Academic Year 2022-2023

A seminar on Building Bye-Laws was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering in association with RIT ICI Student Chapter on 16th Nov 2023 at Civil Seminar Hall from 2.30 PM to 04.30 PM. The Resource person for this Guest Lecture was Ms. R. Harshani, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Engineering College, Kovilpatti. The resource person explained the need, objectives, and importance of building bye-laws. She briefed the contents of the National Building Code Compliance Manual. She emphasized the rules and regulations framed by town planning authorities covering the requirements of the building, ensuring the safety of the public through open spaces, minimum size of rooms, height, and area limitations. These regulated building activities lead to a disciplined growth of buildings and better-planned development of towns and cities. 35 Students of II-year Civil Engineering attended the seminar. Faculty Coordinators Mrs. C. Subha, AP (S.G), Civil, and Mrs. D. Darling Helen Lydia, AP, Civil.

Department of Civil Engineering in association with RIT Structa organized a Students Confab on Structural Drafting using CAD" Ms. R. Rakavi, Ms. V.S. Priyadharshini, and Ms. R.Aishwarya was the resource persons for this session. Around 15 participants from III year, Civil attended this Student Confab. Faculty coordinators are Dr. M. Indhumathi (Associate Professor), and Mrs. R. Kalaimani, Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, RIT.

Department of Civil Engineering in association with RIT Structa organized a Guest Lecture on Internet of Things(IOT) in Civil Engineering" and inauguration of RIT Structa and ICI student chapter. Mr. M.Senthil Murugan, Founder & CEO, BEYCAN Technical Training Institute, Rajapalayam was the resource person for this session. Around 60 particpants from III & IV year Civil attend this expert lecture. Faculty coordinators are Mrs. C. Subha, Assistant Professor (Senior Grade), and Mrs. R. Kalaimani, Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, RIT.

A Guest Lecture on An overview on TEKLA Software was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering in association with RIT STRUCTA on 26th April 2023 at Civil Seminar Hall. The Resource person for this workshop was our distinguished alumni Ms.R.Abinaya, Tekla Modeller, Struct Mech Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore from 2016-2020 batch. Rakavi R, III Year Civil Engineering welcomed the gathering. Mr.Ganesh Raja of II Year Civil gave a brief introduction about the Chief Guest. The Resource Person explained about Tekla software and its recent advancements in the design field especially in steel buildings. She also explained the step by step procedure on analyzing a building using the software. This workshop benefited a total of 66 Participants II- & III- Year Civil Engineering Students. S.Ganesh Raja, II/Civil N.Akash Kumar, II/Civil, M.Madasamy Hariharan, II/Civil Civil were the student coordinators.

The Guest Lecture on Third Eye in the sky was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering in association with RIT STRUCTA on 4th March 2023 at Civil Seminar Hall. The Resource person for this workshop was our distinguished alumni Er.M.Ponkumaran, Pilot Drone Trainer from 2015-2019 batch. The Resource Person shared his deep knowledge on drone surveying and also about the opportunities in it. He also explained the importance of knowing software utilized in drone surveying. He shared the details on how to get certification as drone pilot. This workshop benefited a total of 52 Participants II- & III- Year Civil Engineering Students. I.Mohamed Rizwan, II Year Civil, M.Balaji, II Year Civil, J.Suresh Anand, III Year Civil, R. Deena Dhayalan, III Year Civil were the student coordinators.

A Webinar on Gate Civil 2023 Strategies and Preparation was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering in association with Pyramid IAS Academy & RIT Structa on 2nd February 2023 at Google Meet from 11.00 AM to 12.30 PM. The Resource person for this webinar was Er.V.Keshavan, Professor, Pyramid IAS Academy, Karaikudi. He explained the importance of the Gate examination and its advantages. He also explained future opportunities after clearing the Gate examination. In the end some tips on preparation strategy, tackling the question paper and the statistics about past scores were shared by the resource persons which can be believed to have a significant importance. Around 68 Participants of II, III & IV year Civil Engineering Students attended this workshop.

