Awards and Achievements
Students Achievements (2023 - 2024)
SI.NO. | Date | Title | Organizing Institute | Student |
1. | 15.09.2023 | 3D-Modelling - National Technical symposium (TECH-ELITE 23) | SRM Madurai College for Engineering and Technology, Sivaganagai | (III Year) IIIrdPrizeS.YuvarajM Madasamy Hariharan |
2. | 27.9.2023 to 30.9.2023 | Anna University Sports Board Cricket Tournament | Anna University Regional Camp Site, Tirunelveli | IIIrd PrizeM.Aashik Anton (III Year) |
3. | 06.02.2024 | The Ramco Concrete contest | Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam | Runner-upDineshbabu.S (III Year)Gayathri.V (III Year) |
4. | 22.03.2024 to 23.03.2024 | Tech Pirates in NEC-TECH Fest 2024 National level Technical Symposium | National Engineering College, Kovilpatti | (II Year)1st PrizeK.Thamimum AnsariSonamuthiah.A |
5. | 22.03.2024 to 23.03.2024 | Mind Busterin NEC -TECH Fest 2024 National level Technical Symposium | National Engineering College, Kovilpatti | (III Year)1st PrizeAnantha Murugan.K Pandiyaraj.S |
6. | 22.03.2024 to 23.03.2024 | Puddle Crafterin NEC -TECH Fest 2024 National level Technical Symposium | National Engineering College, Kovilpatti | (III Year)1st PrizePandiaraj.S2nd PrizeSanjay Kumar.G |
7. | 27.03.2024 | 1500 mts - 11th Sports Day | Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam | Saravanakumar.G (II Year)Won 2nd Prize |
8. | 27.03.2024 | 5000 mts - 11th Sports Day | Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam | Saravanakumar.G (II Year)Won 1st Prize |
9. | 27.03.2024 | Cricket - 11th Sports Day | Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam | Saravanakumar.G (II Year)(Runner) |
10. | 27.03.2024 | Triple Jump - 11th Sports Day | Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam | Saravanakumar.G (II Year)Won 2nd Prize |
11. | 27.03.2024 | Long Jump - 11th Sports Day | Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam | Saravanakumar.G (II Year)Won 3rd Prize |
12. | 27.03.2024 | 4 x 400 Mts Relay - 11th Sports Day | Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam | Saravanakumar.G (II Year)Won 3rd PrizeVilva Janani.V (I Year)Won 3rd Prize |
13. | 27.03.2024 | 4 x 100 Mts Relay - 11th Sports Day | Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam | Vilva Janani.V (I Year)Won 3rd Prize |
14. | 27.03.2024 | 800 mts - 11th Sports Day | Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam | Srija.S (I Year)Won 3rd Prize |
15. | 27.03.2024 | Carrom - 11th Sports Day | Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam | Vilva Janani.V (I Year)(Runner) |
16. | 26.03.2024 to 27.03.2024 | Light Weight Concrete Contest | Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankovil | (III Year)Won 1rd PrizeM.Aathi LaxmiA.AmbikaG.Gowri |
17. | 26.03.2024 to 27.03.2024 | Environmental Challenges | Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankovil | Won 2rd PrizeS.Nivetha (III Year)Deena Dhayalan (IV Year)Arun Kumar (IV Year) |
18. | 08.04.2024 | Anchorit24 | Elite English Learners Club, RIT, Rajapalayam | Won 1rd PrizeBala Surya Kumari.S (I Year) |
Students Achievements (2022 - 2023)
SI.NO. | Date | Title | Organizing Institute | Student |
1. | 01.09.2022 | Online Quiz - T2P Ground water Contamination and Remediation | IITM PALS | A.Ambika (II Year)N.Akash KumarYuvarajE.Valathi VarunM.Aashik AntonV.GayathriV.AbishekV.PorkodiWon PALS Sparkling Star |
2. | 10.11.2022 & 11.10.2022 | Technical Paper Presentation on Green Concrete | Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam | K.Jeevanbabu (IV Year)V.Vineeth (IV Year)Won 2nd Prize |
