A Six-day Anna University Value Added Course on IVA084-Embedded Systems Design Using ARM LPC2148,for III-year ECE students at our institution from August 1 to August 6, 2022. The training lasted 35 hours. The resource persons for this value-added course are 1. Mr.B.Kannan, AP (S.G.)/ECE; 2. Mr.R.Deiva Nayagam, AP/ECE; 3.Mr.G.Sivakumar,AP/ECE; and 4. Mr.P.Gunasekaran,AP/ECE, Mrs.G.Gnanapriya, AP(SG)/ECE and Dr.S.Vairaprakash, Associate Professor/ECE.From this value-added course, students learned the basics of embedded systems andother topics such as the selection of processor and memory devices for embedded, ARM processors and their versions, ARM7, ARM9, and ARM11, the programmers model of the ARM processor, the interrupt structure of the LPC2148, EEPROM using I2C, and how to write an embedded C program. Eventually, utilising the ARM LPC2148 and IAR Workbench with a C application, students may construct a basic system. Two evaluations (objective examinations) were undertaken to measure the students learning. Students feedback on the course was also collected.
A Six-day Anna University Value Added Course on IVA085 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF MOS CIRCUITS for III year ECE students at our Institution from August 1 to August 6, 2022.The Training lasted 35 hours. The resourse persons for this value added course are 1.Dr.A.Azhagu jaisudhan Pazhani, Associate Professor-ECE; 2.Mr.S.Vijayakumar,Assistant Professor-ECE;3. Mrs.G.Subhashini,Assistant Professor-ECE; 4. Mr.A.Ramesh Babu, Assistant Professor-ECE; 5.Dr.R.Rajalakshmi, Assistant Professor- ECE;6.Mrs.V.SrirengaNatchiar, Assistant Professor-ECE; 7.Mrs.R.Ramalakshmi, Assistant Professor-ECE. From this value added course, students learned the basics of MOS circuits and other topics such as MOS transistor structure and device modelling, on-ideal effects of MOSFET,Design and simulation of CMOS inverter Amplifier, MOS capacitance, Layout Versus schematic,IC Opamp applications, Instrumentation Amplifiers, on linear Circuits, Voltage controlled Oscillator,PLL-Phase Locked Loop,DAC and ADC. Eventually, utilising the EDA tool, students may be design the various MOS circuits. Two evaluations (Objective examinations) were undertaken to measure the students learning. Students feedback on the course was also collected.
A Five-day value-added course on BCM2837 - Internet of Things using Broadcom was organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 30.11.2020 to 10.12.2020 for III year ECE students through Google meet. 33 students participated in this course. External resource person Mr.B.Lakshmana Kumar, Technical Engineer, Enthu Technology, presented the topic on LoRaWAN Technology. The Internal resource person for this course was Mr. B. Kannan, AP(SG)/ECE, Mr. D.Gopinath, AP/ECE, Mr. A. Rameshbabu, AP/ECE, Mr. G.Sivakumar, AP/ECE, Mr. P.Venkatesh, AP/ECE, Dr. S. Vairaprakash, AP/ECE, Mrs. S. Jeeva, AP/ECE, Mrs. R. Divya, AP/ECE, Ms. S. A. Radhika, AP/ECE, Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam were the resource person for the training program.
A Five-day value-added course on IVA013- Virtual Instrumentation was organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 30.11.2020 to 10.12.2020 for III year ECE Students via Google meet online platform. The course was conducted for 30 hours duration. Mr.P.Gunasekaran, AP/ECE was the course coordinator of the program. The resource person for this course was Dr.B.Deepa Lakshmi, Mrs. G. Gnana Priya, AP(SG)/ECE, Mr.P.Gunasekaran.,AP/ECE, Mrs. M.Sangeetha, AP/ECE, Mrs. R. Ramalakshmi, AP/ECE, Mr. L.K. Balaji Vignesh, AP/ECE, Ms. S. Harini Shriram, AP/ECE, Ms. S. A. Radhika, AP/ECE, Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam were the resource person for the training programme.
A Five-day value-added course on IVA014 - IC Test Engineering was organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 30.11.2020 to 10.12.2020 for III years ECE Students in our college. The course was conducted for 30 hours duration in an online platform via Google meet. Mr.A.Azhagu Jaisudhan Pazhani, AP(Sr. Gr)/ECE and Mr.S.Vijayakumar AP/ECE were the course coordinator of the programme. Mr.P.Sivachidambaram, Test Engineer, Tessolve Semiconductor Pvt.Ltd, Bangalore, Mr. A.Azhagujaisudhan Pazhani, AP(Sr.Gr)/ECE, Mr.K.Ragavan, AP(Sr.Gr)/ECE, Mrs.V.SrirengaNachiyar, AP(Sr.Gr)/ECE, Mrs.R.Chitra, AP/ECE, Mr.S.Vijayakumar AP/ECE, Mr.R.Deiva Nayagam AP/ECE, Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam were the resource person for the training programme.
A Five day value added course on Problem solving Techniques was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 17-06-2019 to 21-06-2019 for II Year ECE Students. The students were given hands on training on programming in C. The Sessions were handled by Ms.V.Anusuya, AP(SG)/CSE, Mr.A.S.Prabaharan, AP(SG)/CSE, Mr.M.Gomathy Nayagam, AP(SG)/CSE, Mr.D.Lakshmanan, AP/CSE, Ms.P.Jothi Thilaga, AP/CSE Ms.Manjula, AP/CSE, Mr.C.A.Yogaraja, AP/CSE of Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam.

