar. Ms. A.Vijaya Malini Systems Engineer, Infosys, Chennai, and Alumni of CSE( Batch 2016-2020) explained the test pattern of the InfyTQ exam and shared her experience of writing the exam. And insist on the students how Infosys provides a great platform to learn and improve skillsets. Advice the students to study consistently all the sections of infytq with commitment. The participants expressed that the webinar was highly interactive and useful. Mrs. M.Swarna Sudha Assistant professor of CSE sincerely expressed gratitude to the alumni students for her support.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with RIT Alumni Association organizes Virtual Alumni Meet for the batch of 2015-2019 CSE students through the Google Meet platform on Feb 21, 2021 (Sunday) at 2.00 pm. Around 40 students actively participate in the Fun events organized by the students of final year CSE and also highlighted the features of the learning environment of RIT and recommended the students to work hard and to develop skills in their field of choice. Dr.K.Vijayalakshmi Professor and Head suggested the students give thoughts for the betterment of the institution. The Dr.M.Kaliappan Professor suggested the student create a forum to interact and communicate with all alumni and take their opinion. The Alumni students have actively shared their thoughts and views for the betterment of the students and institution. Mrs. M.Swarna Sudha Assistant professor sincerely expressed gratitude to all alumni students for their support to make this event a grand success.

Department of CSE in association with the RIT Alumni Association jointly organized Virtual Alumni Meet for the batch of 2013-2017 CSE students through the Google Meet platform on Feb 21, 2021(Sunday) at 10.30 pm. Around 40 students eagerly participated in the events organized by the students of final year CSE and also they share their experience in RIT. Dr.K.Vijayalakshmi, Professor & Head suggested the students give ideas for the improvement of the institution and present students. The Alumni students have actively shared their thoughts and views for the betterment of the students and institution. The Department sincerely expressed its gratitude to all the alumni students for their presence and active participation.

Dept. of CSE in association with RIT Alumni Association organize Virtual Alumni Meet for the batch of 2014-2018 CSE students through the Google Meet platform on Feb 20, 2021 (Saturday) at 2.00 pm. Around 42 students enthusiastically participate in the events organized by the students of final year CSE and also they share the experience in RIT. Dr.K.Vijayalakshmi, Professor & Head suggested the students give ideas for the betterment of the institution. The Alumni students actively gave their own ideas for the betterment of the students. The Department sincerely expressed its gratitude to all the alumni students for their presence and active participation.

Dept. of EEE conducted a virtual Alumni Meet for 2016-2020 EEE Students from 4.00 pm to 5.30pm on 02 May, 2021. The HoD/EEE, Class Advisers and all faculty members organized the meeting through Google Meet to discuss the department activities carried out. Dr. K. Karthikeyan, ASP/EEE welcomed the alumni students and disseminated the vision and mission of the college and department, the new facilities added to the department and department achievements, current positive changes implemented in RIT. The Alumni gave various suggestions/feedback for the department development activities.

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, in Association with Alumni Association organised an online virtual Alumni Meet for 2014-2018 Batch EEE Students on 11 Apr., 2021. Mr. N. Ganesh, AP(SG)/EEE Co-ordinated the meeting. Totally 19 students have participated in this event. The Alumni students have requested all the faculty members to guide the students to have clear idea in choosing their career path. They also suggested giving importance for writing GATE examination. The students have requested their juniors to have aim of pursuing MBA and to become entrepreneur. The Alumni students have explained the importance of core job. They suggested all the students to have basic knowledge in Electrical CAD, PLC programming and ARES Software.

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, in Association with Alumni Association organised an online virtual Alumni Meet for 2015-2019 Batch EEE Students on 28 Mar., 2021. Mr. D. Karthik Prabhu, AP(SG)/EEE Co-ordinated the meeting. Totally 22 students have participated in this event. The Alumni students have advised the importance of Time management and stress management. They also stated the importance of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and its opportunities in industries. They suggested giving training in Programing Skills in various languages.

