Academic Year 2022-2023 Even Semester |
1. | CE3401& Applied Hydraulic Engineering | Mrs.R. Kalaimani | Turbine | Virtual Laboratory |  |
Reciprocating Pump | Theory to Practical |  |
2. | CE3403& Concrete Technology | Mr.G. Karthikeyan | Tests on Cement& concrete | Experimental learning |  |
Open book test for concrete mix design | Open Book Test |  |
3. | CE3402& Strength of Materials | Mr.V. Ragavan | Shear force and Bending Moment Diagram | One miniute paper |  |
Deflection-simply supported beam | Theory to Practical |  |
4. | CE8603& Irrigation Engineering | Mrs. A. Leema Margret | Canal regulatory works & Cross drainage works | Theory to Practice |  |
Types of Dams | Visible Quiz |  |
Relationship between Duty, Delta & Base period | One miniute paper |  |
6. | CE8602& Structural Analysis II | Dr.M. Indhumathi | Analysis of Structure using STAAD Pro | Simulation Tool |  |
7. | CE3404& Soil Mechanics | Mrs.D. Darling Helen Lydia | Shear strength & Triaxial Test | Virtual Laboratory |  |
Academic Year 2022-2023 Odd Semester |
1. | CE3301& Fluid Mechanics | Mrs.R. Kalaimani | Determination of friction factor in pipes | Virtual Laboratory |  |
Practical Application of Bernoulllis Theorem | Theory to Practice |  |
Types of Similarities | One Minute Paper |  |
2. | CE3302-Construction Materials& Technology | Mrs.D.Darling Helen Lydia | Stones - Bricks - Concrete Blocks - Lime | Visible Quiz |  |
3. | EN8491-Water Supply Engineering | Mrs.C.Subha | Pumps and pipe Material | Visible Quiz |  |
Water Softening techniques | One Miniute paper |  |
Advances in desalination Techniques | Reflective Journal |  |
4. | CE3303-Water Supply& Waste water Engineering | Mrs.C.Subha | Sludge Treatment and Disposal | Visible Quiz |  |
Advances in Desalination techniques | Reflective Journal |  |
Determination of Chemical Oxygen demand | Virtual Lab |  |
5. | CE8701-Estimation,Costing & Valuation Engineering | Mr.G.Karthikeyan | Rate Analysis for Building Works | Open Book Test |  |
6. | CE8502& Structural Analysis I | Dr.M.Indhumathi | Analysis of Structure using STADD Pro | Simulation Tool |  |
7. | CE8301& Strength of Materials I | Mr.V. Ragavan | Shear Force &Bending Moment Diagram | One miniute paper |  |
Torsion Test on Mild Steel | Virtual Lab |  |
9. | OCE551-Airpollution and Control Engineering | Mr.V. Ragavan | Wind Profile and Blume Stack patterns | Visible Quiz |  |
Classification of Air pollutant and their effect | Four Corner Four questions |  |
Control of particulate Contaminants | One miniute paper |  |
11. | EN8591-Municipal Solid Waste Management | Mrs.R.Kalaimani & Mrs.A.Leema Margret | Classification of Solid Wastes | One minute paper |  |
Case Studies under Indian Conditions | Reflective Journal |  |
Source Reduction, Waste Storage and Recycling | Visible Quiz |  |
12. | GE8071-Disaster Management | Mrs.A.Leema Margret | Types of Natural and Man-made Disasters | Cross Word and Jig Jaw Puzzle |  |
Approaches to disaster risk reduction/prepardness | Disaster Supplies kit Concentration |  |
Types of Natural Disasters Avalanche and Tsunami | Visible Quiz |  |
Academic Year 2021-2022 Even Semester |
1. | CE8403& Applied Hydraulic Engineering | Mrs.R. Kalaimani | Turbine | Virtual Laboratory |  |
Centrifugal Pump | Theory to Practice |  |
2. | CE8404& Concrete Technology | Mr.G. Karthikeyan | Tests on Cement | Experimental learning |  |
3. | CE8005& Air pollution and Control Engineering | Mr.V. Ragavan | Meterological Parameters | One miniute paper |  |
Classification of air pollutant and their effect | Four Corner Four Question |  |
4. | EN8592& Waste Water Engineering | Mrs.C. Subha | Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand | Virtual Lab |  |
Primary treatment of sewage | Crossword Puzzle |  |