A Five day value added course on Embedded C with RTOS and IoT was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering from 10.06.2019 to 14.06.2019 for IV Year ECE and CSE Students. The Sessions were handled by the Mr.K.S.Rathinasamy and Mr.S.Thirumurugan, Senior Technical Manager, M/s. Enthu Technology Solutions, Coimbatore. The students were given hands on training on Embedded C and IoT.

A Five day value added course on SQL was organised by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering from 10.12.2018 to 14.12.2018 for III Year ECE Students. The Sessions were handled by the Internal Faculty Members of CSE Department. The students were given hands on training on SQL for the benefit of their Placements.

A Five day value added course on MATLAB was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 16.11.2018 to 20.11.2018 for II Year ECE Students. The Sessions were handled by the Internal Faculty Members of ECE Department. The students were given hands on training on Matlab Simulation and Simulink tool.

A Five day value added course on PCB Designing and Simulation was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 16.11.2018 to 20.11.2018 for II Year ECE Students. The Sessions were handled by the Internal Faculty Members of ECE Department. The students were given hands on training to design Printed Circuit Boards and Simulate experiments using Simulation Softwares like Pspice and Multisim.

A Five day value added course on ARDUINO was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 08.06.2018 to 12.06.2018 for II Year ECE Students. The Sessions were handled by the Resource Persons Mr.B.Kannan, AP(SG)/ECE, Mr.T.RamPrakash, AP/ECE, Mr.D.Gopinath, AP/ECE, Mr.R.Deiva Nayagam, AP/ECE, Mr.A.Ramesh Babu, AP/ECE and Mr.G.SivaKumar, AP/ECE Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam.

A Four day value added course on Sensor Technology was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 08.06.2018 to 11.06.2018 for II Year ECE students. The Sessions were handled by the Resource Persons Mr.G.Rajagopal, HoD/EEE-SF and Dr.V.R.Velmurugan, Lecturer, P.A.C.Ramasamy Raja Polytechnic College, Rajapalayam.

A Five day value added course on Wireless Communication Protocols was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 13.06.2018 to 18.06.2018 for IV year ECE students in association with M/s. Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore. The Sessions were handled by the Resource Persons Mr.K.S.Rathinasamy, Technical Manager and Mr.G.Gowtham Raj, Senior Application Engineer, M/s.Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore.

A Five day value added course on Tessolve SemiCondcutors IC Testing was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 13.06.2018 to 18.06.2018 for IV year ECE Students. The Sessions were handled by the Resource Persons Mr.A.Azhagu Jaisudhan Pazhani, AP(SG)/ECE, Mrs.R.Chitra, AP/ECE, Mrs.M.Sangeetha AP/ECE, Mrs.R.Ramalakshmi AP/ECE ,Mrs.R.Divya AP/ECE, Mr.S.Vijayakumar AP/ECE, Mr.A.RameshBabu AP/ECE, Mr.G.Sivakumar AP/ECE, Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam.

Five days value added course on Internet of Things (IOT) with Raspberry Pi was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 17.05.2018 to 22.05.2018 for II Year ECE students. The Sessions were handled by the Resource Persons Mr.M.Kannan, Mr.P.Kesavan, Senior Technical Manager from M/s. Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore.