3. | 16.10.2022 | Wall Magazine cum Poster making Competition | Election Commission of IndiaSystematic Voters Education & Electoral Participation (SVEEP) | M.Sivasakthiya(III Year)Won 3rd Prize |
4. | 20.12.2022 | Ramco Concrete Contest | Ramco Cements | Priyadharshini V S (III Year),Sureshanand J (III Year),Marimuthu P (IV Year),Sivaramakrishnan K (IV Year)Won 1st PrizeDevar Piran M (III Year),Perumalsamy A (III Year),Rakavi R(III Year),Jeevanbabu K (IV Year)Won 2nd Prize |
5. | 25.01.2023 | National Level Symposium AAKRITI -Quiz Event | Dr.M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute, Chennai | (III Year)M.Balakumaran,K,Shreehari,C.Vinoth KumarWon 2nd Prize |
6. | 03.02.2023 | Online Quiz PALS T2P Campus Development Of I.I.T Hyderabad, A Greenfield Project | IITM PALS | Dineshbabu.S(II Year)Won Sparkling Star |
7. | 02.03.2023 | CONCRETA23 - National level Inter College meet SurveQue Event | M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur | Anantha Murugan K (II Year)Won 1st Prize |
8. | 02.03.2023 | National Level Symposium INFRAZEST23 -Sequencing (Non-Technical Event) | Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technonolgy, Virudhunagar | (II Year)Yuvaraj S 1st PrizeMadasamy Hariharan M1st Prize |
1. | 07.03.2023 | National Level Symposium INFOTRAZ2K23 Technical Quiz | V.S.B Engineering College, Karur | Janarthanan M (II Year)Won 3rd Prize |
2. | 07.03.2023 | National Level Symposium INFOTRAZ2K23 Non-Technical Events | V.S.B Engineering College, Karur | (II Year)Janarthanan M,Sathish A,Praveen BWon 1st Prize |
3. | 15.03.2023 | National level online Poster Competition Recent Advances in Civil Engineering | SSN College of Engineering, Chennai | (IV Year)Muthusundareeswar S V,Partha Sarathi M,Vineeth VWon 3rd Prize & Cash Prize 1000 |
4. | 26.04.2023 | Break the Code Event Civilage23 Symposium | The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram | (II Year)T.Surya,E. Valathi Varun,M Aashik AntonWon 2nd PrizeD.C. EsakkiHariGaneshWon 3rd Prize |
5. | 26.04.2023 | Technical Quiz Event Civilage23 Symposium | The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram | (II Year)E. Valathi Varun,M Aashik AntonWon 1st Prize |
6. | 29.05.2023 | Best Library User for the year 2022 | Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam | Abishek M, (II Year)Best Library User |
Students Achievements (2021 - 2022)
SI.NO. | Date | Title | Organizing Institute | Student |
1. | 30.04.2022 | Football- Annual Sports Day | Ramco Institute of Technology | K.Jeevan Babu (III Civil) Runner Up |
2. | 30.04.2022 | 400m Annual Sports Day | Ramco Institute of Technology | K.Jeevan Babu (III Civil)III place |
3. | 30.04.2022 | 800 m Annual Sports Day | Ramco Institute of Technology | K.Jeevan Babu (III Civil)II place |
4. | 30.04.2022 | 2x400 m Annual Sports Day | Ramco Institute of Technology | K.Jeevan Babu (III Civil)II place |
5. | 30.04.2022 | 2x400 m Annual Sports Day | Ramco Institute of Technology | M.Janarathanan (I Civil)III place |
6. | 30.04.2022 | Ball Badminton Annual Sports Day | Ramco Institute of Technology | M.Janarathanan (I Civil)Winner |
7. | 30.04.2022 | 4 x 400 mts (Relay) Men | Ramco Institute of Technology | M.Abishek (I Civil) III place |
8. | 30.04.2022 | 400 m | Ramco Institute of Technology | M.Abishek (I Civil) II place |
Students Awards and Achievements (2019 2020)
- S.Saravanan of III year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on Terramind in National Level Technical Symposium CESAR 2K219 and won the Second Prize on 19.09.2019 at Alagappa Chettiar Government College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi.