5. | CE8603& Irrigation Engineering | Mrs. A. Leema Margret | Canal regulatory works & Cross drainage works | Theory to Practice |  |
Types of Dams | Visible Quiz |  |
Relationship between Duty, Delta & Base period | One miniute paper |  |
6. | CE8602 Structural Analysis II | Dr.M. Indhumathi | Analysis of Structure using STAAD Pro | Simulation Tool |  |
7. | CE8401 & Construction Techniques and Practices | Mr.J. Ramprashath | Types of earthwork equipment - tractors, motor graders, scrapers, front end waders, earth movers | Cross Word Puzzle |  |
Support structure for heavy Equipment and conveyors | One Minute Paper |  |
8. | CE8491& Soil Mechanics | Mrs.D. Darling Helen Lydia | Index Properties | Virtual Laboratory |  |
Shear Strength | Laboratory Visit |  |
Academic Year 2021-2022 Odd Semester |
1. | CE8302& Fluid Mechanics | Mrs.R. Kalaimani | Practical applications of Bernoullis theorem | Theory to Practice |  |
2. | CE8361-Surveying Laboratory | Mrs.R. Kalaimani | Chain Surveying | One minute paper |  |
3. | CE8591-Foundation Engineering | Mrs.R. Kalaimani | Types of Piles | Mind Map |  |
4. | CE8502& Structural Analysis I | Dr.M.Indhumathi | Analysis of Structure using STADD Pro | Simulation Tool |  |
5. | CE8391-Construction Materials | Dr.M.Indhumathi | Bricks, Concrete Blocks | Quiz |  |
6. | CE8392- Engineering Geology | Mr.J.Ramprashath | Classification of Rocks | Cross Word Puzzle |  |
Landforms and processes associated with river - relevance to civil engineering | One minute paper |  |
Physical properties of minerals Quartz group | Theory to Practice |  |
7. | OEN751-Green Building Design | Mr.J.Ramprashath | Comforts in Building / Heat Transfer Characteristics of Building Materials and Building Techniques | Cross Word Puzzle |  |
Environmental Implications of Buildings / Waste Disposal | One minute paper |  |
Implications of Building Technologies Embodied Energy of Buildings / Resources for Building Materials, Alternative Concepts | Quick Write |  |
8. | CE8301& Strength of Materials I | Mr.V. Ragavan | Shear Force &Bending Moment Diagram | One miniute paper |  |
Torsion Test on Mild Steel | Virtual Lab |  |
9. | OCE551-Airpollution and Control Engineering | Mr.V. Ragavan | Factors affecting Selection of Equipment | Brain Storming |  |
Classification of Air pollutant and their effect | Four Corner Four questions |  |
Revision of Unit 2 | Think & Share |  |
10. | CE8701-Estimation,Costing and Valuation Engineering | Mr.G.Karthikeyan | Rate Analysis for building Works | Open Book Test |  |
Overview of quantity surveying | Video Lecture |  |
11. | EN8591-Municipal Solid Waste Management | Mrs.A.Leema Margret | Classification of Solid Wastes | One minute paper |  |
Source Reduction, Waste Storage and Recycling | Recycle Relay |  |
12. | GE8071-Disaster Management | Mrs.A.Leema Margret | Types of Natural and Man-made Disasters | Cross Word and Jig Jaw Puzzle |  |
Applications and Case Studies and Field Works | Reflective Journal |  |
Types of Natural Disasters Avalanche and Tsunami | Visible Quiz |  |
Academic Year 2020-2021 Odd Semester |
1. | CE8301& Strength of Materials I | Mr.G. Karthikeyan | Torsion and Springs | Creating Dynamic Class I |  |
Shear Force and Bending Moment diagrams | Creating Dynamic Class II |  |
Torsion | Virtual Lab |  |
2. | CE8512&Water and Waste Water Analysis Laboratory | Mrs.C.Subha & Mrs.A.Leema Margret | Determination of Dissolved Oxygen in Water | Virtual Lab |  |
3. | CE8302& Fluid Mechanics | Mrs.R.Kalaimani | Friction In pipes | Virtual Lab |  |
4. | EN8591&Municipal Solid Waste Management | Mrs.A.Leema Margret | Topographical contour map on site selection for landfill | Virtual Lab |  |
5. | CE8020&Maintenance, Repair & Rehabilitation of Structures | Mrs.A.Leema Margret | Deterioration of Structures | Theory to Practical |  |