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, in Association with Alumni Association organised an online virtual Alumni Meet for 2013-2017 Batch EEE Students on 07 Feb., 2021. Dr. K. Karthikeyan, ASP/EEE and Mr. D. Karthikprabhu, AP (SG)/EEE Co-ordinate the meeting. Totally 10 students has participated in this event. They requested to provide extensive training for students on the automation field like Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and Variable Frequency Drives (VFD), since most of the core industries are equipped with these controllers. Also, the students have suggested to give training in the following software areas such as Back-end: SQL, Front-end: Angular JS, HTML, Javascript, & Bootstap. The Alumni students have actively shared their thoughts and views for the betterment of our students and our college.

Department of Electronics and Communication
Events Organized
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with the RIT Alumni Association jointly organized Virtual Alumni Meet for the batch of 2016-2020 ECE students through the Google Meet platform on 23.05.2021 (Sunday) at 10.30 am. Around 67 students participated in the event. Mr.K.Ragavan, AP(Sr.Gr) delivered a welcome address to all our faculty members and alumni students of 2016-20 batch followed by Dr.S.Periyanayagi Professor & Head disseminate Vision, mission and PSO of our department and presented Department progress and facilities developed for the students over the years. The Alumni students felt very happy about the developmental activities carried out. Also, they have actively shared their thoughts and views for the betterment of the students and institution. The department faculty members expressed their thoughts and appreciated the achievements of alumni members.Mrs.V.SrirengaNachiyar,AP(SG)/ECE, delivered the vote of thanks.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with the RIT Alumni Association jointly organized Virtual Alumni Meet for the batch of 2015-2019 ECE students through the Google Meet platform on 07.02.2021 (Sunday) at 3.30 pm. Around 65 students participated in the event. Mr.K.Ragavan, AP(Sr.Gr)delivered a welcome address to all our faculty members and alumni students of 2015-19 batch followed by Dr.S.Periyanayagi Professor & Head disseminate Vision, mission and PSO of our department and presented Department progress and facilities developed for the students over the years. The Alumni students felt very happy about the developmental activities carried out over the years. Also, they have actively shared their thoughts and views for the betterment of the students and institution. The department faculty members expressed their thoughts and appreciated the achievements of alumni members.Mrs.G.GnanaPriya,AP(SG)/ECE, delivered the vote of thanks.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with the RIT Alumni Association jointly organized Virtual Alumni Meet for the batch of 2014-2018 ECE students through the Google Meet platform on 31.01.2021 (Sunday) at 4 pm. Around 48 students participated in the event. Dr.B.Deepa Lakshmi, Associate Professor delivered a welcome address to all our faculty members and alumni students of 2014-18 batch followed by Dr.S.Periyanayagi Professor & Head disseminate Vision, mission and PSO of our department and presented Department progress and facilities developed for the students over the years. The Alumni students felt very happy about the developmental activities carried out over the years. Also, they have actively shared their thoughts and views for the betterment of the students and institution. The department faculty members expressed their thoughts and appreciated the achievements of alumni members.Mr.B.KannanAP(SG)/ECE, delivered the vote of thanks.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with the RIT Alumni Association jointly organized Virtual Alumni Meet for the batch of 2013-2017 ECE students through the Google Meet platform on 31.01.2021 (Sunday) at 11 am. Around 38 students actively participated in the event. Mr.K.Ragavan, Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr.) delivered a welcome address to all our faculty members and alumni students of 2013-17 batch followed by Dr.S.PeriyanayagiProfessor & Head disseminate Vision, mission and PSO of our department and presented Department progress and facilities developed for the students over the years 2018, 2019, 2020. Students felt very happy about the developmental activities carried out over the years. Also, alumni members shared their experience and current scenario of industries and expectations of them. The department faculty members expressed their thoughts and appreciated the achievements of alumni members.Dr.B.DeepalakshmiAsso.Prof/ECE, delivered the vote of thanks.