- G.Mohanrajan of II year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on Puzzle Prime in National Level Technical Symposium CIVIZTA T20 and won the Second Prize on 27.02.2020 at P.S.R. Engineering College, Sivakasi.
- R.A.J.Ananthasivaraman and M.Parthiban of III year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on Mirror Corrector in National Level Technical Symposium CIVIZTA T20 and won the Third Prize on 27.02.2020 at P.S.R. Engineering College, Sivakasi.
- M.Venkatesh of III year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on Brain Trazer in National Level Technical Symposium CIVIZTA T20 and won the First Prize on 27.02.2020 at P.S.R. Engineering College, Sivakasi.
- V.Selva Abinaya and M.Ragavi of III year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on Stadia in National Level Technical Extravaganza SMEATON20 and won the First Prize on 09.03.2020 at Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli.
- R.Abinaya of IV year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on Technical Quiz in National Level Technical Extravaganza SMEATON20 and won the First Prize on 09.03.2020 at Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli.
- R.Abinaya of IV year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on Krayon in National Level Technical Extravaganza SMEATON20 and won the First Prize on 09.03.2020 at Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli.
Students Awards and Achievements (2018 2019)
S.Saravanan of III year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on Terramind in National Level Technical Symposium CESAR 2K219 and won the Second Prize on 19.09.2019 at Alagappa Chettiar Government College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi.
The following students won prizes in the National Level Technical Symposium CIVIZTA T20 conducted by PSR Engineering College, Sivakasi on 27 Feb.,2020.
- MohanRajan, II Civil II prize in PUZZLE PRIME.
- Venkatesh, III Civil I prize in BRAIN TRAZER.
- A.J.Ananthasivaraman & M.Prathiban, III Civil III prize in MIRROR
The following students won prizes in the National Level Technical Symposium SMEATON conducted by Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli on 10 March, 2020.
- V, Ragavi.M, III Civil won I prize in STADIA.
- R, IV Civil won I prize in KRAYON
- R, IV Civil won I prize in TECHNICAL QUIZ
S.Gokul of III year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on Maruvaarthai in Legacy18 and won the First Prize on 01.09.2018 at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi.
R.Abinaya & S.Gokul of III year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on Fancy Shades-Sketching in National Techno-Cultural Management Event Festival Yuva Youth Fest 2K18 and won the Second Prize during 27.12.2018 & 28.12.2018 at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai.
S.Gokul, Mohamed Mishal Ahmed, B.Dhivahar & K.Sai Kumaran of III year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on Treasure Hunt in National Techno-Cultural Management Event Festival Yuva Youth Fest 2K18 and won the First Prize during 27.12.2018 & 28.12.2018 at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai.
B.Dhivahar & K.Sai Kumaran of III year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on Group Dance in National Techno-Cultural Management Event Festival Yuva Youth Fest 2K18 and won the First Prize during 27.12.2018 & 28.12.2018 at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai.
K.Sayasree of III year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on English Essay Writing Competition in National Voters Day and won the First Prize on 10.01.2019 at Rajapalayam Rajus' College.
M.Siva Priya of III year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on English Essay Writing Competition in National Voters Day and won the Third Prize on 10.01.2019 at Rajapalayam Rajus' College.
N.Muthu Prakash & R.Muthu Vijaya Kumar of IV year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on MAT (Excelsia) in a National Level Techno Management Symposium GYAN MITRA19 and won the Second Prize during 08.02.2019 & 09.02.2019 at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi.