Five days value added course on NI- LABVIEW was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 17.05.2018 to 22.05.2018 for II Year ECE students. The Sessions were handled by the Resource Persons Mr.B.Kannan, Assistant Professor (SG), Mr.P.Gunasekaran, Assistant Professor, Mr.V.Rajesh, Assistant Professor, Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam.

Five days value added course on Internet of Things (IOT) with Raspberry Pi was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 30.11.2017 to 04.12.2017 for III Year ECE students. The Sessions were handled by the Resource Persons Mr.Moorthy Kanagaraj, Product Manager, Mr.B.Mathivanan and Mr.R.Sathishkumar from M/s. Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore.

Five days value added course on Arduino UNO was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 30.11.2017 to 04.12.2017 for II Year ECE students. The sessions were handled by the Resource Persons Mr.R.Deiva Nayagam, Assistant professor, Mr.T.RamPrakash, Assistant Professor and Mr.B.Kannan, Assistant Professor(SG), Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam.

Five days value added course on PLC and Sensors was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with M/s. P.A.C.Ramasamy Raja Polytechnic College, Rajapalayam from 30.11.2017 to 04.12.2017 for II Year ECE students The Sessions were handled by the Resource Persons Dr.V.R.Velmurugan, Lecturer and Mr. G.Rajagopal, HOD/EEE-SF from P.A.C.Ramasamy Raja Polytechnic College, Rajapalayam.

Five days value added course on MATLAB was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 30.11.2017 to 04.12.2017 for II Year ECE students. The Sessions were handled by the Resource Persons Dr.S.Periyanayagi, HOD/Incharge, Mr.K.Ragavan, Assistant Professor (SG), Dr.B.Deepa Lakshmi, Assistant Professor (SG), and Mr.A.Rameshbabu, Assistant Professor, ECE, Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam.

Five days value added course on VLSI Design using CADENCE Tools was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 30.11.2017 to 04.12.2017 for III Year ECE students. The faculty co-ordinators from Ramco Institute of Technology handled various sessions on VLSI Design using CADENCE Tools. The Sessions were handled by the Resource persons Mr.A.Azhagu Jaisudhan Pazhani, Assistant professor, Mrs.M.Sangeetha, Assistant Professor and Mr.S.Vijayakumar, Assistant professor, Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam.

Six days Value Added Course on Internet of Things (IoT) with Raspberry Pi was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 28.11.2016 to 03.12.2016 for III Year ECE students. The Sessions were handled by the Resource person Mr.Moorthy Kanagaraj, Product Manager, M/s. Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore.

Six days Value Added Course on Arduino with Internet of Things (IoT) was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 05.12.2016, 09.12.2016 to 13.12.2016 for II Year ECE students. The Sessions were handled by the Resource Persons Mr.M.Manikandan, Application Engineer, M/s. Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore.

Six days Value Added Course on MATLAB was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 12.12.2016 to 17.12.2016 for II Year ECE students. The Sessions were handled by the Resource Person Mr.Moorthy Kanagaraj, Product Manager, M/s. Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore.

Six days Value Added Course on JAVA was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 05.12.2016, 09.12.2016 to 13.12.2016 for III Year ECE students. The Sessions were handled by the Faculty members from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam.

Six days Value Added Course on VLSI Design was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 14.12.2015 to 19.12.2015 for III Year ECE students. The Sessions were handled by the Resource Person Mr.Moorthy Kanagaraj, Product Manager, M/s. Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore.

Five days Value Added Course on Arduino was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 09.12.2015 to 13.12.2015 for II Year ECE students. The Sessions were handled by the Resource Person Mr.Moorthy Kanagaraj, Product Manager and Mr.M.Kannan, Technical Engineer, M/s. Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore.

Five days Value Added Course on MATLAB Software was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 26.05.2015 to 30.05.2015 for II Year ECE students. The Sessions were handled by the Resource Person Mr.MoorthyKanagaraj, Product Manager and Mr.M.Kannan, Technical Engineer, M/s. Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore.

Five days Value Added Course on ARDUINO was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 04.12.2014 to 08.12.2014 for II Year ECE students. The Sessions were handled by the Resource Persons Mr.G.Jai Sarathy and Mr.S.Karthikeyan, Embedded Project Developer, M/s. OneYes Technologies, Chennai.