The Department of Electronics and Communication in association with IE(I) Students Chapter organized an interactive session on RIT Buds Meet RIT Glowing Alumni for I ECE Students who are about to join in RIT, Rajapalayam on 19 Aug., 2020. A total of 50 students attended the program. To accomplish this, two alumni of ECE department Mr.S. Saravanakumar, Assistant Manager, Ramco Cements, Chennai and Mr.B. Lakshmanakumar, Technical Engineer, Enthu Technologies, Coimbatore were invited as speakers. Both the alumni enlightened the students about the various job opportunities and highlighted the facilities available in ECE department. The program was coordinated by Mr.V.Rajesh, AP/ECE and Mr.P.Venkatesh, AP/ECE under the guidelines of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Professor & Head/ECE.
The Department of Electronics and Communication in association with IE(I) Students Chapter organized an interactive talk on Career Path for Electronics and Communication Engineers for I ECE Students who are about to join in RIT, Rajapalayam on 25 Aug., 2020. A total of 51 students attended the program. To accomplish this, two alumni of ECE Department Mr.G.Hariram, ASIC Verification Engineer, MBIT Wireless Technology, Chennai and Ms.N.Subasini, Associate Communication Engineer, Ericssion India Global Service, Bangalore enlightened the students about the various core company job opportunities for an ECE student. The program was coordinated by Mr.K.Ragavan, AP(SG)/ECE and Mr.R.DeivaNayagam, AP/ECE under the guidelines of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Professor & Head/ECE.
A Five-day value-added course on IVA013- Virtual Instrumentation was organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 30.11.2020 to 10.12.2020 for III year ECE Students via Google meet online platform. The course was conducted for 30 hours duration. Mr.P.Gunasekaran, AP/ECE was the course coordinator of the program. The resource person for this course was our alumni students Ms.M.Chitra Devi, Quality Engineer, Tessolve Semiconductor Pvt.Ltd, Bangalore and Mr.A.Sriram, Test Engineer, Tessolve Semiconductor Pvt.Ltd, Bangalore were the resource person for the training programme.
A Five-day value-added course on BCM2837 - Internet of Things using Broadcom was organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 30.11.2020 to 10.12.2020 for III year ECE students through Google meet. 33 students participated in this course. External resource person and our ECE Alumnus Mr.B.Lakshmana Kumar, Technical Engineer, Enthu Technology, presented the topic on LoRaWAN Technology.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Alumnus Mr.Veerendra Kumar, RF Board Design Engineer, Data Patterns Ltd., Chennai addresses the final year students for How to tackle the Data Pattern interview on 02.11.2020. He shared his experience about facing a technical interview in Data Pattern and job opportunities in outside world.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Alumna Ms.A.Piruthiba, Soft Skill Trainer interacted with IV year ECE Students on 10.12.2020. Totally 70 students participated and interacted with her. She gave several tips and gave lectures on company-specific programming Aptitude Skills for Placement Drive.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Alumna Ms.V.Gobiya, Customer Success Manager, FACE, Chennai addresses the final year students for Wipro Elite NTH 2021 on 14.12.2020. She gave lot of valuable inputs for crossing aptitude round, technical interview and personality development for HR round

The Department of Electronics and Communication and Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in association with IE(I) and Alumni Association organized a Webinar on Target for Zoho on 27.12.2021 for the ECE and EEE students of Ramco Institute of Technology. Around 90 students from both ECE and EEE department participated in the Webinar. Mr.S.DVijayakumar, CEO, Zest Academy, Erode and our ECE Alumna Ms.M.SumathiPriya, Carrier Development Coach, Ethnus Consultancy Services were the resource persons. During the session, programming and aptitude shortcuts were explained to the students which helped them to prepare for the placement. The webinar was co-ordinated by Mrs.G.GnanaPriya,AP(SG)/ECE and Mr.A.S.Vigneshwar,AP/EEE under the guidelines of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Professor & Head/ECE and Dr.S.Kannan, Professor & Head/EEE.

