Department of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics, Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam, Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College (Autonomous), Sivakasi and The Standard Fireworks Rajaratnam College for Women, Sivakasi organize the Three - Day International Conference on Analysis and Number Theory (ICAN-2K22) during 27-29, October 2022. Received 70 research papers from various states and 300 students and faculty members were participated in the conference. The conference was conducted online and offline mode.
The Department of Mathematics, Ramco Institute Technology, conducted a Hands-on Workshop on Software in Mathematics for the students of Rajapalayam Rajus College on August 18th, 2022. About 120 students actively participated in the event. Faculty members of the Mathematics department gave the training to the students.
Anna University sponsored Online Six-Day FDTP on MA8351-Discrete Mathematics"
Department of Mathematics conducted Anna University sponsored Online Six-Day FDTP on MA8351-Discrete Mathematics" during 28 June - 03 July, 2021for the faculty members of Anna University affiliated Colleges. The Resource Persons are Dr.Durga Prasad Challa, IIT, Tirupati, Dr.M.Rajesh Kannan, IIT, Kharagpur, Dr.D.Easwaramoorthy, VIT, Vellore, Dr.S.Kalyani, Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar. 55 external and 5 internal participants actively participated in the FDTP. Dr.K.Basari Kodi & Dr.T.Manimaran coordinated the program.
International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2022 (ICAAM-2022)
Department of Mathematics of Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam and Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College (Autonomous), Sivakasi organized the International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2022 (ICAAM-2022) during 26-28, April 2022. Received more than 200 research papers from various states and 166 papers were selected for presentation. The conference was conducted online and offline mode.
Group discussion on research proposal writing in Mathematics
The department of Mathematics was started in 2013 during the inception of the Institution. The department of Mathematics has highly qualified, dedicated and sincere faculty members. To improve the research quality of the department, Group discussion on research proposal writing in Mathematics was conducted on 06.07.2019 by the department of Mathematics.
Dr. V. Shanthi, Associate Professor, National Institute Technology, Trichy acted as a special guest. She shared interesting and informative ideas related to research proposal writing and applying for research projects. Also she insisted to publish the journals with great impact factor and the expectation of the funding agency focuses on last three years publication of every individual.
Department of Mathematics successfully conducted a Seven Days Anna University approved Faculty Development Training Programme (FDTP) on MA6151 Mathematics I from June 09-15, 2014.
This programme was coordinated by Dr. K. Basari Kodi, Professor, Department of Mathematics, Ramco Institute of Technology. Dr.R.V.Mahendra Gowda, the Principal of Ramco Institute of Technology delivered Inaugural address. Eminent Speakers from Premier Institutions and Host Institution delivered guest lecturers on various topics under MA6151. Faculty Members from various Engineering colleges participated.
Dr.G.Jothilakshmi, Ass.Professor, Department of Mathematics, Thiagarajar College OfEngineering delivering guest lecture on Multiple Integrals
Department of Mathematics successfully conducted a Seven Days Anna University approved Faculty Development Training Programme (FDTP) on MA6351 - Transforms and Partial Differential Equations (TPDE) from June 12-18, 2017.
This programme was coordinated by Dr. K. Basari Kodi, Professor, Department of Mathematics, Ramco Institute of Technology. Dr.R.V.Mahendra Gowda, the Principal of Ramco Institute of Technology delivered Inaugural address. Eminent Speakers from Premier Institutions and Host Institution delivered guest lecturers on various topics under MA6351. Faculty Members from various Engineering colleges participated