RIT Structa-Civil Engineering Technical association, ICI students chapter and IGBC students chapter, Training & Placement Cell of RIT jointly organised a Cube Contest in association with Ramco Cements on 06.10.2022 (Thursday). Mr. R. Vijayakumar, Manager, Technical services, Ramco Cements delivered a guest lecture for III year and IV year Civil Engineering students on the topic "Concrete Technology" followed by a pre assessment test and cube casting. Mr.M.Sankar, Junior Manager, Mr.V.Sivanesan, Engineer and Mr.S.Thirumalaikumar, Dy. Engineer from Ramco Cements assisted the students in mix design. 33 students of III & IV year Civil Engineering students of RIT participated in the 1st round and 16 students got selected for the 2nd round. Ms.K.B.Uthra, T&P officer, Mr.G.Karthikeyan, AP(SG)/Civil, Mrs.D.Darling Helen Lydia, AP/Civil, Mr.J.Ramprasath, AP/Civil coordinated the event.

The Department of Civil Engineering, Ramco Institute of Technology, inaugurated the Department Association (RIT-STRUCTA) and ICI Students Chapter on 09.09.2022. The guest of honor for this function was Mr.S.A.P.R.Karthik, Chairman, Builders association of India, Madurai center and Chairman of Rajapalayam centre. Ms.R.Rakavi, Secretary of department association welcomed the gathering. Mr.M.Balakumaran, Joint secretary of department association gave introduction about chief guest. The chief guest delivered the inaugural address. He explained about the importance of students membership in various chapters and advised the students to have more technical and practical knowledge. Department technical association year plan was proposed by Mrs.D.Darling Helen Lydia, Association faculty incharge and ICI students chapter plan was proposed by Mr.G.Karthikeyan, ICI students chapter faculty incharge. Vote of thanks was delivered by Mr.C.Mahendran, President, Department Technical Association. 80 students were participated and got benefited.

Academic Year 2021-2022

Department of Civil Engineering in association with RIT Structa organized an Online webinar on Standard Operating Procedure for Bentley Certification on 19.05.2022 exclusively for the faculty members of Civil department. The resource person for this session was Mr.S.Rajesh Kumar, Director Technical services, TechApps Consulting Services, Chennai. He discussed about the various certification programs offered by Bentley and he also explained the step by step procedure for the benefit of both students as well as faculty members.

A Webinar on Reality Modeling was organized on 18th May 2022 in association with Civil department and ICI students chapter in the online platform Google Meet and Civil Seminar Hall. The guest lecture was delivered by Mr.S.Rajesh Kumar, Director, TechApps Consulting, Chennai for II Year, III Year and IV Year Civil Engineering students and faculty members.In his lecture, he briefly explained the benefits of Reality Modeling and explained Bentley software features, uses, and application in the field of Infrastructure.

Department of civil engineering in association with RIT Structa and ICI student chapter jointly organized a Guest Lecture on the topic Ergonomics in construction on 25th Mar. 2022 for II, III, IV civil students. Mr.C.Vignesh Kumar, Research Scholar, IIT Guwahati delivered the lecture. Dr.M.Indhumath AP/Civil, Mrs.C.Subha AP(SG)/Civil, Mrs.R.Kalaimani AP/Civil, Mrs. A. Leema Margret AP/Civil was the coordinator for this event

The inaugural function of RIT Centre of Excellence for Building Information Modeling (BIM A Futuristic Lab) in association with Bentley Education and TechApps Consulting, Chennai was held on 20.04.2022 at Civil CAD Lab and Seminar Hall. RIT Centre of Excellence was inaugurated by Mr.R.Arunkumar, Global Manager Education Program, Bentley Systems International Limited, Chennai in the presence of Dr.R.Venkatraj, CEO, Ramco Group of Institutions, Dr.L.Ganesan, Principal, Dr.S.Rajakarunakaran, Vice Principal, Mr.K.S.Selvaraj, General Manager, Mr.S.Dharmar, HoD/Civil and Mr.S.Rajesh Kumar, Director Technical Services, TechApps Consulting, Chennai. A MoU was signed between RIT and TechApps for Bentleys software training and knowledge transfer among students and faculty members. Mr.R.Arunkumar, Global Manager, Bentley Education delivered the inaugural address and importance of BIM softwares in Civil Engineering Career. Mr.S.Rajesh Kumar, Director, TechApps, Chennai presented the special talk. Totally 104 students from II, III & IV year Civil Engineering and 12 Faculty members benefitted through this program.