The Dept. of ECE & EEE in association with Alumni Association organized a Webinar on Scope of Job Opportunities in Latest Technologies on 24 Jan., 2021 for the unplaced ECE and EEE students of RIT, Rajapalayam. Around 60 students participated in the Webinar. Our ECE Alumna Ms.K.PadmajayaRekha, Software Engineer, AI Design Private Limited was the resource person. She shared her interview experience and guided the students about how to plan and prepare for the placement. She also suggested various useful links to practice aptitude and coding which helped the students to prepare for the upcoming placement drive. The webinar was co-ordinated by Dr.K.Karthikeyan, Associate Professor/EEE and Mrs.G.GnanaPriya, AP(SG)/ECE under the guidelines of convenors Dr.S.Kannan, Professor & Head/EEE and Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Professor & Head/ECE.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with IE(I) Students Chapter jointly organized a webinar on Career Guidance Program on 07 may, 2021 through google Meet for II & III ECE Students. RIT ECE Alumni (2015-2019 Batch) M.Sumathipriya, Flextronics Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, S.Swathy, CARE Regional Health Insurance, Coimbatore, Ms.A.Piruthiba, Freelancer acted as a resource for this event. They gave guidelines about improvement of technical &aptitude skills and tips to prepare MBA Competitive Exam. Around 60 students actively participated in this event. The webinar was co-ordinated by the student coordinators Ms.S.Prakathi and Ms.S.Priyadharshini and the Faculty coordinator- Mrs.S.Jeeva, AP/ECE under the guidance of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Prof. & Head/ECE.

Department of ECE in association with IE(I)- Students Chapter and Institution Innovation Council (IIC) organized a Guest Lecture on "Modern Tools in Internet Security" on 09 May, 2021. Mr.M.Hariharan, Product Technical Specialist, Redington, Bangalore acted as a Resource person for this session. Mr.P.Gunasekaran, AP/ECE coordinated the session under the guidelines of convener Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Prof. & Head/ECE.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with IE(I) Students Chapter jointly organized a Seminar on How to Prepare Aptitude for Placement on 16 May, 2021 through google Meet for I, II & III ECE Students. RIT ECE Alumni (2013-2017 Batch) Mr.G.Harri Ram, Senior VLSI Verification Engineer, MobiveilTechnolgy, Chennai, and M.Saranyamalini, Junior Associate, State Bank of India, acted as a resource person for this event. They gave guidelines about improvement of technical & aptitude skills and tips to prepare MBA Competitive Exam. The webinar was co-ordinated by the student coordinators Mr.G.Sridhar, Mr.S.Sundhar, III ECE and the Faculty coordinator Mr.B.Kannan, AP(SG)/ECE under the guidance of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Prof. & Head/ECE

Department of EEE Alumni Association organizes an empower employment training Programme on "How to Crack Aptitude" for all RIT students on 22.12.2020. Ms. K. Muthu Priya Dharshini, (Alumnus 2015-19 Batch) Business Development Associate, Team Leader, BYJUS, Chennai trained the students in the topic Calendar.

K.Kandha Vivek Raj Member Technical Staff (Zoho) K. Lakshmi Priya Programmar Analyst (Cognizant Technology Chennai) , A. Vennila Junior Engineer (IVTL InfoView TechnoLogies Pvt. Ltd.) N. Vishak Raj Analyst Programmer (Ramco Systems Chennai) and G Ponkumaresan Junior Engineer (IVTL InfoView TechnoLogies Pvt. Ltd.) [Batch 2013- 2017] addressing the Second and Final year students of CSE on 14.09.2019 in the CSE Seminar Hall. They discussed about their working environment and also they highlighted the college experience. Directed the students to work hard and to develop skills and to sharpen skills in their field of choice.

Ms.Kavya (Batch 2015- 2018) Alumni of CSE, GoDB Tech, Chennai addressing the Second year CSE student on 14.09.2019. She shares her experience in college and opportunities to learn more and advised the students to develop the skills.