R.Abinaya & P.Abinaya Parasakthi of III year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on Haze Vista (Code Cracking) in a National Level Techno Management Symposium GYAN MITRA19 and won the First Prize during 08.02.2019 & 09.02.2019 at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi.
Mohamed Mishal Ahmed, A.Mohamed Vasim & S.Srijith of III year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on Civil Mania (Quiz) in a National Level Techno Management Symposium GYAN MITRA19 and won the First Prize during 08.02.2019 & 09.02.2019 at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi.
B.Dhivahar & S.Srijith of III year B.E Civil Engineering won the First Prize and N.Muthu Prakash & R.Muthu Vijaya Kumar of IV year B.E Civil Engineering won the Second Prize the event on Tech Hunt (Treasure Hunt) in a National Level Techno Management Symposium GYAN MITRA19 during 08.02.2019 & 09.02.2019 at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi.
S.Hari Prasath & S.Nagaraj of II year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on Brick Battle in a National Level Techno Management Symposium GYAN MITRA19 and won the Second Prize during 08.02.2019 & 09.02.2019 at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi.
II, III and IV Year Students bagged a Trophy CIVIL WINNER in GYAN MITRA19 A National Level Techno Management organized by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi.
II, III and IV Year Students bagged a Trophy Overall Runner in GYAN MITRA19 A National Level Techno Management organized by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi.
S.Gokul & V.Suranthiran of III year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on Quiz in the Builders Association of India Students Chapter and won the Second Prize on 13.02.2019 at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai.
G.Mohan Rajan of I year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on Treasure Hunt in the Intercollegiate Meet KAVIGAI19 and won the Second Prize on 15.02.2019 at Lady Doak College, Madurai.
G.Mohan Rajan of I year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on Flameless Cooking in the Intercollegiate Meet KAVIGAI19 and won the Second Prize on 15.02.2019 at Lady Doak College, Madurai.
R.S.Aravindhan, B.Dhivahar, A.Mohamed Vasim & S.Srijith of III year B.E Civil Engineering Exhibited the project on Self-Curing Concrete using Catalotrophics Giganta in National Science Day and won the First Prize on 28.02.2019 at Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam.
N.Muthu Prakash, G.Dinesh, A.Ram Prasad, P.Sachithananthan & S.Aravindhan of IV year B.E Civil Engineering Exhibited the project on Effect of Magnetic Water in strength of Concrete in National Science Day and won the Second Prize on 28.02.2019 at Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam.
P.Ananthavel, P.Kannan, & M.Venkatesh of IV year B.E Civil Engineering Exhibited the project on Development of Card Board Composite Using Wood Powder From Prosopis Juliflora and Waste Plastics in National Science Day and won the Third Prize on 28.02.2019 at Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam.
M.Ragavi & V.Selva Abinaya of II year B.E Civil Engineering won the First Prize and M.Fathima Haseena & S.Shamli Priya of II year B.E Civil Engineering won the Second Prize the event on Cube Contest in National Science Day on 28.02.2019 at Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam.
N.Naveen Kumar & N.Venkatesh of II year B.E Civil Engineering won the First Prize and A.Anisha, P.Brinda, K.Sri Asmitha, R.Jeyasudha & M.Mubena of II year B.E Civil Engineering won the Second Prize the event on Modeling in National Science Day on 28.02.2019 at Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam.
R.Hema Karthika of III year B.E Civil Engineering won the First Prize and V.Muthukuamr & S.Nagaraj of II year B.E Civil Engineering won the Second Prize the event on Technical Seminar in National Science Day on 28.02.2019 at Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam.
B.Dhivahar of III year B.E Civil Engineering & S.Selvaashvanth of III year B.E Civil Engineering won the First Prize and S.Gokul & A.Thamarai Selvam of III year B.E Civil Engineering won the Second Prize the event on Poster Presentation in National Science Day on 28.02.2019 at Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam.
V.Naveen Kumar of IV year B.E Civil Engineering Participated the event on Theodo in TACHEO19 a National Level Technical Extravaganza and won the Second Prize on 05.03.2019 at Government College of Engineering, Thirunelveli.
