The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering conducted a Faculty Development Programme on RF Measurement Devices for 5G - A Hands-on Approach in association with ISTE Faculty chapter and Elmack Engg Services from 14.02.2022 to 15.02.2022 for the Internal faculty members of ECE department. Mr.R.Kabilan, Senior Field Application Engineer, Elmack Engg Services, Chennai was the resource person for this FDP. Ten faculty members of ECE department attended this FDP and got benefitted. The resource person explained about the RF measurement devices Vector Network Analyzer, Vector Signal Generator, Spectrum Analyzer and a hands-on-session was also given to the faculty members. The programme was coordinated by the faculty in charges Mrs.G.Gnana Priya, AP(SG)/ECE and Mr.P.Venkatesh,AP/ECE under the guidance of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Prof. & Head/ECE.

The Department of ECE in association with RIT Electronica and NI LabVIEW Academy organized one day workshop LabVIEW Fundamentals on 25.01.2022 from 9.30 AM to 4.00 PM through Google Meet. Totally 19 students from second and third year ECE participated in this workshop. The resource person for this workshop was Mr.P.Gunasekaran, AP/ECE, Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam. During the workshop students were trained on LabVIEW fundamental concepts. The workshop was organized by Dr.A.Azhagu Jaisudhan Pazhani, ASP/ECE and Mr.P.Gunasekaran, AP/ECE. The students actively participated in the webinar by asking various doubts. Student coordinators Ms.C.Indhumathi, III ECE A and Ms.R.Monika, III ECE B gave a welcome address and vote of thanks. Finally, students feedback is collected.

Ramco Institute of Technology organized a First International Web Conference on Smart Engineering Technologies (IWCSET-2020) aims at providing a platform to the UG/PG students, Faculties, Research scholars and Industry people for the promotion of original academic research on Science and Technology. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering received an overwhelming response from renowned institutions across 17 states in India. We received around 83 technical papers in 16 domains under four thrust areas such as Electronic System Design, Signal Processing, Wireless Communication and AI for Automation. Out of which 48 papers were shortlisted for presentation after being scrutinized in internal and external review process. 230 participants were participated in all the 4 sessions with 8 tracks in the above said domains.
The Department of Electronics and Communication in association with IIC and RIT-ISTE Faculty Chapter Organized a Webinar onOpen Source and Digital Transformation for the Students, Research Scholars and Faculty members on 06.06.2020. Around 190 participants from Various Colleges registered for this webinar from 22 Various States in India. 105 Participants have attended the Webinar through the Online Platform Google Meet. Mr.P.Chidambaram, Senior Solution Architect, Singapore was the resource person. The program was coordinated by Mr.K.Ragavan, AP(SG)/ECE, Mrs.S.Jeeva, AP/ECE, Mr.V.Rajesh, AP/ECE under the guidelines of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Professor & Head/ECE.
The Department of Electronics and Communication in association with IIC and RIT-ISTE Faculty Chapter Organized a Webinar onRole of AI in Hardware Industries for the Students, Research Scholars and Faculty members on 05.06.2020. Around 202 participants from Various Colleges registered for this webinar from 15 Various States in India. 130 Participants were attended the Webinar through the Online Platform Google Meet. Mr.A.M.Shriram, Global Architect, MAN Energy solutions, Denmark was the resource person. The programme was co-ordinated by Mr.B.Kannan, AP(SG)/ECE, Mrs.R.Ramalakshmi, AP/ECE, Mr.R.DeivaNayagam, AP/ECE under the guidelines of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Professor & Head/ECE.
The Department of Electronics and Communication in association and RIT-ISTE Student Chapter Organized a Four Day Webathon on Soft Skill Training for Ramco Institute of Technology Students from 01.06.2020 to 04.06.2020. Around 200 participants were registered for this training program. 65 participants have attended the training program through the online platform Webex.The training was given by the RIT Alumnis who worked as Soft Skill Trainers in Ethunus, Bangalore. The program was coordinated by Mr.B.Kannan, AP(SG)/ECE, and Mr.A.AzhaguJaisudhanPazhani, AP(SG)/ECE under the guidelines of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Professor & Head/ECE.
The Department of Electronics and Communication in association with ISTE Faculty Chapter organized a Webinar on Industry 4.0 Opportunities and Challenges for the students, research scholars and faculty members on 27.05.2020. Around 400 participants from various engineering and polytechnic colleges registered for this webinar from various states like Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Odisha etc. Due to the overwhelming response received from the participants and restrictions for the number of persons in Google meet, a separate supporting link had been provided through YouTube channel for the benefit of the participants. Dr.DayaVenkat, UniconInc & Optima Technologies, USA was the resource person. He explained about the phases of industrial revolution, top 10 skills to be relevant in industry 4.0 & 5.0, skill development initiatives by Indian government, building blocks of industry 4.0/5.0, key concepts of block chain, challenges in big data, overview of AI & ML etc., during the session. The programme was co-ordinated by Mrs.G.GnanaPriya, AP(SG)/ECE, Mr.S.Vijayakumar,AP/ECE and Mr.P.Venkatesh, AP/ECE under the guidelines of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Professor & Head/ECE.
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with ISTE Student Chapter and IIC organized a One Day Webinar on Hardware Development Lifecycle" for students of Engineering/Polytechnic colleges on 30.05.2020. 91 Students from various colleges had participated in this programme. The webinar covers the topics includes Requirements, Analysis, System Design and Testing of Hardware developments. The programme was coordinated by Mr.A.Azhagu Jaisudhan Pazhani, AP(SG)/ECE, Mr.D.Gopinath, AP/ECE and Mr.G.Sivakumar, AP/ECE under the guidelines of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Prof.&Head/ECE.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering organized three days Online course on "Internet of Things" for school students by the coordinators Mr.B.kannan, AP(Sr.Gr.)/ECE, Mr.A.Azhagu Jaisudhan Pazhani, AP(Sr.Gr.)/ECE and Mr.P.Gunasekaran, AP/ECE under the guidelines of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, HOD/ECE covers the course topics includes Introduction to Arudino, Introduction to IoT, System design using Arduino in Tinkercad software, Cayenne software and cisco IoT software for IoT simulation.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with IETE and IIC organized a Technical Fun event Life Ahead Covid-19 with Blissful Electronics for school students from 20.05.2020 to 22.05.2020. Around 60 Students from various schools had participated in this programme for 3 days. First day covers some basic electronic semiconductor devices with technical connection game. Second day discussed about fundamentals of Communication, few Virtual lab experiments & simulation software's like MATLAB, Xilinx and Tinkercad tools. Third day conducted technical games (Puzzle, Match it, MCQ) along with explanation of ECE subjects. The programme was coordinated by Mrs.R.Ramalakshmi, AP/ECE, Mrs.S.Jeeva, AP/ECE, Mr.D.Gopinath, AP/ECE, Mr.S.Vijayakumar, AP/ECE and Mr.P.Venkatesh, AP/ECE under the guidelines of convenor Dr.S.Periyanayagi, Prof.&Head/ECE.
Department of EEE & ECE organized a two days Workshop on LabVIEW Hands-on Training using NI Hardware from 24.02.2020 to 25.02.2020 at RIT NI Research Lab. Hands-on training on myDAQ, myRIO, myVTOL, myQuake, and NI ELVIS III was given to students. The resource person for this workshop was Mr.M.Mohamedphrasath, Application Engineer, Optithought, Chennai.

