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1. | Funded Projects | ![]() |
Sponsored Project
Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) sponsored the project The rescuer for Nipah Virus for the grant of Rs.7500/- to M.Muthuirani, T.R.Muthu Lekshmi, and P.Iswaryadevi of IV ECE Students under the guidance of Dr.S.Periyanayagi HOD/ECE. (Ref.No: TNSCST/SPS/AR2019-2020).
Foundation for Advancement of Education and Research (FAER) has shortlisted the project, Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Using Cognitive Radio Network in 5G Technology for the next level, team members are Libiya Joseph, S.Mahalakshm guided by Mrs.R.Ramalakshmi, AP/ECE for FAER McAfee Scholar Program for the year 2020-2021.
Foundation for Advancement of Education and Research (FAER) Selected and sponsored the project, Smart Anti-theft System for Automotive Security with face recognition and SMS Ignition Control team members are S.Harithra, S.Karthikashree guided by Mr.P.Gunasekaran, AP/ECE for FAER McAfee Scholar Program for the year 2020-2021.
AICTE has approved and sanctioned the Grant-In-Aid under the MODROB (Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence) Rural Scheme for the proposal Modernisation of Communication Systems Laboratory using 5G Wireless Systems with an amount of Rs.13,91,000.00.
TamilNadu State Council for Science and Technology sponsored the project The Helmet Voice Assistant for the grant of Rs.7500/- to P.G.Prasanth, A.Sriram and A.Syed Muhammed Nihall of IV ECE Students under the guidance of Mrs.R.Chitra, AP/ECE. (Ref.No: TNSCST/2018-19/EEE-084).
Foundation for Advancement of Education and Research (FAER) Selected and sponsored the project A new threshold approach for brain tumour segmentation using neuro-fuzzy guided by Mr.B.Kannan, AP(SG)/ECE for FAER McAfee Scholar Program for the year 2018-2019, Ref:
Foundation for Advancement of Education and Research (FAER) Selected and sponsored the project Low power and area efficient DCT algorithm for image processing application guided by Mr. A.Azhagu Jaisudhan Pazhani, AP(SG)/ECE for FAER McAfee Scholar Program for the year 2018-2019, Ref:
Foundation for Advancement of Education and Research (FAER) sponsored Rs. 5,000/- for the project Low Power and Area Efficient DCT Algorithm for Image Processing Application in 5 months duration from 01.01.2018 to 15.05.2018, Ref: FAER/2017-2018/S.No./17.
Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) sponsored Rs. 9,500/- for the project Soldier Tracking System in Border Areas using Zigbee and GPS Module in 6 Months duration from 30.1.2018 to 31.07.2018, Ref: TNSCST/2017-2018/Ref.No./EEE-105.