Civil Engineering


MOU Details

SI.NO. Name of the Industry with Details Date on which MoU Signed Scope of the MoU Validity Period
1. Ramco Group of Textile Division, Rajapalayam 15.06.2019 Internship, Project work, Industrial Visit, Placement, R&D Till Termination with prior notice period of 30 calendar days.
2. Gowri House Metal Works, Rajapalayam 15.06.2019 Internship, Project work Till Termination with prior notice period of 30 calendar days.
3. Infinity PMC Private Limited, Chennai 02.07.2019 Internship, Industrial Visit. Project work, Curriculum design, Skill development Programme, Guest lectures, Placement, R&D Till Termination with prior notice period of 30 calendar days.
4. Dynamic TEK, Chennai. 05.07.2019 Internship,Industrial Visit,Guest lectures, Value added course,Placement Till Termination with prior notice period of 30 calendar days.
5. MEDSBY Healthcare AND Engineering Solutions, Coimbatore 30.07.2019 Internship,Industrial Visit.Project work, Skill development programme,Guest lectures, Placement,R&D Till Termination with prior notice period of 30 calendar days.
6. Ramco Cements Ltd.,Chennai. 20.09.2019 Internship,Industrial Visit.Project work,Curriculum design,Skill development programme,Guest lectures, Placement,R&D Till Termination with prior notice period of 30 calendar days.
7. Ramco systems Ltd.,Chennai. 20.09.2019 Internship,Industrial Visit.Project work,Curriculum design,Skill development programme,Guest lectures, Placement,R&D Till Termination with prior notice period of 30 calendar days.
8. Ramco Industries Ltd.,Chennai. 20.09.2019 Internship,Industrial Visit.Project work,Curriculum design,Skill development programme,Guest lectures, Placement,R&D Till Termination with prior notice period of 30 calendar days.
9. TCSion, Chennai. 28.09.2019 Infrastructure and facilities support. Till Termination with prior notice period of 30 calendar days.
10.    M.S. Chellamuthu Trust, Madurai 11.10.2019 Training, counselling, Research and Social support mobilization. Till Termination with prior notice period of 30 calendar days.
11.    Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd., 04.11.2019 Technical Seminars, Workshop, Conference, Industrial Visit, 1 year from date of signing
12.    Enthu Technology Solutions India Private Limited, Coimbatore 21.11.2019 Internship, Industrial Visit, Project work, Curriculum design,Skill development programme, Guest lectures, Placement,R&D Till Termination with prior notice period of 30 calendar days.
13.    Crystal Delta,Head office: Level 9, 401 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000, Australia.Branch office: Level 1, 54th St. & 9th Ave. Ashok Nagar 600083, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 26.11.2019 Curriculum DesignIndustrial Training & VisitsInternships and Placement of StudentsR&DSkill Development ProgramsGuest Lectures.FDP 3 Years
14. M/S. Land Coordinates Technology, Chennai 26.11.2020 Curriculum design, Industrial Training & Visits, Internships and Placement of Students, Research and Development, Skill Development Programs, Guest Lectures, Faculty Development Programs Till Termination with prior notice period of 30 calendar days.
15. Builders Association of India(BAI), Tamil Nadu Centre, No.63/1,
1st main road, CIT Nagar, Chennai-600 035
30.12.2020 Curriculum design, Industrial Training & Visits, Internships and Placement of Students, Research and Development, Skill Development Programs, Guest Lectures, Faculty Development Programs Till Termination with prior notice period of 30 calendar days.
16. Geons Logix 04.01.2020 Internship, Industrial Visit, Project work, Curriculum design, Skill development programme, Guest lectures, Placement, R&D. Till Termination with a prior notice period of 30 calendar days.
17. NI Systems Private Limited, Bangalore 26.02.2020 Internship, Project work, Skill development programme, Placement 3 Years
18. Imarticus Learning Pvt Ltd 31.08.2020 Regular Industry Guest Lectures/Webinar, National Level Hackathon, FDP, Internship, Project work, Skill development program, Placement 3 Years
19. Great Learning 30.11.2020 Skill development programme, Guest lectures 6 Months
20. Aravind Herbal 16.12.2020 Internship, Industrial Visit, Project work, Curriculum design,Skill development programme, Guest lectures, Placement, R&D. 3 Years
21. Eureka education group 27.11.2020 Global work experience programme, data science, analytics,virtual internship, Curriculum design, R&D. 3 Years
22. V-Invent Chemilab Private Limited, Rajapalayam 30.12.2020 Internship, Industrial Visit, Project work, Curriculum design,Skill development programme, Guest lectures, Placement, R&D. 3 Years
23. Raja Nursery Garden, Rajapalayam. 11.01.2021 Internship, Industrial Visit, Project work, Curriculum design,Skill development programme, Guest lectures, Placement, R&D. 3 years
24. TRY CAE 13.01.2021 Field visits, R&D, Internships, skill development programs. Guest lecture. 3 years
25. Skill Shark 25.01.2021 Vocational training programs,guest lectures, R&D,Internships,skill development programs,pilot of new learning technologies. 3 years
26. M/S.Globe Geotechniques 07.07.2021 Skill development programs. Guest lecture. 3 years
27. Eleation 14.07.2021 Virtual internship, workshop, Guest lecture, faculty development program 3 Years
28. Rajapalayam Rajus College, Rajapalayam-626117 24.03.2022 R&D, Industrial Consultancy, Internship, Skill based Training, IPR, Incubation Centre, Seminar, Workshops, Conference 5 Years
29. Pyramid IAS Academy 04.03.2022 Training for competitive exams, skill development programs and Guest lectures Till Termination with prior notice period of 30 calendar days.
30. TechApps Consulting 20.04.2022 Access to BIM Software's, Training for Bentley Softwares', Internship and Faculty Development Programs Till Termination with a prior notice period of 30 calendar days.
31. Larsen & Toubro Limited, Chennai 09.09.2022 L&T College Connect Program and Internship 3 years
32. M/S. Land Coordinates Technology, Chennai 20.02.2024 Centre for Geospatial Technology, Internship, Industrial Visit, Project work, Curriculum design, Skill development programme, Guest lectures, Placement, R&D, Faculty Development Program Till Termination with prior notice period of 30 calendar days.