Department of Civil Engineering

Innovative Practices

Sl. No. Name of the faculty Member Subject Code & Name Topic Name of the Innovative practice View
1CE3301&Fluid MechanicsMrs.B.Bharani BaanuPractical Applications of Bernoullis TheoremTheory to Practical
2AI3404&Hydrology&Water Resources EngineeringMrs.B.Bharani BaanuExplanation on various kinds of reservoirs and storageVideo Presentations
3GE3752&Total Quality ManagementMrs.R.KalaimaniTQM Tools&Techniques IIFour Corner Four Questions
1CE3401&Applied Hydraulic EngineeringMrs.R.KalaimaniTurbineVirtual Laboratory
2CE3401&Applied Hydraulic EngineeringMrs.R.KalaimaniReciprocating PumpTheory to Practical
3CE3403&Concrete TechnologyDr.G.KarthikeyanFresh and Hardened Properties of ConcreteExperimental Learning
4CE3404&Soil MechanicsMr.V.RagavanShear Strength of SoilTheory to Practical
5CE3404&Soil MechanicsMr.V.RagavanSoil Phase RelationshipFour Corner Four Questions
1CCE331&Air and Noise Pollution Control EngineeringMr.V.RagavanNoise Pollution and Control MeasuresFour Corner Four Questions
2CCE331&Air and Noise Pollution Control EngineeringMr.V.RagavanEffect of Air PollutionMind Map
3CE8702&Railways, Airports, Docks&Harbour EngineeringMrs.A.Leema MargretRailway Construction and MaintenanceCross Word Puzzle
4CE8702&Railways, Airports, Docks&Harbour EngineeringMrs.A.Leema MargretRailway Planning and ConstructionQuick Write
Sl. No. Subject Code & Name Name of the faculty Member Date &Topic Name of the Innovative practice View

Academic Year 2022-2023 Even Semester

1. CE3401& Applied Hydraulic Engineering Mrs.R. Kalaimani Turbine Virtual Laboratory

Reciprocating Pump Theory to Practical

2. CE3403& Concrete Technology Mr.G. Karthikeyan Tests on Cement& concrete Experimental learning

Open book test for concrete mix design Open Book Test

3. CE3402& Strength of Materials Mr.V. Ragavan Shear force and Bending Moment Diagram One miniute paper

Deflection-simply supported beam Theory to Practical

4. CE8603& Irrigation Engineering Mrs. A. Leema Margret Canal regulatory works & Cross drainage works Theory to Practice

Types of Dams Visible Quiz

Relationship between Duty, Delta & Base period One miniute paper

6. CE8602& Structural Analysis II Dr.M. Indhumathi Analysis of Structure using STAAD Pro Simulation Tool

7. CE3404& Soil Mechanics Mrs.D. Darling Helen Lydia Shear strength & Triaxial Test Virtual Laboratory

Academic Year 2022-2023 Odd Semester

1. CE3301& Fluid Mechanics Mrs.R. Kalaimani Determination of friction factor in pipes Virtual Laboratory

Practical Application of Bernoulllis Theorem Theory to Practice

Types of Similarities One Minute Paper

2. CE3302-Construction Materials& Technology Mrs.D.Darling Helen Lydia Stones - Bricks - Concrete Blocks - Lime Visible Quiz

3. EN8491-Water Supply Engineering Mrs.C.Subha Pumps and pipe Material Visible Quiz

Water Softening techniques One Miniute paper

Advances in desalination Techniques Reflective Journal

4. CE3303-Water Supply& Waste water Engineering Mrs.C.Subha Sludge Treatment and Disposal Visible Quiz

Advances in Desalination techniques Reflective Journal

Determination of Chemical Oxygen demand Virtual Lab

5. CE8701-Estimation,Costing & Valuation Engineering Mr.G.Karthikeyan Rate Analysis for Building Works Open Book Test

6. CE8502& Structural Analysis I Dr.M.Indhumathi Analysis of Structure using STADD Pro Simulation Tool

7. CE8301& Strength of Materials I Mr.V. Ragavan Shear Force &Bending Moment Diagram One miniute paper

Torsion Test on Mild Steel Virtual Lab

9. OCE551-Airpollution and Control Engineering Mr.V. Ragavan Wind Profile and Blume Stack patterns Visible Quiz

Classification of Air pollutant and their effect Four Corner Four questions

Control of particulate Contaminants One miniute paper

11. EN8591-Municipal Solid Waste Management Mrs.R.Kalaimani & Mrs.A.Leema Margret Classification of Solid Wastes One minute paper

Case Studies under Indian Conditions Reflective Journal

Source Reduction, Waste Storage and Recycling Visible Quiz

12. GE8071-Disaster Management Mrs.A.Leema Margret Types of Natural and Man-made Disasters Cross Word and Jig Jaw Puzzle

Approaches to disaster risk reduction/prepardness Disaster Supplies kit Concentration

