Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Events Organized
Department of ECE conducted a webinar on How to crack TCS Ninja through Google Meet online platform on 28 July, 2021 for final year ECE students. The resource persons Ms.P.Aishwarya, Ms.P.Kothawari, Ms.J.Shaina Davita & Mr.M.Muthukrishnan, Alumni (2017-2021 batch), Assistant Systems Engineer Trainee, Tata Consultancy Services, Chennai delivered a lecture on overview of placement Opportunities and how to crack TCS Ninja. Totally 52 students actively participated and interacted with resource persons. The event was coordinated by Mr.P.Gunasekaran, AP/ECE under the guidance of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Prof. & Head/ECE.
Department of ECE conducted an Association Valedictory function of RIT-ELECTRONICA and in association with IETE Organizes a Guest Lecture on AI and Deep Learning Models through Google Meet online platform on 05 Aug., 2021 for all ECE Students. The resource person Ms.K.Padmajaya Rekha, RIT ECE Alumna (2015-2019 Batch), Machine Learning Engineer, Optisol Business Solutions Limited, Chennai delivered a lecture on overview about AI and Deep Learning Models and how to do projects using Deep Learning models. The valedictory function and Guest Lecture was coordinated by Association Incharge Mr. K.Ragavan, AP(SG)/ECE and Guest Lecture Incharge Mrs.G.Gnana Priya, AP(SG)/ECE under the guidance of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Prof. & Head/ECE.
Fourth DAC meeting organized by Department of ECE on 04 September, 2021. The DAC members were Dr.A.Rajeswari, (Academic Member)/ Professor & Head - ECE, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Mr.S.Mohamed Safiyur Rahman, (R&D Member)/ Robert Bosch, GMBH, Coimbatore and Mr.Moorthi Kanagaraj, (Industrial Expert)/Director- Business Development, Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Ms.S.Mareeswari, Alumni (2013-17 batch), Mobiveil Technologies, Chennai attended the meeting to give valuable suggestions regarding academic progress.
Department of ECE conducted an Alumni Interaction with Freshers through Google Meet online platform on 16 Sep., 2021 for Higher Secondary School students. The resource person Ms.Saina Davita, RIT ECE Alumna (2017-2021 Batch), Assistant System Engineer Trainee, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) delivered a lecture on overview Engineering Education and Opportunities. Totally 65 students actively participated and interacted with resource person. The event was coordinated by Mrs.G.Gnana Priya, AP(SG)/ECE & Mr.S.Vijaya Kumar, AP/ECE under the guidance of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Prof. & Head/ECE.

Department of ECE conducted Short Term Course on "Design and Analysis of MOS Circuits" for III year ECE students through Google Meet online platform on 13 November 2021. The resource person Mr.G.Harri ram (2013-17 Batch alumni), Senior Verification Engineer, Mobiveil Technology, Bangalore, delivered a lecture on Current trends an analysis of MOS Circuits. Totally 33 students were participated in the session. The session was coordinated by Mr.S.Vijaya Kumar, AP/ECE under the guidance of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Prof. & Head/ECE.

Department of ECE conducted a webinar on Higher Studies Opportunities through Google Meet online platform on 29 January, 2022 for all II,III and IV year ECE students. The resource person Ms. Piruthika Krishnasamy, (20142018 Alumna), Masters in Electrical Engineering and Embedded Systems, Hochschule Ravensburg, Weingarten University of Applied Science, Germany delivered a lecture on overview of higher studies opportunities in Germany, UK, USA and Canada and also how to prepare for GRE, TOFEL ets., Totally 28 students actively participated and interacted with resource person. The event was coordinated by Dr.K.Ragavan, AP(Sr.Gr.)/ECE under the guidance of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Prof. & Head/ECE.
Department of ECE conducted a webinar on Shaping Your Career through Google Meet online platform on 05 February, 2022 for all II,III and IV year ECE students. The resource person Ms. M. Muthurani, (2016 - 2020 batch), Data Engineer, Huron Eurasia India Private Limited, Primeco Towers, Bangalore delivered a lecture on various placement opportunities and skills needed to clear the technical round. Totally 36 students actively participated and interacted with resource person. The event was coordinated by Dr.K.Ragavan, AP(Sr.Gr.)/ECE under the guidance of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Prof. & Head/ECE.