A Webinar on Big Benefits of Building Information Modelling (BIM) was delivered by Chandra Shekar, Co-Founder of TurnBIM Engineering Services for IV Year Civil Engineering students and faculty members on 22nd April 2022. In his lecture he briefly explained the benefits of Building Information Modelling and he explained about TEKLA software features, uses and its application in the field of designing.

The Department of Civil Engineering, Ramco Institute of Technology, conducted a Motivational talk on Career opportunities in Civil Enginering in association with Department technical association RIT-Structa & Career Guidance Cell on 14.02.2022. The Resource Person for this session was Mrs.M.Karpagam, M.Tech., Director of Pyramid Academy, Karaikudi. Dr.C.Subramanian, Professor(CAS)/Civil, Alagappa Chettiar Government College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi appreciated the alumni of RIT who are working in various Government sectors. Mrs.M.Karpagam explained about the n number of opportunities available for Civil Engineers in Government & Private sectors using the Japanese 4 components of Ikigai. That was really an eye opener for all the students. A total of 50 students took part and benefited from the programme.

Department of Civil Engineering, Ramco Institute of Technology & RIT - ICI Students chapter conducted a technical webinar on Autodesk's BIM Softwares on 17.12.2021 (Thursday) at 03.00 PM through Microsoft teams platform.The resource person for this session was Mr.R.Sudarshan, National Manager,CADD Centre Training Services Pvt. Ltd., Chennai. He talked about Autodesk's BIM Softwares

The Department of Civil Engineering, Ramco Institute of Technology, inaugurated the Department Association (RIT-STRUCTA) and ICI Students Chapter and organized the guest lecture on An Overview of Quantity Surveying on 17.09.2021. The main objective of the guest lecture is to get a knowledge on quantity surveying and its stages. The Resource Person, Er.Shriram Ramanan, Chartered Quantity Surveyor, Parsons Corporation, Dubai explained the role of quantity surveyor in various stages and Introduction of various forms of standard contracts and the opportunities available for civil Engineers in quantity surveying. 59 students were participated and got benefited.

A Technical Webinar on "The use of Innovative Technologies in the Construction Industry" was organized on 13.7.2021 by Department of Civil Engineering in association with Infinity PMC Solution Pvt. Ltd., & Builders' Association of India, Madurai Centre. The resource person for this session was Er. S. Suganya, Manager Delivery & Services, IPMCS, Chennai & Er. B. Janani, Manager Professional Services, IPMCS, Chennai. She explained about Planning and Scheduling using 4D BIM & Cost estimation and quantity survey using 5D BIM. 90 participants from all over India participated and got benefitted. Mr.G.Karthikeyan, AP(SG)/Civil, Mrs.D.Darling Helen Lydia, AP/Civil & Mr.T.Chockalingam, AP/Civil coordinated the event.

Department of Civil Engineering in association with Land Coordinates Technology & RIT - ICI Students Chapter organized a technical webinar on "Recent Trends in Coordinates Based Survey Technology" on 10.07.2021 through the Google Meet platform. The resource person was Er.A.Selvam, General Manager, Land Coordinates Technology, Chennai. He explained about the recent trends in coordinates-based survey technology.

Department of Civil Engineering, Ramco Institute of Technology in association with Builders Association of India, Madurai Centre & RIT - ICI Students chapter conducted a webinar on 07.07.2021 (Wednesday) at 06.00 PM through Google Meet platform.The resource person was Er.P.Ananthakumar, Director, Rail Infasys, Bangalore. He talked about TBM Tunnel Excavation in Metro Projects

Academic Year 2020-2021

Department of Civil Engineering, Ramco Institute of Technology conducted three days Technical Webinar Series - III from 29.07.2020 to 31.07.2020 in association with Infinity PMC Solutions Private Limited on various topics like Project Management in Construction Industry using Primavera, Digital Estimation and Latest Techniques in Construction Projects using 5D BIM & Cost X & Benefits of 4D Planning and Project Monitoring using Asta Power Project. The resource persons for these sessions were Er. S. Suganya, Manager Delivery & Services, IPMCS, Chennai & Er. B. Janani, Manager Professional Services, IPMCS, Chennai. 213 participants all over India participated and got benefitted.