Department of ECE organized a Two-day Workshop on QUAD-COPTER in association with RIT IETE and Harbour Technologies (Techradiance 20) during 12th and 13th February 2020 for the Internal and External participants from various Engineering Colleges. The students actively participated in this workshop. Mr.Rajesh and Mr.Vignesh (Research Engineer, Harbour Technologies) were the resource persons for this workshop. The Workshop was organized by the faculty coordinators Mrs.G.Gnana Priya, AP(Sr.Gr.)/ECE & Mr.S.Vijayakumar, AP/ECE and the Student Coordinators Ms.K.Mounica, III year ECE and Mr.A.Nithish Balaji, II year ECE.

Department of ECE organized a One-Day Workshop on Skill development Programme for Non-teaching staff members on 06.12.2019.The sessions were handled by Dr.S.Kannan, Professor and Head/EEE, Mr.B.Kannan, AP(SG)/ECE, Mr.G.Prabu Ram, AP(SG)/MECH, Mr.G.Sivakumar, AP/ECE. Internal participants and external participants from various Engineering Colleges participated in the workshop.

Department of ECE organized a two day national level workshop on LabVIEW for Real-Time Applications in association with National Instruments during 6th and 7th September 2019. The sessions were handled by Mr.V.Rajesh AP/ECE, Mr.P.Gunasekaran, AP/ECE and Mr.V.Vasanth Kumar, Senior Application Engineer, National Instruments, Bangalore. 50 students from various institutions as well as 20 internal participants actively participated and enriched their knowledge in LabVIEW Programming, Hands-on Training using NI ELVIS III, myDAQ, Analog Discovery Kit 2 and LabVIEW based projects.

Department of ECE organized a one day workshop on Sensors for Future Intelligence in association with IETE during fifth State level Technical Symposium, Techyuga19 on 31.08.2019. Mr.K.Sankar, Director, M/s. Mathiimigal Tech (P) Ltd., Bangalore handled the session. Around 80 students from various engineering colleges participated in this workshop.

One Day Hands-on Training on "Analog Discovery Kit in Association with National Instruments (NI), India was organised by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on 22.06.2019 at DSP Laboratory. The sessions include lecture as well as hands on training were handled by Resource Person from Mr.G.S. Mahesh, Application Engineer, OptiThought (Partner of NI), Chennai.

A Two Day Workshop on Smart Wireless Technologies with LoRa organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on February 01-02, 2019. The students from various institutions as well as internal participants actively participated and enriched their knowledge in 5G in Next Generation Radio, 5G in future Massive MIMO/millimetre wave Communication, Future Research Directions in 5G and Hands-on Training by Industrial experts in MATLAB Simulation Tool in 5G platform and LoRa.

One day Workshop on LORA for Smart Cities was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on 31.08.2018. The chief guest, Dr.R.Vimalathithan, Director, M/s. Krish Tec, Coimbatore, delivered the role and importance of LoRa for Smart Cities. Hands on training were given to the internal participants and external participants from various Engineering Colleges.

Two days National Level Workshop was conducted on Internet of Things an outreach workshop of Technex18, IIT Varanasi in association with Innovians Technologies was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering during September 08-09, 2017 held at Ramco Institute of Technology. The Sessions were handled by the Resource Persons Mr.Liqzan Manna, Lead Trainer and Mr.Suhan Gowda Assistant Trainer, Innovians Technologies.

One day workshop on PCB Designing was organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on 26.08.2017 for II & III Year ECE students.

One day Workshop on Internet of things (IoT) in association with M/s. Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore on 20.08.2016.

Two days National Level Workshop on Embedded systems and its Applications in association with M/s. Vi Microsystems Pvt. Ltd., Chennai during December 21-22, 2015.