Mohamed Mishal Ahmed of III year B.E Civil Engineering won the First Prize and A.Mohamed Vasim of III year B.E Civil Engineering won the Second Prize the event on Environ in TACHEO19 a National Level Technical Extravaganza on 05.03.2019 at Government College of Engineering, Thirunelveli.
Mohamed Mishal Ahmed & A.Mohamed Vasim of III year B.E Civil engineering participated the event on De-Tour in TACHEO19 a National Level Technical Extravaganza and won the Third Prize on 05.03.2019 at Government College of Engineering, Thirunelveli.
Academic year 2017-2018
- P.Navabharathi (2013-2017) secured 41st Rank in B.E. Civil Engineering among 16817 candidates.
- T.Raghul of (III Year Civil) won First Prize in event Ideal White Collars in a National Level Technical Symposium KARKKAI ASTHRA 2K18 organized by University College of Engineering, Dindigul on 22.03.2018.
- R.Raj Kumar & T.Raghul of (III Year Civil) won Second Prize in event Code Cracking in a National Level Technical Symposium KARKKAI ASTHRA 2K18 organized by University College of Engineering, Dindigul on 22.03.2018.
- T.Raghul & N.Gokul Nath of (III Year Civil) and P.Anantha Vel & B.Surya of (III Year Civil) won Second Prize in event Emblem Cracker in a National Level Technical Symposium on KARKKAI ASTHRA 2K18 organized by University College of Engineering, Dindigul on 22.03.2018.
- N.Muthu Prakash & R.MuthuVijaya Kumar of (III Year Civil) won Second Prize in event Code Cracking in a State Level Technical Symposium Skylando 2K18 organized by Government College of Engineering, Bodinayakkanur on 21.03.2018.
- N.Muthu Prakash & R.MuthuVijaya Kumar of (III Year Civil) and S.Marutharaj & V.Naveen Kumar of (III Year Civil) won Second Prize in event Connection in a State Level Technical Symposium Skylando 2K18 organized by Government College of Engineering, Bodinayakkanur on 21.03.2018.
- P.Jeeva of (III Year Civil) and S.Marutharaj of (III Year Civil) won Second Prize in event Technical Quiz in a State Level Technical Symposium Skylando 2K18 organized by Government College of Engineering, Bodinayakkanur on 21.03.2018.
- A.C.Logha Sundar & A.Ram Prasad of (III Year Civil) won Second Prize in a State Level Technical Symposium Skylando 2K18on Prosopis Juliflora Admixture organized by Government College of Engineering, Bodinayakkanur on 21.03.2018.
- S.Marutharaj & V.Naveen Kumar of (III Year Civil) won Third Prize in a State Level Technical Symposium Skylando 2K18on Green Concrete organized by Government College of Engineering, Bodinayakkanur on 21.03.2018.
- S.Loga Ganesh, R.Muthu Selvi and S.Maha Lakshmi of (IV Year Civil) presented Paper and won Second Prize in a National level Technical Symposium CIVILISATION18 organized by College of Engineering, Guindy (CEG Campus), Anna University during 08.03.2018 to 10.03.2018
- N.Muthu Prakash, M.N.Shiva Surya Vignesh and R.Muthu Vijay Kumar of (III Year Civil) won First Prize in event Aquanomics-CEAFEST18 organized by IIT, Madras during 02.03.2018 to 04.03.2018.
- T.Arun Priyan, S.Ganesh, S.Gnanaraj & S.Gopal Raj of (IV Year Civil) Exhibited project on Reduction of fluoride content in ground water using papaya leaf charcoal and won First Prize at Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam on National Science Day (28.02.2018).
- M.Gokul Nath, A.C.Logha Sundar,A.Ram Prasad, R.Rohit Kumar, M.N.Shiva Surya Vignesh & R.Deva Murugan of (III Year Civil) Exhibited project on Spatial Information of RIT Campus and won Second Prize at Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam on National Science Day (28.02.2018).