Ramco Institute of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering in Association with ISTE organized Student Development program Hands on Training: Virtual Laboratory on 13.10.2020. The Resource persons Mrs.D.Darling Helen Lydia, AP/Civil & Mr.T.Chockalingam, AP/Civil gave a clear insight about how to use virtual laboratory.

The Department of Civil Engineering, Ramco Institute of Technology, inaugurated the Department Association (RIT-Structa), Introduced the Office Bearers of RIT-Structa, and organized the guest lecture on Disaster Management and Mitigation Plan in Highway Structures by Er.M.Ravikumar, Deputy General Manager, L&T IDPL, Chennai on 17.10.2020. 43 students member of the RIT-Structa association members were participated and got benefited.

Department of Civil Engineering in association with RIT ISTE & RIT IIC conducted a webinar on Intellectual Property Rights on 04.12.2020. The Resource person Mrs.A.K.Priya, Associate Professor, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore shared her knowledge about IPR and its types. 55 participants from various states participated and got benefitted from this program.

Department of Civil Engineering, Ramco Institute of Technology in association with RIT-Structa conducted an event Techritz21 - The Mind Fizz for polytechnic students all over Tamilnadu on 13.02.2021. Its on Online Live event conducted through Google meet platform and Join my Quiz website. 16 students actively participated in all rounds and the winners are awarded with appreciation certificates.

RIT Structa in association with Department of Civil Engineering organised one day Online Workshop on Water Distribution Network Analysis and Design using EPANET by Dr.C.Ramprasad, Assistant Professor-Grade III, Department of Civil Engineering, Sastra Deemed University, Thanjavur on 17.02.2021. 32 students participated and got benifited.

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Programs Organised 2019-2020

Academic Year 2018-2019

Guest Lecture on Introduction to Estimation Softwares - Cost x and Primavera was given by Mr.P.Ravikumar, Manager, Infinity PMC Pvt. Ltd., Chennai for II, III & IV Year Civil Engineering Students on 2nd July 2019. In his lecture, he briefly explained the various Softwares useful for estimation, costing, and valuation.

Guest Lecture on Load calculation for RCC framed Structures was given by Dr.S.Nagan, Professor / Civil Engineering, Thyagaraja College of Engineering, Madurai during the Valedictory of RIT-STRUCTA on 29th March 2019. In his lecture, he briefly explained the various loads acting on Reinforced Concrete Structures.

Guest lecture on Principles and Applications of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems (DEWATSTM) was delivered by Dr.R.Venkatraj, Principal, P.A.C.Ramasamy Raja Polytechnic College, Rajapalayam for III & IV Year Civil Engineering students on 16th August 2018. In his lecture, he briefly explained the working principles and treatment methods of DEWAT System

Guest Lecture on Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures and Significance of NDT tests was given by Er.M.Ravikumar, Assistant General Manager, L&T IDPL, and Chennai during the inauguration of RIT-STRUCTA on 4th August 2018. In his lecture, he briefly explained the various NDT such as Rebound Hammer, UPV, and Rehabilitation techniques for RCC Structures.

Guest Lecture on "The Connectivity" was delivered by Er.S.Ravikumar, Deputy General Manager, L&T-IDPL, Chennai for II, III and IV Year Civil Engineering students. In his lecture, he briefly explained the importance of bridges in infrastructure development.

Indian Concrete Institute (ICI) Students Chapter Inaugural function and Guest lecture on Modern Materials and Techniques in Structural Engineering was delivered by Er.S.Viswanathan, M.E., Chairman, Indian Concrete Institute Madurai Centre for II, III & IV Year Civil Engineering students on 01.02.2019. In his lecture he briefly explained about various types of modern materials, applications and techniques in Structural Engineering. Also he distributed the ICI Student Membership Certificates to all the ICI Members.