Types of Natural Disasters Avalanche and Tsunami Visible Quiz

Academic Year 2021-2022 Even Semester

1. CE8403& Applied Hydraulic Engineering Mrs.R. Kalaimani Turbine Virtual Laboratory

Centrifugal Pump Theory to Practice

2. CE8404& Concrete Technology Mr.G. Karthikeyan Tests on Cement Experimental learning

3. CE8005& Air pollution and Control Engineering Mr.V. Ragavan Meterological Parameters One miniute paper

Classification of air pollutant and their effect Four Corner Four Question

4. EN8592& Waste Water Engineering Mrs.C. Subha Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand Virtual Lab

Primary treatment of sewage Crossword Puzzle

5. CE8603& Irrigation Engineering Mrs. A. Leema Margret Canal regulatory works & Cross drainage works Theory to Practice

Types of Dams Visible Quiz

Relationship between Duty, Delta & Base period One miniute paper

6. CE8602 Structural Analysis II Dr.M. Indhumathi Analysis of Structure using STAAD Pro Simulation Tool

7. CE8401 & Construction Techniques and Practices Mr.J. Ramprashath Types of earthwork equipment - tractors, motor graders, scrapers, front end waders, earth movers Cross Word Puzzle

Support structure for heavy Equipment and conveyors One Minute Paper

8. CE8491& Soil Mechanics Mrs.D. Darling Helen Lydia Index Properties Virtual Laboratory

Shear Strength Laboratory Visit

Academic Year 2021-2022 Odd Semester

1. CE8302& Fluid Mechanics Mrs.R. Kalaimani Practical applications of Bernoullis theorem Theory to Practice

2. CE8361-Surveying Laboratory Mrs.R. Kalaimani Chain Surveying One minute paper

3. CE8591-Foundation Engineering Mrs.R. Kalaimani Types of Piles Mind Map

4. CE8502& Structural Analysis I Dr.M.Indhumathi Analysis of Structure using STADD Pro Simulation Tool

5. CE8391-Construction Materials Dr.M.Indhumathi Bricks, Concrete Blocks Quiz

6. CE8392- Engineering Geology Mr.J.Ramprashath Classification of Rocks Cross Word Puzzle

Landforms and processes associated with river - relevance to civil engineering One minute paper

Physical properties of minerals Quartz group Theory to Practice

7. OEN751-Green Building Design Mr.J.Ramprashath Comforts in Building / Heat Transfer Characteristics of Building Materials and Building Techniques Cross Word Puzzle

Environmental Implications of Buildings / Waste Disposal One minute paper

Implications of Building Technologies Embodied Energy of Buildings / Resources for Building Materials, Alternative Concepts Quick Write

8. CE8301& Strength of Materials I Mr.V. Ragavan Shear Force &Bending Moment Diagram One miniute paper

Torsion Test on Mild Steel Virtual Lab

9. OCE551-Airpollution and Control Engineering Mr.V. Ragavan Factors affecting Selection of Equipment Brain Storming

Classification of Air pollutant and their effect Four Corner Four questions

Revision of Unit 2 Think & Share

10. CE8701-Estimation,Costing and Valuation Engineering Mr.G.Karthikeyan Rate Analysis for building Works Open Book Test

Overview of quantity surveying Video Lecture

11. EN8591-Municipal Solid Waste Management Mrs.A.Leema Margret Classification of Solid Wastes One minute paper

Source Reduction, Waste Storage and Recycling Recycle Relay

12. GE8071-Disaster Management Mrs.A.Leema Margret Types of Natural and Man-made Disasters Cross Word and Jig Jaw Puzzle

Applications and Case Studies and Field Works Reflective Journal

Types of Natural Disasters Avalanche and Tsunami Visible Quiz

Academic Year 2020-2021 Odd Semester

1.CE8301& Strength of Materials IMr.G. KarthikeyanTorsion and SpringsCreating Dynamic Class I

Shear Force and Bending Moment diagramsCreating Dynamic Class II

TorsionVirtual Lab

2.CE8512&Water and Waste Water Analysis LaboratoryMrs.C.Subha & Mrs.A.Leema MargretDetermination of Dissolved Oxygen in WaterVirtual Lab

3.CE8302& Fluid MechanicsMrs.R.KalaimaniFriction In pipesVirtual Lab

4.EN8591&Municipal Solid Waste ManagementMrs.A.Leema MargretTopographical contour map on site selection for landfillVirtual Lab

5.CE8020&Maintenance, Repair & Rehabilitation of StructuresMrs.A.Leema MargretDeterioration of StructuresTheory to Practical