The Department of Electronics and Communication in association with IE(I) Students Chapter organized an interactive session on RIT Buds Meet RIT Glowing Alumni for I ECE Students who are about to join in RIT, Rajapalayam on 19 Aug., 2020. A total of 50 students attended the program. To accomplish this, two alumni of ECE department Mr.S. Saravanakumar, Assistant Manager, Ramco Cements, Chennai and Mr.B. Lakshmanakumar, Technical Engineer, Enthu Technologies, Coimbatore were invited as speakers. Both the alumni enlightened the students about the various job opportunities and highlighted the facilities available in ECE department. The program was coordinated by Mr.V.Rajesh, AP/ECE and Mr.P.Venkatesh, AP/ECE under the guidelines of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Professor & Head/ECE.
The Department of Electronics and Communication in association with IE(I) Students Chapter organized an interactive talk on Career Path for Electronics and Communication Engineers for I ECE Students who are about to join in RIT, Rajapalayam on 25 Aug., 2020. A total of 51 students attended the program. To accomplish this, two alumni of ECE Department Mr.G.Hariram, ASIC Verification Engineer, MBIT Wireless Technology, Chennai and Ms.N.Subasini, Associate Communication Engineer, Ericssion India Global Service, Bangalore enlightened the students about the various core company job opportunities for an ECE student. The program was coordinated by Mr.K.Ragavan, AP(SG)/ECE and Mr.R.DeivaNayagam, AP/ECE under the guidelines of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Professor & Head/ECE.
A Five-day value-added course on IVA013- Virtual Instrumentation was organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 30.11.2020 to 10.12.2020 for III year ECE Students via Google meet online platform. The course was conducted for 30 hours duration. Mr.P.Gunasekaran, AP/ECE was the course coordinator of the program. The resource person for this course was our alumni students Ms.M.Chitra Devi, Quality Engineer, Tessolve Semiconductor Pvt.Ltd, Bangalore and Mr.A.Sriram, Test Engineer, Tessolve Semiconductor Pvt.Ltd, Bangalore were the resource person for the training programme.
A Five-day value-added course on BCM2837 - Internet of Things using Broadcom was organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 30.11.2020 to 10.12.2020 for III year ECE students through Google meet. 33 students participated in this course. External resource person and our ECE Alumnus Mr.B.Lakshmana Kumar, Technical Engineer, Enthu Technology, presented the topic on LoRaWAN Technology.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Alumnus Mr.Veerendra Kumar, RF Board Design Engineer, Data Patterns Ltd., Chennai addresses the final year students for How to tackle the Data Pattern interview on 02.11.2020. He shared his experience about facing a technical interview in Data Pattern and job opportunities in outside world.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Alumna Ms.A.Piruthiba, Soft Skill Trainer interacted with IV year ECE Students on 10.12.2020. Totally 70 students participated and interacted with her. She gave several tips and gave lectures on company-specific programming Aptitude Skills for Placement Drive.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Alumna Ms.V.Gobiya, Customer Success Manager, FACE, Chennai addresses the final year students for Wipro Elite NTH 2021 on 14.12.2020. She gave lot of valuable inputs for crossing aptitude round, technical interview and personality development for HR round

The Department of Electronics and Communication and Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in association with IE(I) and Alumni Association organized a Webinar on Target for Zoho on 27.12.2021 for the ECE and EEE students of Ramco Institute of Technology. Around 90 students from both ECE and EEE department participated in the Webinar. Mr.S.DVijayakumar, CEO, Zest Academy, Erode and our ECE Alumna Ms.M.SumathiPriya, Carrier Development Coach, Ethnus Consultancy Services were the resource persons. During the session, programming and aptitude shortcuts were explained to the students which helped them to prepare for the placement. The webinar was co-ordinated by Mrs.G.GnanaPriya,AP(SG)/ECE and Mr.A.S.Vigneshwar,AP/EEE under the guidelines of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Professor & Head/ECE and Dr.S.Kannan, Professor & Head/EEE.

The Dept. of ECE & EEE in association with Alumni Association organized a Webinar on Scope of Job Opportunities in Latest Technologies on 24 Jan., 2021 for the unplaced ECE and EEE students of RIT, Rajapalayam. Around 60 students participated in the Webinar. Our ECE Alumna Ms.K.PadmajayaRekha, Software Engineer, AI Design Private Limited was the resource person. She shared her interview experience and guided the students about how to plan and prepare for the placement. She also suggested various useful links to practice aptitude and coding which helped the students to prepare for the upcoming placement drive. The webinar was co-ordinated by Dr.K.Karthikeyan, Associate Professor/EEE and Mrs.G.GnanaPriya, AP(SG)/ECE under the guidelines of convenors Dr.S.Kannan, Professor & Head/EEE and Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Professor & Head/ECE.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with IE(I) Students Chapter jointly organized a webinar on Career Guidance Program on 07 may, 2021 through google Meet for II & III ECE Students. RIT ECE Alumni (2015-2019 Batch) M.Sumathipriya, Flextronics Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, S.Swathy, CARE Regional Health Insurance, Coimbatore, Ms.A.Piruthiba, Freelancer acted as a resource for this event. They gave guidelines about improvement of technical &aptitude skills and tips to prepare MBA Competitive Exam. Around 60 students actively participated in this event. The webinar was co-ordinated by the student coordinators Ms.S.Prakathi and Ms.S.Priyadharshini and the Faculty coordinator- Mrs.S.Jeeva, AP/ECE under the guidance of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Prof. & Head/ECE.

Department of ECE in association with IE(I)- Students Chapter and Institution Innovation Council (IIC) organized a Guest Lecture on "Modern Tools in Internet Security" on 09 May, 2021. Mr.M.Hariharan, Product Technical Specialist, Redington, Bangalore acted as a Resource person for this session. Mr.P.Gunasekaran, AP/ECE coordinated the session under the guidelines of convener Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Prof. & Head/ECE.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with IE(I) Students Chapter jointly organized a Seminar on How to Prepare Aptitude for Placement on 16 May, 2021 through google Meet for I, II & III ECE Students. RIT ECE Alumni (2013-2017 Batch) Mr.G.Harri Ram, Senior VLSI Verification Engineer, MobiveilTechnolgy, Chennai, and M.Saranyamalini, Junior Associate, State Bank of India, acted as a resource person for this event. They gave guidelines about improvement of technical & aptitude skills and tips to prepare MBA Competitive Exam. The webinar was co-ordinated by the student coordinators Mr.G.Sridhar, Mr.S.Sundhar, III ECE and the Faculty coordinator Mr.B.Kannan, AP(SG)/ECE under the guidance of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Prof. & Head/ECE