'RIT-Alumni Association' First Alumni meet was held on 14.09.2019, 11 am in RIT-EEE Seminar Hall. More than 50 alumni members attended the meet and shared their memorable experiences during their pleasant stay at RIT campus. They also highlighted the features of learning environment which greatly supports them to stay tuned in their professional career. RIT Alumni association logo wasreleased and the association bylaws were finalized for submission to Tamilnadu Societies Registration. Alumni association members discussed about the means to conduct more events and creation of alumni awards for their junior students. Ms.R.Ponjothi Lakshmi, Alumni member welcomed the gathering. Mr.M.R.Vishnusankar, Ramco Cements, RR Nagar delivered presidential address. Dr.L.Ganesan, Principal, RIT and Patron of Alumni Association delivered felicitation address. All the Ex-Officio members of the RIT-Alumni Association interacted with the Alumni members. Mr.N.Vishak Raj, Ramco Systems, Chennai proposed the vote of thanks.

Ms.Brinda, Ms.Meera Parveen & Ms. R Gousalya, Alumni of CSE from Jilaba Software Services Pvt Ltd in Chennai addressing the first year CSE student on 05.08.2019 in class room . She discussed about her working environment and also she highlighted the college experience. Advised the students to utilise the college facility properly.

Ms.N.Santhiya (Batch 2013- 2017) Alumni of CSE Alumni of CSE pursuing M.E., in College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai addressing the First-year CSE student on 09.08.2019. She shares her experience in college and opportunities to learn more and advised the students to develop the skills.

Ms.V.Archuna & Ms.B.Sindhu (Batch 2014- 2018) Alumni of CSE from Ramco systems, Chennai addressing the first year CSE student through Skype on 03.08.2019. They share their experience in college and advice the students to actively participate in all the activity organized in department.

Mr.P.Muthu Ramaswamy (Batch 2015-2019) Alumni of CSE from Ramco systems, Chennai addressing the first year CSE student through Skype on 03.08.2019. He shares his hostel and college experience and also told the student about importance of continues learning and hard working.

Department of EEE organizes a Guest Lecture on "Real World Applications of Digital Signal Processing and Importance of Digital Signal Processing" for the III and IV year B.E. EEE students on 17.08.2019. Mr. M. Muralikumar,(Alumnus 2013-17 Batch) Engineer, Firmware Design and Development, Data Patterns India Pvt. Ltd, Chennai delivered sessions.