- A.Archana, A.Brindha, J.Pavithra and V.Thanu Priya of (IV Year Civil) Exhibited project on A system to analyse and suggest healing methods for cracks in RCC structures with the help of image processing algorithms and won Third Prize at Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam on National Science Day (28.02.2018).
- K.Sathiyaruban of (III Year Civil) and S.Sujith of (III Year Civil) won Second Prize in Technical Quiz at Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam on National Science Day (28.02.2018).
- S.Loga Ganesh of (IV Year Civil) won First Prize and M.Parthiban and S.Saravanan of (I Year Civil) won Second Prize in event Paper Presentation at Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam on National Science Day (28.02.2018).
- M.Venkatesh of (III Year Civil) and G.Chandru of (III Year Civil) won Second Prize in event CAD Modeling at Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam on National Science Day (28.02.2018).
- A.Archana of (IV Year Civil) won First Prize and R.S.Arun Prasanna of (IV Year Civil) won Second Prize in event Structural Designat Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam on National Science Day (28.02.2018).
- S.Nagaraj and N.Naveen Kumar of (I Year Civil) won First Prize in event Poster Making at Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam on National Science Day (28.02.2018).
- P.Kannan & K.Sathiyaruban of (III Year Civil) won Third Prize in event Brick Fiesta in Technical Symposium TECHTHSAV18 organized by Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai on 24.02.2018
- A.C.Logha Sundar & A.Ram Prasad of (III Year Civil) presented the paper on Prosopis Juliflora An Admixture and won First Prize in a National Level Techno Management Symposium GYAN MITRA18 organized by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi on 16.02.2018.
- A.C.Logha Sundar & A.Ram Prasad of (III Year Civil) won Second Prize in event MAT (Excelsia) in a National Level Techno Management Symposium GYAN MITRA18 organized by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi on 16.02.2018
- N.Muthu Prakash & R.Muthu Vijaya Kumar of (III Year Civil) won Second Prize in event Chamber of Secrets (Estorica) in a National Level Techno Management Symposium GYAN MITRA18 organized by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi on 16.02.2018.
- S.Marutharaj, V.Naveen Kumar, C.Sukesa Moorthi & C.Mohan Raja of (III Year Civil) displayed a Project on Permeable Concrete and won Dr.Kalam Young Achiever Award at MIT, Chennai organized by World Youth Federation on 15.10.2017
- N.Muthu Prakash & R.Rohith Kumar of (III Year Civil) won Second Prize in National Level Technical Symposium RENAISSANCE17on U Boot Betan organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 05.10.2017
- M.N.Shiva Surya Vignesh & R.Ajith Kumar of (III Year Civil) presented the Paper in National Level Technical Symposium RENAISSANCE17on Auto Healing Concrete and won Third Prize organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 05.10.2017.
- S.Jeya Kumar of (III Year Civil) won Second Prize in event Surveying in National Level Technical Symposium RENAISSANCE17 organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 05.10.2017.
- S.Karthick Raja of (III Year Civil) won First Prize in event Sketch Up in National Level Technical Symposium RENAISSANCE17 organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 05.10.2017.
- M.Vanamoorthilingam of (III Year Civil) won Second Prize in event Sketch Up in National Level Technical Symposium RENAISSANCE17 organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 05.10.2017.
- S.Karthick Raja of (III Year Civil) won First Prize in event Tech Hunt in National Level Technical Symposium RENAISSANCE17 organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 05.10.2017.
- N.Muthu Prakash & R.Rohith Kumar of (III Year Civil) won Second Prize in event Tech Hunt in National Level Technical Symposium RENAISSANCE17 organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 05.10.2017.
- R.Muthu Vijaya Kumar & R.Ajith Kumar of (III Year Civil) won First Prize in event Quiz in National Level Technical Symposium RENAISSANCE17 organized by Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 05.10.2017.