Guest lecture on Construction with Steel was delivered by Mr.S.Arunkumar, (Managing Director) Madurai ES Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd, Madurai, for IV Year Civil Engineering students on 29th March 2018. In his lecture he briefly explained the various types of steel structures.

Guest lecture on Failure Analysis of Retaining Wall was delivered by Dr.Leon Raj, M.E.,Ph.D,PDF, Scientist, Applied Civil Engineering Group, Assam for II, III & IV Year Civil Engineering students on 28th March 2018. In his lecture he briefly explained the retaining wall structures

Guest lecture on Properties of Cement was delivered by Er.S.Lakshmanan B.E, M.I.E., F.I.V, and Chartered Engineer, for II, III & IV Year Civil Engineering students on 10th March 2018. In his lecture he briefly explained the various types of cement, composition of cement, manufacturing of cement, physical and chemical properties of cement

Guest lecture on LEED Certification Green Buildings was delivered by Mr. G. Rajaramanan, Priyanka Kochhar, Regional Manager, GBCI Pvt. Ltd., Noida and Mr.G.Rangarajan, Vice President from Ramco Industries Limited, Chennai for IV Year Civil Engineering students on 12th February 2018

Guest lecture on Estimation of Building with Cost Analysis was delivered by Er.S.Lakshmanan B.E, M.I.E., F.I.V, and Chartered Engineer, for II, III & IV Year Civil Engineering students on 26th August2017. In his lecture he briefly explained the rough costing analysis for building project work, calculating rates for foundations, also discussed the various types of forms related to cost analysis which were used in government sectors

Guest lecture on Introduction to Bridges was delivered by Mr.M.Ravikumar.M.E., Assistant General Manager, Structural Engineering Divisions (Roads & Bridges), L&T IDPL, Chennai for II, III & IV Year Civil Engineering students during the association inauguration for the academic year 2017-2018 on 13th July 2017. In his lecture he briefly explained about the various types of bridges by giving examples based on the projects he worked so far

Guest Lecture on Overview on Analysis and Design of Buildings was given by Er.S.P.Srinivasan, Chairman, Madurai ES Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd., during the inauguration of RIT-Structa on 1st August 2016. Individual elements and the whole building, Arriving at the geometry, Idealisation of the elements, Load calculations were explained well in this session. This lecture would help the students to do their design projects in a fruitful manner

Guest Lecture on Field Practices of Steel Structures was given by Er.S.P.Srinivasan, Chairman, Madurai ES Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd., during valedictory function of RIT-STRUCTA on 29th April 2016. The Chief Guest briefly explained about the types of steel sections, various types of trusses and roofs which are available in the market and its cost, advantages of one type over the other

Guest lecture on Emerging Trends and opportunities in Civil Engineering was delivered by Mr.N.Guganeswaran, Country Head, Business Support, CADD Centre Training Services Pvt Ltd., Mylapore, Chennai for II year and III year Civil Engineering on 11th April 2016. He mentioned the various software packages available in the field of designing and also explained about the opportunities in Civil Engineering.

Guest lecture on Gypsum Ceiling was delivered by Mr.K.Shanmugam, Technical manager, Enthu Technology Solution Pvt.Limited, Coimbatore for Second year and Third year Civil Engineering on 04.08.2015.

Guest lecture on Ocean Engineering was delivered by Dr.V.G.Idichandy, Emeritus Professor, Department of Ocean Engineering, IIT Madras for Second year and Third year Civil Engineering on 27.07.2015

Guest lecture on Total Station was delivered by Mr. N. Siva Ganesh Kumar, Deputy Manager - Survey for 6 faculty members and 4 technicians on 08.06.2015

Guest lecture on Construction Materials-Cement was delivered by Mr.S.Lakshmanan B.E.,M.I.E.,F.I.V., Madurai for I year and II year Civil Engineering on 31st October 2014. He mentioned the various types of tests, applications and importance of the basic construction material Cement in Civil Engineering field

A Guest lecture on Future Of Civil Engineering And Industries Expectation From Students was delivered by Mr.S.Ramalingam, Assistant Vice President, Ramco Cements Ltd, Virudhunagar for Second year Civil Engineering on 16.08.2014.