- Chief Patron(s):The Chairman and Vice Chairman of Ramco Groups will be the Chief Patron(s) to the Association.
- Patron: The Principal of Ramco Institute of Technology will be the Patron to the Association
- Executive Body: There shall be an Executive Committee to manage the affairs of the Association. The executive committee shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Joint secretary, Treasurer, Executive Committee members and Ex-officio members.
- Local Chapters: There may be local chapters in India and Abroad. The membership with the local chapter will be governed by RIT-Alumni Association.
- The president shall preside over the executive committee meetings and maintain their minutes.
- The president shall have all the power for promotion of the objectives of the alumni association.
- The President shall have discretionary powers to take any decision and report to the Executive Committee for ratification.
- The President shall keep tracking of what is going in the alumni association.
- The President shall make arrangements of the meeting to be monitored.
Vice President
- The Vice President shall exercise the duties of the President in his absence
- The Vice President shall render advice to the Executive Committee with regard to promotion of the objectives of the association
- To make complete agenda of the all program and give it to the secretary for file
- The Secretary shall look after the activities of the Association under the supervision of the President.
- To keep the permanent record of minutes of all meetings.
- The Secretary shall be responsible for carrying out all correspondence of the association.
- To have the accurate record of all activities like full membership list of the alumni, guest lecturers, industrial visits, invitation forms etc.,
Joint Secretary
- The Joint secretary shall exercise the duties of the secretary in his absence.
- Perform any other duties assigned by the president.
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of the financial records and accounts of the association.
- The Treasurer shall operate the funds of the Association jointly with the President.
Executive Member
- The Executive Members shall assist the Executive Committee in the delegation of their responsibilities.
- The Executive Committee members should attend the alumni meetings.
- The account of the Association shall be opened in Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) in Rajapalayam into which all subscription and other income shall be credited and operated.
- Financial year of the Association shall be from April 1 to March 31.
- Withdrawals of funds shall be made only with the approval of the President.
- The accounts of the Association shall be audited every year by Auditor to be appointed by the Executive Committee.
- The following records shall be maintained by the Association
i) Membership details;
ii) Minutes of the Executive Committee meetings and
iii) Copies of all correspondence - The records shall include details of all sums of money received and the sources and the sources thereof, and all the sums of money spent
Executive Member
- To conduct one meeting yearly at the Chapter wise section.
- To Conduct one meeting yearly in the Institute.
- To Participate in the various functions at the college.
Shri.P.R.Ramasubrahmaneya Rajha, Founder Chairman, RIT Shri.P.R.Venketrama Raja, Chairman, RIT | |
Dr.L.Ganesan, Principal, RIT | |
Dr.K.Vijayalakshmi, Professor & Head/CSE | |
Dr.S.Rajakarunakaran, Professor & Head/Mech | |
Dr.S.Kannan, Professor & Head/EEE | |
Dr.K.Basarikodi, Professor & Head/Maths | |
Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Assoc. Professor & Head/ECE | |
Mr.R.Dhanasekaran, Training and Placement Officer | |
Mr.G.Karthikeyan, Asst.Professor | |
Mr.R.Venkatesh, Asst.Professor | |
Mr.K.Karthikeyan, Asst.Professor | |
Mr.K.Ragavan, Asst.Professor | |
Mr.M.Lakshmanan, Asst.Professor |
Official mail ID:alumni@ritrjpm.ac.in controlled by the President of the alumni.
OFFICE BEARERS: alumniofficebearers@ritrjpm.ac.in
SI.NO | NAME | Position | Mail ID | Phone number |
1 | Mr.M.R.Vishnusankar | President | vishnubbrjpm@gmail.com | +91 98436 22585 |
2 | Ms.S.J.Poornima | Vice President | sjpoornima1995@gmail.com | |
3 | Mr.A.Aashik Ali | Secretary | aashiksiraj@gmail.com | +91 81228 31506 |
4 | Mr.K.Ananth Kumar | Joint Secretary | k.aananthdon@gmail.com | +91 89039 67521 |
5 | Mr.N.Vishakraj | Treasurer | vishakjune26@gmail.com | +91 84899 60848 |
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS:alumniecmembers@ritrjpm.ac.in
SI.NO | NAME | Mail ID |
1 | Mr.V.Pradeepram | pradeep07dev@gmail.com |
2 | Mr.M.Pandiyaraj | pndrj8@gmail.com |
3 | Ms.S.Dhanalakshmi | dhanudhanalaksh@gmail.com |
4 | Ms.S.Sowmiya | sowmisek@gmail.com |
5 | Ms.V.Essakijothi | jothivettrivel@gmail.com |
6 | Ms.N.Santhiya | sandhiyangr@gmail.com |
7 | Mr.S.Ganesh Venkat | chessganesh@gmail.com |
8 | Mr.M.Siva | sivagtk@gmail.com |
9 | Ms.S.Amirtha Priya | samirtha95@gmail.com |
10 | Ms.R.Ponjothilakshmi | ponjothirajalingam@gmail.com |
11 | Mr.M.Murali Kumar | murali12rit@gmail.com |
12 | Mr.N.S.Ramakrishnan | nsramkrish96@gmail.com |
13 | Ms.V.Reshma | vreshma96@gmail.com |
14 | Ms.S.V.Iasikha | iasikha.24@gmail.com |
15 | Ms.R.Velvizhi | velvizhi0707@gmail.com |
16 | Mr.G.Hari Ram | hariram10@gmail.com |
17 | Mr.P.Ari Ramalingam | rampadma95@gmail.com |
18 | Mr.S.Arumugarajan | arumugarajamech@gmail.com |
19 | Mr.B.Vengalabothi | vengalabothi@gmail.com |
20 | Mr.M.Muthusurendar | mrmuthu32mech@gmail.com |