- M.Thireka of (III Year Civil) won Second Prize in event Drawing Competition as a part of Wildlife Week Celebration 2017 at Sri Vidya Educational College, Virudhunagar on 27.09.2017.
- M.Latha & R.Harini of (IV Year Civil) won First Prize in Paper presentation on Geopolymer Concrete organized by Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar on 13.09.2017.
- S.Dhanalakshmi, M.Ponpriya, M.Vaishnavi & R.Jaya Priya Bharathy of (IV Year Civil) displayed a Project on Intelligent Water Estimation for Agricultural Crops and won Second Prize Rs. 50,000 from Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam Innovative Ecosystems under the category of Agriculture at Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai on 08.04.2017.
Project Title: Intelligent Water Estimation for Agricultural Crops

- S.Dhanalakshmi, M.Sowpackialakshmi & V.Abinaya Sundhari of (IV Year Civil) won First Prize in event Bridge Battle in National Level Inter college Technical Symposium CIVILISATION 17, at College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai during 16.03.2017 to 18.03.2017.
- S.Dhanalakshmi, M.Sowpackialakshmi & V.Abinaya Sundhari of (IV Year Civil) won First Prize in event Crack the Cause in National Level Inter college Technical Symposium CIVILISATION 17, at College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai during 16.03.2017 to 18.03.2017.
- S.Dhanalakshmi, M.Sowpackialakshmi & V.Abinaya Sundhari of (IV Year Civil) won Third Prize in event Detour in National Level Inter college Technical Symposium CIVILISATION 17, at College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai during 16.03.2017 to 18.03.2017.
- M.Vaishnavi & R.Jaya Priya Bharathy of (IV Year Civil) won First Prize in National Level Inter college Technical Symposium CESAR 2K17, organized by Alagappa Chettiyar College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi on 24.02.2017.
- P.Navabharathi & S.Pavithra of (IV Year Civil) won First Prize in event Code Cracking in Gyan Mitra17 National Level Techno-Management Symposium, at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi during 17.02.2017 to 18.02.2017
- S.Pavithra of (IV Year Civil) won First Prize in event Paper Presentation in Gyan Mitra17 National Level Techno-Management Symposium, at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi during 17.02.2017 to 18.02.2017.
- III and IV Year Students bagged a Trophy CIVIL WINNER for the overall championship in GYAN MITRA17 National Level Techno-Management Symposium, at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi during17.02.2017 to 18.02.2017.
- S.Pavithra of (IV Year Civil) won Third Prize in event Elocution conducted by Builders Association of India, at Thiyagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai on 27.01.2017.
- P.Anantha Vel, P.Kannan, S.Marutha Raj, R.Muthu Vijaya Kumar, V.Naveen Kumar, M.Ponkumaran, R.S.Raja, R.Raj Kumar, K.Sathiya Ruban, T.Selvakumar, C.Sukesha Moorthy & N.Sundara Pandian of (I Year Civil) displayed a Project in Project Exhibition and won First Prize at Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam on National Science day 27.02.2016.
- M.Kalyani, S.Pavithra & M.Perartuselvi of (III Year Civil) displayed a Project in Project Exhibition on Grey water treatment using Low cost Adsorbent and won Second Prize at Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam on National Science day 27.02.2016.
- J.Vignesh, S.Santhosh & V.Rengaraj of (III Year Civil) displayed a Project and won Third Prize for the topic Inclined Building at Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam National Science day 27.02.2016 .
- K.Alagu Durga ,A.S.Raja Sree &N.Sanathana@Sahithya of (III Year Civil) presented a Poster and won First Prize organized by Bharathidasan Institute of Technology, Trichy on 26.02.2016.
GATE 2017 & 2018
- G. Nirmal Ganesh of (IV Year Civil) has scored 28.14 marks in GATE 2017.
- J.Pavithra of (IV Year Civil) has scored 30.98 marks in GATE 2018.